


更新时间:2024-06-03 12:01:56

  • 1、Minutes before he was reminded of the scale of the task he faces in rebuilding a largeswathe of the country after a massive earthquake on February 27th.(2月27日,全国上下几乎都经历了特大地震,而就在几分钟之前,皮涅拉认识到了自己在重建工作中面对的重大责任。)
  • 2、The first question requires aswathe of bold structural reforms to boost jobs and growth.(第一个问题要求一系列大胆的改革以促进就业和经济增长。)
  • 3、His paintingsswathe sharp edges and trembling feelings, arousing deep sadness.(他的画裹住了锐利的锋芒和颤栗的心情,却引起了深沉的悲怆。)
  • 4、Each component works with the others to provide aswathe of approaches, as shown below, to achieve most user scenarios.(每个组件同其他组件一起提供很多方法(如下所示)来实现大多数用户场景。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 5、Mrs Clinton has wide leads, often close to 20%, in aswathe of states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Arizona, Missouri and Alabama.(希拉里在相当数量的州府中有着超过对手20%的领先优势,包括加利福尼亚、纽约、新泽西、马萨诸塞、亚利桑那、密苏里以及阿拉巴马。)
  • 6、Aswathe of high-ranking bureaucrats from Japan's biggest ministries began in new posts on July 30th, doled out as part of an annual summer rite.(和每年夏天一样,7月30日,一大批日本各部高官将在各种新职位履职。)
  • 7、Jinbao Street is an avenue created after the destruction of aswathe of alleyways and traditional courtyard housing just east of the Wangfujing shopping district.(王府井商业区以东,推平了大片胡同与老四合院,诞生了金宝街这条金光大道。)
  • 8、Merrill Lynch, an investment bank, recently announced a plan to preserve a hugeswathe of forest in the Indonesian province of Aceh.(美林商业银行最近宣布支持一项对印尼亚齐省大片森林的保护计划。)
  • 9、No doubt more good things can come out of theswathe of territory once occupied by a tribe known to the Romans as the Belgae.(毫无疑问这片曾被罗马人称作贝尔格部族占据的狭长国土还能产生更过的好东西。)
  • 10、If it's drama you're after, you'll head for the Highlands, a vastswathe of untamed wilderness fringed by mile upon mile of fretted coastline dotted with islands.(如果你要探寻戏剧的踪迹,就去苏格兰高地吧,那是一片广袤无垠、粗犷狭长的原野,两端镶嵌着绵延不绝的海岸线,点缀着大大小小的岛屿。)
  • 11、He clambered into his bunk and rolled himself well up in the blankets, as aswathe of barley is folded into the arms of the reaping machine.(河鼠爬进他的床铺,用毯子把自己紧紧裹住,就像一行大麦落进了收割机的怀抱一样。)
  • 12、Rainstorms since early the week have swept a wideswathe of south China, leaving dozens people dead or missing and forcing hundreds of thousands to evacuate.(一周以来的暴雨已经横扫了中国广泛的南部,导致了数十人死亡或失踪,并迫使数十万人撤离。)
  • 13、The mountains rose above aswathe of thick cloud.(群峰耸立在云海之上。)
  • 14、Off the main road, small patches of “natural” forest survive alongside theswathe of broad sandy corridor cut by a logging company.(大路旁边,一块块“自然”林生长在伐木公司铺就的又长又宽的林中走廊两侧。)
  • 15、On the rare occasions that I have flown with a bottle in a suitcase, I pack it in a polystyrene tube andswathe the whole thing with Sellotape.(在为数不多的几次带酒飞行过程中,我把酒装在聚苯乙烯管内,并且用透明胶带整个粘起来。)
  • 16、The storm cut aswathe through the forest.(暴风雨把大片大片的森林夷为平地。)
  • 17、The farmer cut aswathe in the field with his scythe.(农夫用镰刀在地里刈出一条路来。)
  • 18、Another danger is that unconventional gas will push aside not just aswathe of coal-fired power stations, but promising renewables, too.(另一威胁则是,受到非常规天然气排斥的不仅仅是一批燃煤发电站,还有充满前景的再生能源。)
  • 19、And while it is not clear how many women are buying this message, a largeswathe of products has cropped up for those who are.(当我们还不知道有多少女性支持这个观念,一大批相关产品已经争相出现了。)
  • 20、It injured more than 900 people and carved aswathe of destruction through the city.(这次事故造成900个人受伤,城市也遭到了大面积的破坏。)
  • 21、TV pictures showed the tsunami carrying the debris andfires across a largeswathe of coastal farmland near the city of Sendai, which has apopulation of one million.(电视画面显示海啸夹带着残骸席卷仙台沿海农田,仙台人口超过100万。)
  • 22、Redraw Belgium and break the mystique of European tolerance—and one creates doubts across much of the EU’s easternswathe.(重组比利时,揭开欧洲容忍程度的神秘面纱——欧盟东部诸国对其容忍度产生了许多怀疑。)
  • 23、Aswathe of SSA economies—especially oil and mineral exporters, and coffee, cocoa and tea producers—should enjoy robust growth.(特别是那些原油与矿产出口商,以及咖啡、可可与茶叶生产商[/quote])
  • 24、The combine had cut aswathe around the edge of the field.(联合收割机把庄稼绕田边割了一长条。)
  • 25、The tornado's progress can be seen in aswathe of destruction nearly 10km long and 0.5km wide.(通过这条接近10千米长0.5千米宽遭到破坏的范围可以看到这次龙卷风的路径。)
  • 26、Last year, ash clouds from another Icelandic volcano led to the closure of a hugeswathe of airspace across Europe and chaos at airports around the world.(去年,冰岛另外一座火山喷发形成的火山灰导致欧洲大范围空中交通关闭,引发全世界机场的混乱。)
  • 27、The bodies of these mammoths were found throughout a wideswathe of northern Siberia.(这些猛犸的尸体发现地点散在于西伯利亚。)


英 [sweɪð] 美 [swɑð, swɔð, sweð] 

名词: swather 过去式: swathed 过去分词: swathed 现在分词: swathing 第三人称单数: swathes


