


更新时间:2024-06-17 11:50:28

  • 1、The Delegation said that protection could beretroactive, and felt that such issues should be examined again.(代表团说这种保护应该是追溯性的,此类问题应该再次予以审议。)
  • 2、Andretroactive price hikes, where Banks impose higher rates on old balances as well as new ones.(还有追溯涨价,银行对你的新旧帐户结余征收更高利率。)
  • 3、Perhaps my way is to find something can be used from the pass time, in fact, it isretroactive.(也许我的方式是向过去的时光寻找一些可用的东西,其实就是追溯。)
  • 4、You cannotretroactive to year 2003, because you canretroactive only one year.(你不能追溯到2003年,因为你只能回溯一年。)
  • 5、This chapter is not intended forretroactive application to already successfully established laboratory procedures.(本章节不是为了对已经成功确立的实验室规程进行追溯操作。)
  • 6、If what they did in the past was legal and proper, why is it necessary to grant themretroactive immunity?(如果他们所做的,在过去是合法和正确的,为什么要给予他们追溯免疫力?)
  • 7、They receive a pay riseretroactive to last January.(补发了去年一月起的加薪。)
  • 8、The new law WAS maderetroactive to 1 January.(新法令生效日期可追溯到1月1日。)
  • 9、They demanded residual payments for future telecasts andretroactive residuals for films shown on TV between 1948 and 1959.(他们要求未来电影在电视播放时,要得到剩余工资,并且要求拿回1948年到1959年电影在电视屏幕上放映时所应得的剩余工资。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 10、The ratification has aretroactive effect, the same as the previous command.(事后的追认有溯及力,等同先前命令。)
  • 11、The Romeo and Juliet clause was notretroactive, however, so Ms Whitaker is stuck on the register, and subject to extraordinary restrictions.(可惜这条罗密欧与朱丽叶的条款不具有追溯力,所以Whitaker依然位列名单之上,并且受到一些特殊的限制。)
  • 12、Previously opposed the bill and opposed givingretroactive immunity to telecommunications firms.(此前他曾反对这项议案,反对给予电信公司有回溯力的豁免。)
  • 13、Couldn't we make itretroactive?(难道我们可以把它追溯?)
  • 14、This election isretroactive to its date of organization.(这种选择的追溯效力从注册之日起。)
  • 15、Meanwhile, it explains the important concept such as internal cause topic, situational topic andretroactive topic and so on.(并解释说明了诸如内因性话题、情境性话题、回复性话题等几个重要概念。)
  • 16、retroactive taxes and personal threats?(追补加税和个人威胁?)
  • 17、Theretroactive force of law is divided into protective force and binding force of retroaction.(法的溯及力分为法的溯及保护力和溯及约束力。)
  • 18、Some bills in Congress would make the higher gratuityretroactive but not the extra life insurance.(而一些国会的议案只限抚恤金可以追溯,而增加的保险就不必了。)
  • 19、"Strict,retroactive, and joint and several liability isn't fair," says Superfund's former chief Administrator Don Clay.(“从严处理、秋后算帐、追究连带责任和多方责任的做法是不公平的。”超巨额基金原负责人董·克雷说。)
  • 20、This is notretroactive.(但是这项法规并无追溯效力。)
  • 21、Yes. I come here to demand aretroactive pay.(你是为工资一事而来吗?)
  • 22、The Romeo and Juliet clause was notretroactive, however, so Ms(罗密欧与朱丽叶“的案件具有追溯效力,但是Whitaker就被困在了登)
  • 23、This law is notretroactive.(此法不溯及既往。)
  • 24、They discussed forgetting in short-term memory andretroactive inhibition.(他们探讨了短时记忆的遗忘和倒摄抑制。)
  • 25、This fix is notretroactive but will take effect after your next save.(这个问题是不溯及既往,但你的下一个保存后生效。)
  • 26、Meanwhile Ecuador enacted an environmental law, something it had previously lacked. This is notretroactive.(与此同时,厄瓜多尔通过了一项环境法,填补了相关法律的空缺,该法并不涉及以往案件。)


英 [ˌretrəʊˈæktɪv] 美 [ˌretroʊˈæktɪv] 

副词: retroactively 名词: retroactivity

