


更新时间:2024-06-10 11:51:33

  • 1、Boldness — awillingness to extend yourself to the extreme, is not one that can be acquired overnight.(勇敢就是愿意努力到极致,这不是一夜而就的。)
  • 2、It's not cash that's needed, so much as ingenuity andwillingness.(因为与钱相比,我们更需要的,是人们的巧思和意愿。)
  • 3、Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase children'swillingness to explore the world—an effect that has been observed across the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders.(母亲和婴儿之间强烈的情感纽带增强了孩子探索世界的意愿——这一效应在动物王国、人类、猴子甚至蜘蛛身上都有被观察到。)
  • 4、In the Aamazon, for example, access to entire regions would depend on thewillingness of local crew members and other assistants to enter areas inhabited by relatively powerful Amerindian groups.(例如,在亚马逊河流域,能否进入整个地区,将取决于当地船员和其他助手是否愿意进入实力相对强大的美洲印第安人群体居住的地区。)
  • 5、"Wallet threat" is the reluctant act of pulling one's wallet out as a sign ofwillingness to pay for a meal that was assumed to be a treat.(“钱包威胁”是指这样一种行为:人们不情愿地把自己的钱包掏出来,表示愿意为一顿原以为是他人请客的饭局买单。)
  • 6、It's reported that both sides have signalled theirwillingness to start a new round of talk.(据报道,双方都表示愿意开始新一轮会谈。)
  • 7、During our meeting, he indicated hiswillingness to cooperate.(在我们会晤期间,他提及了合作的意愿。)
  • 8、Their bundle of characteristics echoes the ceaseless curiosity andwillingness to take risks noted by other experts.(他们身上的一系列特征,与其他专家所指出的无止息的好奇心和冒险意愿相呼应。)
  • 9、Successful iconoclasts have an extraordinarywillingness to be exposed to what is fresh and different.(成功的反传统者特别愿意去接触新鲜和不一样的事物。)
  • 10、We can help you to develop certain attitudes of mind like awillingness to accept uncertainty and the lack of definite truth.(我们可以帮你培养某种心态,比如愿意接受不确定性和缺失明确真相。)
  • 11、Their body language shows awillingness to fight on.(他们的肢体语言显示出他们求战心切。)
  • 12、His lack of experience was balanced by awillingness to learn.(他的好学弥补了他经验的不足。)
  • 13、As recent graduates can testify, the job market isn't kind to candidates who can't demonstrate genuine competence, along with a well-cultivatedwillingness to work hard.(最近的毕业生可以证明,对于不能表现出真正能力以及良好的努力工作意愿的求职者,求职市场并不友好。)
  • 14、Hiswillingness to face hardships came at a cost, however.(然而,他愿意面对困难是有代价的。)
  • 15、Thiswillingness to take risks helps them speak more fluidly.(这种敢于冒险的意愿帮助他们说得更流利。) (好工具
  • 16、It has a powerful effect onwillingness to tolerate pain.(它对意愿有着强大的影响力去承受疼痛。)
  • 17、I cannot see a realwillingness to solve the problem.(我没有看到要解决问题的真实意愿。)
  • 18、Herwillingness to be subservient to her children isolated her.(她对她的孩子们顺从的意愿使她陷于孤立。)
  • 19、It requires awillingness to ask new questions and try new approaches.(它要求你愿意提出新问题,尝试新方法。)
  • 20、Cheryl'swillingness to help the poor reflects her kindness.(雪柔乐意帮助穷人,此举表现出她的仁慈。)
  • 21、He indicated hiswillingness to cooperate.(他暗示愿意合作。)
  • 22、Success only comes from hard work,willingness, and a little luck.(成功只能从勤奋的工作、意愿和一点点运气中获得。)
  • 23、It appears that thiswillingness to give and share without calculating the cost becomes most evident around the holiday season when a spirit of goodwill stretches deep into the hearts of all people.(似乎这种不计成本的付出与分享在节假日更为明显,那时所有人心中都充满了善意。)
  • 24、Killy learned an important secret shared by many creative people: innovations don't require genius, just awillingness to question the way things have always been done.(基利学到了很多有创造力的人都知道的一个重要秘密:创新并不需要天才,只要有质疑做事方式的意愿就行了。)
  • 25、Her patience with our failings and fickleness and herwillingness to give us a second chance are a daily lesson in gratitude.(她对我们的失败和反复无常的耐心,以及她给我们第二次机会的意愿,让我们每天都学会感恩。)
  • 26、Generosity literally meanswillingness in giving away one's own money,time,talent,etc.(慷慨的字面意思是自愿放弃金钱,时间,才智等。)


英 ['wɪlɪŋnəs] 美 [ˈwɪlɪŋnɪs] 

