
stir-fried vegetables

stir-fried vegetables造句

更新时间:2024-06-10 11:57:50

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的stir-fried vegetables的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了16条stir-fried vegetables的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了stir-fried vegetables的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of barbecued mutton kebabs, roast pork,stir-fried vegetables and fried rice.(通常,他会早点起来准备菜单,有烤羊肉串,烤肉,爆炒蔬菜和炒饭。)
  • 2、The staple diet of most Indians consist of dal/sambar, rice, chapatis/rotis with cooked vegetables (mildly spiced/stir fried) or fish/meat.(印度人的主食包括南印度酸豆汤、米饭、印度烙饼、(适当调味或煸炒的)蔬菜以及鱼和肉。)
  • 3、The noodles are then stir fried, usually with vegetables and meat.(面条然后炒,通常用的蔬菜和肉类。)
  • 4、Usually vegetables and meat in a brown or white sauce, lightly stir Fried in a wok.(通常的蔬菜和肉在一个棕色或白色的酱汁,轻轻的在镬炒。)
  • 5、We are going to make stir-fried fruit and vegetables.(我们准备做炒水果和蔬菜。)
  • 6、The restaurant created two cuisines for the Expo: Stir fried shrimp with fragrant vegetables and leeks; and sauted sea cucumber with fresh crabmeat.(餐厅还特意为世博会准备了两道美食:香菜蒜拌油炸虾和鲜蟹肉炒海参。)
  • 7、Stir-fried shrimp with fragrant vegetables and leeks is a must-try dish.(香菜蒜拌油炸虾是一道必须品尝的菜肴。)
  • 8、Well suited to lightlystir-fried vegetables and meats.(适合搭配油炸蔬菜或肉类。)
  • 9、Gold-buying offices line its main avenues. Bars fill the side streets, offering beer and cheap lomo saltado—stir-fried meat and vegetables served with rice and French fries.(主干道两边排列着一个个黄金采购办事处,小街道的边上到处是酒吧,里面提供啤酒和便宜的秘鲁炒牛肉(lomosaltado)————一种配有大米和法国炸薯条的蔬菜炒肉。)
  • 10、Of all vegetables, what I like the most to eat is stir-fried brocolli.(蔬菜里面,我最喜欢吃的是炒菠菜。)
  • 11、Choose from a variety of meats, vegetables and tofu to be flash stir-fried and sent sizzling to your table in a mini wok.(选用各种肉类、蔬菜以及豆腐,在小锅中快速翻炒过后,连着迷你热锅一起端到你的餐桌上。)
  • 12、Lo Mein: Stir Fried egg noodles with vegetables and meat.(拌面:炒蛋的蔬菜面条和肉。)
  • 13、I'm in the mood for something heavier than stir-fried meat and vegetables.(我想吃一些比肉炒菜油性大点的东西。)
  • 14、My mother, when she still cooked, always added a dash of sugar to the vegetables she stir-fried.(我妈妈以前烹饪的时候,总是在爆炒蔬菜的时候加入一点儿糖。)
  • 15、Dinner: Stir-fried Turkey with vegetables and wholegrain pasta; avocado salad with feta cheese and sugar peas.(晚餐:炒火鸡肉配蔬菜和全谷物意面、鳄梨色拉配羊奶酪和糖豌豆。)
  • 16、Stir-fried seasonal vegetables, a very plain dish but a must have for Cantonese, also made the top three.(而清淡的炒青菜因为是广东人的必备菜肴而名列第三。)
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