


更新时间:2024-06-10 11:57:42

  • 1、He has built these scraps of metal into a verystrange-looking sculpture.(他把这些金属碎片做成一个奇形怪状的雕塑品。)
  • 2、Otherwise, you have all the hassles of xml-verbosity,strange-looking documents, encoding headaches, and so on-without the benefits-speedy parsers tuned for a specific purpose.(否则就得忍受xml的枷锁—冗长、奇形怪状的文档、编码问题等等—而没有任何好处—专用的高速解析器。)
  • 3、The bed took Sarah to meet a strange man who was doing something on astrange-looking box.(床上把莎拉遇到了一个奇怪的人,做一个奇怪的盒子的东西。)
  • 4、And remember all the kids talking about thestrange-looking guy with the cameras back then?(还有,你记得当时所有的孩子都在议论那个背着相机、怪里怪气的陌生人?)
  • 5、The crocodile is astrange-looking creature.(鳄鱼是一种形状奇特的动物。)
  • 6、The olm, a foot-long salamander nicknamed “the human fish” because of its fleshy skin and tubular shape, is certainly astrange-looking animal.(洞螈,一种长(chang)脚蝾螈,由于它拥有和人同样的肤色加上管子一样的身躯而得到“人鱼”的称号,所以说它是一种奇怪的动物也不为过。)
  • 7、Jim: look at that one! It's a very strange looking goose. There's another one just like it.(吉姆:看那只鹅!它是只长相很奇怪的鹅,还有一只非常像它。)
  • 8、It's a very strange looking goose. There's another one just like it.(它是只长相很奇怪的鹅,还有一只非常像它。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 9、The Mute Singer was a tall,strange-looking man.(“沉默的歌手”是个高个,面色有些古怪。)
  • 10、I'm looking forward to the exam, strange as it may seem.(别人可能感到奇怪—我在盼望这场考试。)
  • 11、One day in a restaurant, astrange-looking man approached Mary.(有一天在一家餐厅里,有个陌生面孔向玛丽这边走过来;)
  • 12、But I got a couple of other of these strange looking things in there with underbars to them.(我可以在这片代码中看到这些,然后我需要一些可以给我,返回这些信息的东西,但是这里还有一些看起来。)
  • 13、What are thosestrange-looking machines in Pilates studios?(普拉提工作室里那些奇怪的器械是什么?)
  • 14、The prince raised his arrow, turned towards thestrange-looking rabbit and loosed his hand.(王子举起了他的箭,转向外貌很怪兔子,松开了他的手。)
  • 15、It was the sight of her groom, racing towards the church on astrange-looking skateboard.(她看见了新郎,他正踩着一块奇形怪状的滑板朝教堂冲来。)
  • 16、After a few days, the big egg finally hatched and out came astrange-looking duckling with gray feathers.(几天后,那颗大蛋终于孵出一只长相奇怪的灰毛鸭。)
  • 17、There lay her grandmother with her cap pulled far over her face, and looking very strange.(奶奶躺在那里,帽子拉得老远,盖在脸上,样子很怪。)
  • 18、Strange looking tyres.(样子奇怪的轮胎。)
  • 19、There are automatic-flushing lavatories, foot-operated taps andstrange-looking devices that enable you to open door-handles by applying pressure with the forearm.(自动冲洗的马桶,脚控龙头和看起来很奇怪的装置能够让你用前肢的应用压力来开门。)
  • 20、What a strange way of looking at art, doctor!(医生,您对待艺术的态度多么奇怪啊!)
  • 21、She was looking at me in a very strange way.(她用十分异样的目光看着我。)
  • 22、While launching the examples in this article, you might have encountered some strange looking runtime errors.(在本文发布示例时,您可能遇一些奇怪内容,看起来像运行时错误。)
  • 23、Soon after I boarded the bus, I noticed astrange-looking man. He wore an ill-fitting coat, and sat rooted in his seat.(我上汽车不久就注意到一个外貌很怪的男人。他穿着一件不合身的上衣,一动不动地坐在位子上。)
  • 24、As you can see, it is a verystrange-looking tree.(你们都看到了它的外形奇特。)
  • 25、The ancient-dream was finally realized in 1940 when a Russian engineer piloted a strange looking craft of steel tubing with a rotating fan on top.(这个古老的梦想终于在1940年实现了。当时,一名俄罗斯工程师驾驶了一艘外形奇特、顶部装有旋转风扇的钢管船。)
  • 26、He began, looking like a strange boy spirit.(他开始了,看上去像个奇怪的幽灵男孩。)


