
the Dead Sea

the Dead Sea造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:34:43

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的the Dead Sea的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条the Dead Sea的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了the Dead Sea的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Despite its name,the Dead Sea does harbour life.(尽管名字有个“死”字,死海中却的确有生命。)
  • 2、the Dead Sea scrolls were found by a shepherd pursuing a stray goat into a cave.(《死海古卷》是一个牧羊人在一个山洞里追赶一只迷路的山羊时发现的。)
  • 3、Nowthe Dead Sea is actually dying.(现在死海确实正在消亡。)
  • 4、It's nearly the opposite ofthe Dead Sea experience above.(在这里看落日的经历会在和死海的感受完全相反。)
  • 5、Surrounded by desert ridges interspersed with lush oases,the Dead Sea presents a visually stunning tableau.(周围是沙漠的山脊,点缀着郁郁葱葱的绿洲,从视觉来说,死海景象极为壮观。)
  • 6、Then the naval kid spoke: "And do you knowthe Dead Sea?"(年轻的海军说:“那你知道死海么?”)
  • 7、Bacterial MATS or biofilms have never been found inthe Dead Sea before.(这些细菌和生物膜以前从未在死海被发现过。)
  • 8、In contrast, nothing lives inthe Dead Sea because, with no outflow, the lake has stagnated.(相反,死海里没有生命,因为没有水流出去,这个湖是停滞不动的。)
  • 9、Floating like a cork in the salty water ofthe Dead Sea is a memorable experience.(像木塞一样地漂浮在死海的盐水里,这绝对是一个令人难忘的经历。)
  • 10、At 430 meters below sea level,the Dead Sea is Earth's lowest point on land.(死海位于海平面以下430米,是地球陆地上的最低点。)
  • 11、the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves in the Judean desert.(死海古卷是在朱迪亚沙漠的山洞中发现的。)
  • 12、Less than an hour's drive from Jerusalem,the Dead Sea is also a Sea of Peace, joining Israel and Jordan.(从耶路撒冷不到一个小时的车程就可以看到平静的死海,它连接了以色列和约旦。)
  • 13、The Story of the Scrolls: the Miraculous Discovery and True Significance ofthe Dead Sea Scrolls.(《古卷的故事:死海古卷的神奇发现和真正意义》。)
  • 14、Currently,the Dead Sea recedes about three feet each year.(目前,死海正以每年约三英尺的速度缩小。)
  • 15、More than 2,500 sinkholes now line the shores ofthe Dead Sea.(在死海沿岸已经有超过2500个陷坑。)
  • 16、I was told that they had been brought by a Bedouin who was returning from Bethlehem towardsthe Dead Sea.(人家告诉我这盒物什是一个途径死海,从伯利恒回来的贝都因人带来的。)
  • 17、Low water:the Dead Sea, the lowest spot on Earth, is evaporating at an alarming rate.(图注:降低的水面:死海,地球的最低点,其水分正以惊人的速度蒸发。)
  • 18、You knowthe Dead Sea ?(你知道死海吗?)
  • 19、King Herod had imprisoned him at the fortress of Machaerus nearthe Dead Sea.(希律王把约翰关押子在死海附近的马卡鲁斯城堡里。)
  • 20、In fact, the tranquility of the water's surface lends a portrait quality to most shots taken ofthe Dead Sea.(实际上,波澜不惊的死海湖面恰好保证了拍摄质量,使得许许多多在死海拍摄的落日照都成为佳作。)
  • 21、Ancient scrolls were found in caves bythe Dead Sea.(在死海边的洞穴里发现了古代的卷轴。)
  • 22、This isthe Dead Sea.(这就是死海。)
  • 23、People are using water from the Jordan River, which takes water away fromthe Dead Sea.(人们使用的是约旦河的水,而约旦河的水是从死海带走的。)
  • 24、These are freshwater springs, jetting into the bottom ofthe Dead Sea from inside craters.(那是淡水的泉水,从内部凹坑中涌入死海底部。)
  • 25、You can float very easily inthe Dead Sea because it is so salty.(你可以在死海中很容易的漂浮起来,因为它有很多盐。)
  • 26、Archaeology students examine Khirbat en Nahas, an ancient copper-smelting center south ofthe Dead Sea.(考古专业的学生们正在检查克巴特·恩-纳哈斯遗址,这里是位于死海以南的一处古老铜冶炼中心。)
  • 27、This explains what makesthe Dead Sea so salty.(这就说清了是什么使死海的水如此的咸。)
  • 28、Look at howthe Dead Sea Scrolls were scrutinized.(回想一下吧,死海羊皮卷是如何被深入考究的。)
  • 29、the Dead Sea, shared by Israel and Jordan, is the lowest spot on Earth.(死海由以色列和约旦分享,是地球上的最低点。)
the Dead Sea基本释义