
spin out

spin out造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:37:15

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的spin out的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条spin out的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了spin out的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Thee night, the world, the windspin out their destiny.(黑夜、世界和风,循入它们的命运。)
  • 2、It derives from the root word tan, which translates as "to extend, expand, spread, continue,spin out, weave; to put forth, show, or manifest."(它源自于词根“坦”,翻译起来就是延伸、扩展、蔓延、持续、旋转发出、迂回前进、向前、展现或者出现。)
  • 3、Corven plans to help large companiesspin out smaller, entrepreneurial firms.(科文计划帮大公司分立出一些小型企业。)
  • 4、He kept on talking tospin out.(他说个不停,以拖延时间。)
  • 5、As foreclosurespin out of control, housing values plummet further, putting households further underwater, decreasing consumer spending, etc.(由于取消抵押品赎回权失控,房地产价值进一步暴跌,家庭因而进一步沉下水,不断减少消费支出等。)
  • 6、We have to cut back on expenditure tospin out the money till the next pay day.(我们得紧缩开支使钱能维持到下次发工资的日子。)
  • 7、Another option would be tospin out the units as publicly traded companies, either through initial public offerings or stock dividends to shareholders.(另一个选择是通过首次公开募股或是向股东派送红股将子公司作为单独的上市公司剥离。)
  • 8、Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy manage to resolve crises as they threaten tospin out of control.(当问题有脱离控制的威胁时,默克尔夫人和萨科奇先生就成功地解除危机。)
  • 9、How do you use services without having themspin out of control like this?(如何在不造成这样的失控局面的前提下使用服务呢?)
  • 10、Sometimes change is a positive thing. And then sometimes well they canspin out of control.(有时候改变是很积极的事。但有时候呢,有可能会失去控制。)
  • 11、Unfortunately, that's not the case: one day, perhaps not very long from now, the situation willspin out of our control.(事实不会这么简单,有一天气候的情形也许会让我们措手不及。)
  • 12、So the "Teflon Man" was ribbed for losing his wallet, credit CARDS, directions to hotels and his 360 degreespin out.(“特富龙人”是因为他丢失了钱包,信用卡,到酒店的指向,还有他的360度旋转。)
  • 13、spin out the thread so it floats in the air.(吐出蛛丝,让它飘浮在空中。)
  • 14、The night , the world , the windspin out their destiny.(黑暗的夜晚,整个的世界,与循环的风,纠缠着坠入它们的命运。)
  • 15、We haven't much money left, so we shall have to make itspin out.(我们剩下的钱不多了,因此必须尽量俭省。)
  • 16、However, the upgraded Evader had a strong tendency tospin out at every turn.(然而,升级后有强制收兑倾向较强分拆动不动。)
  • 17、Almost every month I have tospin out money.(几乎每个月我都必须省着点花钱。)
  • 18、Are you one tospin out of control, in despair?(你是那个在绝望中失控的人吗?)
  • 19、But this crisis has reminded us that without a watchful eye, the market canspin out of control.(但是这场危机告诉我们:如果没有严格的监管,市场就会失控。)
  • 20、Applying too much throttle too quickly will cause you tospin out when you exit corners.(出弯时踩油太多太快会使车子旋转。)
  • 21、Yahoo is also proceeding with plans tospin out its core assets.(此外雅虎还在推进分拆核心资产的计划。)
  • 22、The Floormenspin out the connection using the air spinner, or if applicable, the Driller utilises the top drive tospin out the connection.(钻工使用气动旋扣器卸开扣,或者如果可能,司钻用顶驱卸开扣。)
  • 23、And a new fear now stalks the markets: that the dollar's slide couldspin out of control (see article).(并且,新的恐惧正在市场当中蔓延:即,美元的下滑可能会超出掌控的范围。)
  • 24、And then sometimes well they canspin out of control.(但是有时候呢。又可能会失去控制。)
  • 25、Try this: When you notice you're beginning tospin out, instead of thinking about your suffering, feel it.(试着做:当你注意到要失去控制;不要去思考此时的痛苦;而是感受它。)
spin out基本释义

spin out

英 [spin aut] 美 [spɪn aʊt] 

纺…; 尽量使某物延长
