好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的think of的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条think of的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了think of的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、We need tothink of ways to make money.(我们需要想办法挣钱。)
- 2、Don't despair! We'llthink of a way out of this.(别灰心!我们会找到出路的。)
- 3、Ithink of this place as my home.(我把这个地方当成了家。)
- 4、Can anybodythink of a way to raise money?(谁能想出个集资的办法?)
- 5、Tell me, what do youthink of my theory?(告诉我,你认为我的理论怎么样?)
- 6、Wethink of you as one of the family.(我们把你看作家中的一员。)
- 7、First, tell me what youthink of my products.(首先,告诉我你对我的产品有什么看法。)
- 8、Come tothink of it, he did mention seeing you.(想起来了,他确实提到看见过你。)
- 9、think of how far we have come in a little time.(想一想我们在短时间内已经有了多么大的进展。)
- 10、I can'tthink of any off hand.(我一下子什么也想不起来。)
- 11、I like tothink of myself as a free spirit.(我喜欢把自己看成一个无拘无束的人。)
- 12、It behoves us tothink of these dangers.(我们理应考虑这些危险。)
- 13、He doesn't care what peoplethink of him.(他不在乎人们怎样看他。)
- 14、It makes my flesh creep tothink of it.(一想起它我就心惊肉跳。)
- 15、Honestly! Whatever will theythink of next?(真是的!他们下一步还会想什么?)
- 16、Nobody couldthink of anything to say.(谁也想不出什么话说。)
- 17、And again, we mustthink of the cost.(再说,我们必须考虑成本。)
- 18、Can youthink of a rhyme for 'beauty'?(你能想出和beauty押韵的词吗?)
- 19、I can'tthink of her name at the moment.(我一时想不起她的名字。)
- 20、What do youthink of my new haircut?(你觉得我的新发型怎么样?)
- 21、I cringe when Ithink of the poems I wrote then.(每当我想起我那时写的诗歌就感到很难堪。)
- 22、Can youthink of a better word than 'nice'?(你能找到一个比nice更合适的字眼吗?)
- 23、I prefer tothink of peace not war.(我更喜欢思考和平而不是战争。)
- 24、I alwaysthink of you as one of the family.(我一直把你当成自家人。)
- 25、"This should have been decided long before now."—"We can'tthink of everything."(“这在此前早该定下了。”—“我们不可能事事都考虑。”)
- 26、I'm sure you'llthink of a use for it.(我相信你会给这东西找到用途的。)
- 27、He had neither the time nor the inclination tothink of other things.(他既没时间也无意考虑其他事宜。)
- 28、What do youthink of the show so far?(到目前为止你觉得这场演出怎么样?)
- 29、They've done everything they can possiblythink of.(凡是可能想得到的,他们都已经做了。)
- 30、Who but Rosa couldthink of something like that?(除了罗莎,谁会想得到那种事?)