


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:36:52

  • 1、Growing up inStaten Island, New York, there wasn't much night sky to see amidst the bright, orangey glow of streetlights.(我在纽约的史泰登岛长大,在那明亮的桔黄色的街灯灯光里,几乎看不清什么夜空。)
  • 2、The grapes chosen for theStaten Island climate and soil include cabernet sauvignon, merlot and sangiovese.(选择在史坦顿岛的气候和土壤下种植的葡萄品种包括赤霞珠、梅乐和桑娇维赛。)
  • 3、He also ran a farm onStaten Island from 1848 to 1855 and spent time working in a New York dry-goods store.(1848年至1855年期间他还在斯坦登岛上经营了一个农场,也在纽约的一家干货店工作过一段时间。)
  • 4、One of them, Henry Salmon, recalls growing grapes on a friend's farm while growing up onStaten Island.(其中的一位发起人HenrySalmon回忆起以前在史坦顿岛长大的时候在朋友的农庄种过葡萄。)
  • 5、I should say I've been at one particular school inStaten Island for all of my teaching artist years.(应该说明的是,我教授艺术的这些年,都是在史坦顿岛的一个特殊学校渡过的。)
  • 6、We should build up our regimes and take back our lost territories inStaten Island at least.(咱们应该重新加强自己的兵团,至少收回咱们在国会岛的失地才是。)
  • 7、The Wu-Tang Clan,Staten Island's most famous residents.(TheWu-TangClan,长岛最有名的居住者。)
  • 8、They visited a winemaking town in Tuscany. Crespina, with about four thousand people, became a sister city toStaten Island.(他们参观了意大利托斯卡纳区的造酒城镇Crespina,这个拥有4000人口的小镇成为了史坦顿岛的姐妹城市。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 9、Wine grapes will be planted on most of one hectare in theStaten Island Botanical Garden.(酿酒葡萄将种植在史泰登岛植物园的每寸土地上。)
  • 10、New York plans to build a huge park on top of the Fresh Kills landfill inStaten Island.(纽约计划将Staten岛上的FreshKills垃圾掩埋场改造成一个巨大的公园。)
  • 11、Lily: Hello. The number of theStaten Island Ferry lost-and-found office, please.(莉莉:你好。我想问一下萨顿岛渡轮失物招领处的电话号码。)
  • 12、This Italianate guesthouse is a good reason to step off the freeStaten Island ferry and explore the city's "forgotten borough".(这座意式宾馆风情独特,绝对有理由让您走下免费斯塔恩岛渡船,来一探这座“被遗忘的小镇”的奥秘。)
  • 13、By 6:45, I was already tired as I drove him to theStaten Island ferry.(45时,当我驾车送他到了斯塔顿岛渡口后我真的很疲倦。)
  • 14、Apparently, a big winner has been a ride on theStaten Island Ferry.((你的建议理论上应当充分展示你的口味和想象力,还要显示尽快线下相亲的积极性。很显然,大赢家已经在搭乘史泰登岛的免费渡轮了)。)
  • 15、The 33-year-old woman fromStaten Island, New York, was diagnosed with leukemia and wanted to put her things in order.(这位住在纽约斯塔藤岛的33岁女子被诊断为白血病,想把一切事情安排妥当。)
  • 16、I took the ferry toStaten Island and campaigned there.(我乘坐渡轮到斯塔滕岛进行竞选宣传。)
  • 17、It's on a barge docked atStaten Island, one of New York City's five boroughs.(这对在史泰登岛,纽约市的五个区之一停靠一艘趸船。)
  • 18、The Verrazano Bridge, which was designed by Othmar Ammann, joins Brooklyn toStaten Island.(维拉萨诺大桥由奥斯马。阿曼设计,连结着布鲁克林与斯塔顿岛。)
  • 19、The number, please, of theStaten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. Five five five... zero eight zero eight.(渡轮失物招领处的电话号码,555-0808。)
  • 20、Joins Brooklyn toStaten Island.(连接着布鲁克林岛和斯塔腾岛。)
  • 21、He lives onStaten Island with his parents.(他和他的父母居住在斯塔顿岛。)
  • 22、The crash happened as the ferry attempted to dock onStaten Island.(这次碰撞发生于渡船试图停靠在斯塔滕岛时。)
  • 23、“It’s hard to imagine that other vendors can’t catch up, ” says JamesStaten of Forrester Research, a consultancy.(咨询公司ForresterResearch的JamesStaten说,“很难想象其他厂商不能紧跟上来。”)
  • 24、A 13-year-old boy fromStaten Island, New York, took his own life on Thursday after being bullied by classmates at school.(周四早晨,家住纽约史坦顿岛的一个13岁男孩,在被同班同学欺负之后,选择结束了自己的生命。)


