
put a premium on

put a premium on造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:41:34

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的put a premium on的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了17条put a premium on的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了put a premium on的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、We need toput a premium on simple, practical changes that have a big impact on teaching and learning within our existing schools.(我们必须要重视这些事情,实际的改变对当前学校的教学系统有很大影响。)
  • 2、Competitive, status conscious parents, many of them baby boomers,put a premium on getting into these elite institutions.(那些竞争意识强,对身份地位敏感的父母们,许多人是婴儿潮时期出生的人,他们非常重视进入精英机构。)
  • 3、It willput a premium on drinking in the district.(这将助长地区内的酗酒风气。)
  • 4、That has put a big premium on the available plots of land.(这让现有的地块有了很高的溢价。)
  • 5、This left them more exposed to the risk of a single firm failing, which meant they put a lower value on shares-or, to put it another way, they demanded a higher premium for owning them.(这大大增加了单个公司破产给他们带来的风险。也就意味着人们认为股份的价值很低,换而言之,持有这些股份就会有更多的风险溢价。)
  • 6、But seriously, why do admissions offices at top tier universities put such a high premium on diversity anyway?(回到正经的话题上来,为什么顶尖大学的招生办公室在多元化这方面增加了这么多的分量?)
  • 7、A drop in status wouldn't be the strongest signal that the Lakers put a premium value on him.(在球队地位的下降还不会是最强烈的信号,湖人将会给他一个高质的价值。)
  • 8、In addition, this kind of consumption habitput a premium on extravagance and waste to some extent.(此外,这种消费习惯在某种程度上形成了奢侈浪费。)
  • 9、Conversely, contemporary feminist theory has put a high premium on the variable of gen...(当代女性主义理论流派对社会性别变量给予了高度重视。)
  • 10、The HTML5 specification process put a heavy premium and emphasis on written, deployed code.(HTML5规范的制定进程中给编写和部署代码赋以浓彩重墨。)
  • 11、Heput a premium on peace and stability.(他高度重视和平与稳定。)
  • 12、An action for this event could be to put this customer on a premium list and provide better offers for subsequent orders.(该事件的操作是将该客户放入一个溢价名单,为后续订单提供较好的报价。)
  • 13、Marketsput a premium on success, and tend to punish the poor for the very fact of being poor.(市场倾向于奖励成功;惩罚贫穷,仅仅因为贫穷这个事实。)
  • 14、From the very beginning, PIFO keeps on put a high premium on building exhibition brands and designing and publishing.(自成立伊始,偏锋便高度注重展览品牌的营造与出版设计。)
  • 15、Their refusal to remove the public-house willput a premium on drinking in the district.(他们拒绝迁走那家酒店,这将助长该地区的酗酒风气。)
  • 16、Employersput a premium on honesty and hard work.(雇主们很重视诚实和勤奋的工作。)
  • 17、In as far as "security" retains it military significance, "deterrence" is by guarantee of effective counter-attack, the difficulties and cost of whichput a premium on crisis and conflict prevention.(就‘安全’的军事意义而言,防御是通过有效地对抗攻击而保证得,这就增加了阻止危机与战争的困难与费用。) (好工具
put a premium on基本释义

put a premium on

英 [put ə ˈpri:miəm ɔn] 美 [pʊt e ˈprimiəm ɑn] 

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