
zoom in on

zoom in on造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:29:21

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的zoom in on的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条zoom in on的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了zoom in on的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、You canzoom in on the interactive maps to show detailed information, providing great user interactivity with the Web site.(您可以放大这些交互式地图来显示详细信息,这无疑为用户带来了与Web站点更好的交互性。)
  • 2、Since BPMN and BPEL are becoming the most mentioned BPM technologies, let'szoom in on the mapping between them.(既然BPMN和BPEL正在成为最受关注的BPM技术,让我们进一步看看两者的映射。)
  • 3、zoom in on your general area and use your mouse to identify the precise location you want to monitor.(放大您所在的大体地区并使用鼠标来标识需要监测的精确位置。)
  • 4、Slow-motion and freeze-frame footage allows you tozoom in on key moves and really SEE how to do them.(慢动作和逐帧播放可以让你放大关键动作,真正的看清动作。)
  • 5、Another very popular accessory is a telephoto lens that allows you tozoom in on your subject.(另一个非常受欢迎的配件是一个远摄镜头,使您可以放大您的问题。)
  • 6、This evening, wezoom in on Vega and its small but distinctive constellation, Lyra the Harp.(今晚,我们来放大观察织女星和她的小而独特的星座,天琴座的竖琴。)
  • 7、There's not a lot of looking around, trying to find where the zip code field is or how tozoom in on a map.(用户无需做很多查找,比如查找zip代码字段在哪以及又该如何在地图上做缩放。)
  • 8、Like human eyes, these can fix on and follow various points very quickly in succession - but alsozoom in on details.(类似于人眼,它们可以快速连续地关注并跟随不同的点,甚至急速移动的小细节。)
  • 9、Let'szoom in on the control flow of the process above.(让我们近距离看一下上述过程的控制流程。)
  • 10、Scientists can also ask the computer tozoom in on certain small areas of the picture.(科学家还能要计算机很快移向图片上某些小区域内。。)
  • 11、I'm going tozoom in on that and see what happens.(我要放大这一点,看看会发生什么。)
  • 12、Wezoom in on the behaviour of molecules and atoms, and pull back to survey the expansion of the universe.(我们关于分子和原子的行为把镜头拉近,并且拉回调查宇宙的扩大。)
  • 13、You can rotate the chart andzoom in on areas of interest.(您可以旋转和缩放图表,在对感兴趣的领域。)
  • 14、Tozoom in on a particular area, slide both handles toward the center of a graph.(若要放大某个特定区域,请将两个控点向关系图的中心滑动。)
  • 15、I really hope that we canzoom in on our characters.(我希望能放大观察我的角色。)
  • 16、zoom in on the bottom end of the lofted surface and skin together the curves in the order shown below.(在已放样面的底部放大视角,曲线顺序如下图所示。)
  • 17、The maps are speckled, butzoom in on major areas, and they look more like maps of where people want to live.(这张图有些斑点,但把主要区域放大,看起来会更像人们希望居住地方的地图了。) 【好工具】
  • 18、It is also easier than on a phone, say, to swipe to the next image orzoom in on a hemline.(iPad比手机更加容易翻页,或缩小图片。)
  • 19、Even double-tapping tozoom in on a section of a Web page has an odd slow motion feel.(甚至双击放大一部分网页都有一点延迟的感觉。)
  • 20、Film the whole building first, thenzoom in on the door.(首先拍整个大楼,然后把镜头推向大门。)
  • 21、You can also drag the second (or right-click) mouse button to select a rectangular area tozoom in on.(还可以拖动第二个(或右击)鼠标按钮来选择要放大的矩形区域。)
  • 22、Tozoom in on a specific area, use the right mouse button to draw a rectangle around the area.(若要放大特定区域,请使用滑鼠右键在该区域周围绘制一个矩形。)
  • 23、zoom in on areas of interest. Save and restore trace data.(可以缩放感兴趣的区域,保存及重建回溯数据。)
  • 24、While you were using Google Earth tozoom in on your house, these archaeologists used it to find places to dig.(当你还在用谷歌地图放大观察你家周围的建筑物时,考古学家们却用它来发现需要挖掘的地方。)
  • 25、This instructs the browser tozoom in on the content, so it looks good on a device.(它指示浏览器放大内容,使内容在设备上良好显示。)
  • 26、Can youzoom in on an idea that you find compelling?(你能够聚焦于你觉得让人有兴致的一个小的想法吗?)
  • 27、If your subject is smaller than a car, take a step or two closer before taking the picture andzoom in on your subject.(如果拍摄对象比汽车小,则在拍摄照片前向前移一两步,然后拉近拍摄对象。)
zoom in on基本释义