


更新时间:2024-06-10 11:51:07

  • 1、By alternating jogging and running, the former national champion sumowrestler also finished at a personal best time.(通过采用交替的走和慢跑,这位前国家相扑冠军也达到了自己的个人最好成绩。)
  • 2、The lady to your right is blonde and a professionalwrestler.(坐在您的右边的是一个金发的职业摔跤手。)
  • 3、He's the championwrestler an' he can jump higher than any other chap an' throw th' hammer farther.(他是摔跤冠军,他可以跳得比任何其他小伙子都高,把链球扔得更远。)
  • 4、"Onewrestler texted another last March."(一个摔跤选手在去年3月给另一个摔跤选手发去短信。)
  • 5、Josh Barnett, prowrestler and martial arts champ: Shelby Mustang, Dodge Challenger, Mercury Cyclone, etc.(——乔什·巴奈特(JoshBarnett),职业摔角手与功夫冠军:谢尔比野马、道奇挑战者、水星飓风等。)
  • 6、WWE history, one of the most famous professionalwrestler.(WWE历史上最著名的职业摔跤手之一。)
  • 7、When we turn to the parable of the king'swrestler and his lost jewel, we encounter some very interesting facts.(当我们谈到国王的摔跤手和他失去的宝石时,我们遇到了一些非常有趣的事实。)
  • 8、"You have to get into the mud," said Narendar Dalal, who at 27 is the oldestwrestler at this camp.(“(作为摔跤手),你就得往污泥里跳。”27岁的NarendarDalal说道,他是训练营中最老的队员。)
  • 9、This means that awrestler can end up competing against someone double his size in some cases.(这就意味着在某些情况下,一名相扑手最后可能要同一个两倍于自己个头的人比赛。)
  • 10、Yesterday I read a book called "No Excuses" about a guy who became an accomplishedwrestler despite severe birth defects.(昨天我看了一本书“没有借口”:关于一个有着严重出生缺陷的人如何变为一名成功的摔跤手的故事。)
  • 11、Are you awrestler or a boxer?(你是摔跤运动员吧,要不就是拳击手?)
  • 12、Thewrestler put his opponent into a head hold.(那位摔跤手给对手来了个头部擒拿。)
  • 13、You have to be crazy to be awrestler.(你真是疯了,竟然要做一名摔跤手。)
  • 14、Commitment is men and women awrestler, sometimes happy, most of the case is both.(承诺本来就是男人与女人的一场角力,有时皆大欢喜,大部份的情况却两败俱伤。)
  • 15、His mother wanted him to go into the church, but he went his own way and became a professionalwrestler.(他的母亲要他做牧师,但他一意孤行,成了一名职业的摔跤运动员。)
  • 16、Pols recommends "Thewrestler," blood and all, as a date movie.(Pols推荐血腥的《摔跤手》作为约会电影。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 17、What do you feed a sumowrestler?(相扑选手吃什么?)
  • 18、Thewrestler threw his opponent.(那个摔跤手把对手摔倒了。)
  • 19、Thewrestler 's testimony manifests that he has large estates.(角力者的证言表明他有大量房地产。)
  • 20、Thewrestler tackled his opponent.(摔跤运动员扭住了对手。)
  • 21、Better than Body Heat and 9 1/2 Weeks, Thewrestler was almost Rourke’s life story in a nutshell.(比《体热》和《爱你九周半》更佳,《摔角王》基本就是洛克本人人生的写照。)
  • 22、As the match began, I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect awrestler"s ears.(比赛开始时,我吃惊地发现对方选手在摔跤时没有戴头盔,那是一种轻型的头盔,用来保护摔跤选手的耳朵。)
  • 23、Probably not enough for onewrestler.(可能一个选手吃还不够。)
  • 24、Chris Holmes, 19, a semi-professionalwrestler who is a former student, said: "I'm shocked."(19岁的克里斯·霍姆斯(一个半职业选手,以前也是这个涉案教师的学生)说:“我很震惊。”)
  • 25、We had to get up before dawn and, clad in loin-cloths, begin with a bout or two with a blindwrestler.(天刚破晓,我们便要起来,穿上腰布,跟一位盲人拳师学一两套拳。)


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