
think over

think over造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:34:07

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的think over的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条think over的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了think over的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Thus, I want to make yourselfthink over the matter and decide - whether the virus is in you, and if is really so - what you need to do in order to successfully recover.(因此,我想让你自己去仔细思考这个问题并作出判断——这种病毒是否也存在于你的身上,如果真的存在的话那么——你需要怎样做才能成功地康复。)
  • 2、He'd like more time to think things over.(他希望有更多的时间把情况考虑周详。)
  • 3、Now, I give myself some time to breathe. Ithink over my purchases, see if I’ve got the money, think about whether it’s a need or a want.(现在我给自己一些时间平息呼吸,仔细考虑自己的钱包,看看是否有这笔钱,看看这是件必需品还是只是想拥有。)
  • 4、Time just grants an opportunity for us tothink over it.(但我认为时间不过是给了我们思考的机会而已。)
  • 5、I think he lives somewhere over London way.(我想他住在伦敦附近。)
  • 6、Most people think the queen has done a good job over the last 50 years.(大多数人认为女王在过去的50年中尽职尽责。)
  • 7、But this time my dear niece, before your make the decision pleasethink over what I said.(但是这一次我亲爱的侄女,在你做决定以前请你仔细考虑我所说的。) 【好工具】
  • 8、I think you're being a little over-optimistic.(我看你是有点过于乐观了。)
  • 9、think over again what your subject and purpose are, and what kind of material you have found.(再三考虑你的主题,目的和你已寻得的材料种类。)
  • 10、You maythink over your own plan.(你可以重新考虑你的计划。)
  • 11、Say something like: "I just need a second (or minute) to think", to buy yourself time tothink over their request, demand, or information.(说些像这样的话“我需要一点时间想想”,为自己争取时间去思考他们的要求,需求或者信息。)
  • 12、Finally,think over all those important documents you need, and begin somewhat early the steps needed to obtain them prior to departure.(最后,好好考虑一下你需要哪些重要票证。在出发前早早为得到那些票证做好准备。)
  • 13、You need space to think everything over.(你需要留有余地来仔细考虑一切。)
  • 14、I'd like to think it over.(我想考虑一下这个问题。)
  • 15、Ithink over her words.(我认真考虑她的话。)
  • 16、Think things over before you decide.(先把情况考虑周全再作决定。)
  • 17、think over the matter and then make a decision.(这件事情斟酌斟酌再定。)
  • 18、We mustthink over what he said.(我们必须仔细思考他说的话。)
  • 19、They let me have bigger imagination space tothink over life.(他们让我有更大的想象空间来思考生命。)
  • 20、Can I persuade you tothink over our propose.(我劝你仔细考虑我们的建议。)
  • 21、Ithink over my purchases, see if I've got the money, think about whether it's a need or a want.(我回想我的购物,假如我得到了这些钱,它是一种必须还是一种需要。)
  • 22、She said she needs time to think it over.(她说她需要时间仔细考虑它。)
  • 23、I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.(我认为这个问题不太难解决。)
  • 24、I am going to send you to the cellar, tothink over your dreadful misdeeds, in company with the rats.(我要把你关到地窖里去,让你和耗子们一起,好好想想你那可怕的恶行。)
  • 25、To think of going over the moor in the daylight, and when the sky was blue!(想想吧,在白天,在蓝天底下,走过荒原!)
  • 26、Policymakers need tothink over the short, medium and long term - and in an integrated manner.(决策者们需要有近期、中期和长期考虑,而且要将三者综合起来全盘考虑。)
  • 27、I'llthink over your suggestion again.(我将再次仔细考虑你的建议。)
think over基本释义

think over

英 [θiŋk ˈəuvə] 美 [θɪŋk ˈovɚ] 

仔细考虑; 重新考虑; 掂掇; 忖量
