
vote for

vote for造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:12:07

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的vote for的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了21条vote for的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了vote for的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Be sure tovote for your favorite!(记得向你最喜欢的投上一票!)
  • 2、But Ivote for infinite abundance, on demand.(但我投票赞成无限丰富的按需租赁。)
  • 3、She wore a badge saying 'vote for Coates'.(她戴着一枚徽章,上面写着“投科茨一票”。)
  • 4、Voters in Massachusetts willvote for a senator to take the seat made vacant by the death of Edward Kennedy.(马萨诸塞州选民将投票决定出因爱德华·肯尼迪的去世而空缺的一个参议员席位的人选。)
  • 5、Did youvote for or against her?(你投了她的赞成票还是反对票?)
  • 6、In traditional voting, one major source of inaccuracy is that people accidentallyvote for the wrong candidate.(在传统的投票中,一个主要的不准确性的来源是人们不小心把票投给了错误的候选人。)
  • 7、I'm still undecided (about) who tovote for.(我还拿不定主意投谁的票。)
  • 8、Myvote for the most important cities in the world in the period leading up to 2000 B.C. would be Ur, Iraq.(我认为在公元前2000年之前的世界上最重要的城市是伊拉克的乌尔。)
  • 9、I decided to let the donorsvote for their favorite.(我决定让捐款者为他们最喜欢的人投票。)
  • 10、Yet she willvote for Mr Putin-who else?(然而,她仍将给普京投票——还能投给谁?)
  • 11、Few members planned tovote for him.(很少有成员计划投他的票。)
  • 12、Heck, if you don't like it, don'tvote for him.(真是的!如果你不喜欢,就不要投他的票。)
  • 13、I was going tovote for him, but I changed my mind and voted for Reagan.(我本打算投他的票,但后来改变了主意投了里根的票。)
  • 14、Please take the time tovote for him.(请抓紧时间给他投票。)
  • 15、I need to get all my friends tovote for me then!(我需要让所有的朋友为我投票!)
  • 16、Would youvote for him?(你会投他一票吗?)
  • 17、It was a home run until I met a man who angrily said he wouldn'tvote for me under any circumstances.(这是个本垒打,直到我碰到一个人,他愤怒地说他在任何情况下都不会投我的票。)
  • 18、To attract more users, the mobile app allows users tovote for the book they hope to listen to most.(为了吸引更多的用户,这款手机应用允许用户为他们最想听的书投票。)
  • 19、I'm pretty sure I didn'tvote for that!(我非常肯定自己没有为那投票。)
  • 20、If you tell those folks the truth, they won'tvote for you. But if you sucker them, they'llvote for you twice over.(如果你告诉这些人实情,他们不会把票投给你。但是如果你骗骗他们,他们会投你两次票。)
  • 21、Who did youvote for in the last election?(上次选举中你把票投给了谁?)
vote for基本释义

vote for

英 [vəut fɔ:] 美 [vot fɔr] 

投票赞成; 建议
