


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:00:12

  • 1、Here is my question: When will the world finally see what most of us in public health regard asself-evident?(我提的问题是:到什么时候全世界才会最终看到我们公共卫生界多数人认为不言自明的事实?)
  • 2、These rights are held to beself-evident, and the result of a wide consensus.(这些权利都是不证自明,普遍认同的结果。)
  • 3、You may start to question theself-evident and make a problem out of everything.(你可能会开始处处怀疑自己并在任何事情上都能制造出问题。)
  • 4、The answer isself-evident.(答案不言自明。)
  • 5、The influence of climate on crops areself-evident.(气候对农作物的影响是不证自明的。)
  • 6、We hold these truths to beself-evident, that all men are created equal, but not all can write.(人人生而平等,我们往往坚信这是一个不言而喻的真理,但是事实上,却不是所有人都能写作。)
  • 7、For most thinkers since the Greek philosophers, it wasself-evident that there is something called human nature, something that constitutes the essence of man.(对于自希腊哲学家以来的大多数思想家来说,有一种叫做人性的东西是不言而喻的,它构成了人的本质。)
  • 8、Skill isn't soself-evident – a manager needs an opportunity and a period of time to prove his worth, " says Cashmore.(能力本身并不明显——主教练需要机会,也需要一段时间来证明他的价值,”卡什莫尔说。)
  • 9、The dangers of such action areself-evident.(这样的行动,其危险是明摆着的。)
  • 10、So far as these three aspects are concerned, the role of the World Expo isself-evident.(世博会在这三方面的表现自不待言。)
  • 11、A generation reared on Live Aid held these truths to beself-evident.(靠“现场援助”义演募捐养育大的一代人认为这些事实是不言而喻的。)
  • 12、Figure 9 shows the catalog message model. The following isself-evident from this model.(图9显示了catalog消息模型。)
  • 13、It isself-evident that we will never have enough resources to meet the demand.(不言而喻,我们将永远不会有足够的资源来满足需求。)
  • 14、And it is rarely easy, despite howself-evident it should be.(无论它是怎样不言而喻,它很少时候是简单的。)
  • 15、This means you have to demonstrate other ways of working that areself-evident in their effectiveness.(这就意味着你必须向大家展示不同的工作方式。而这些方式是有效且不言自明的。)
  • 16、I think the answer isself-evident.(我想,答案是不言自明的。)
  • 17、The purpose of the display_errors variable isself-evident — it tells PHP whether or not to display errors.(display_errors变量的目的很明显——它告诉PHP是否显示错误。)
  • 18、The view available with each of the home page ICONS isself-evident.(用于查看每个主页图标的视图含义十分明显。)
  • 19、The harm of such a phenomenon isself-evident.(这种现象的害处是不言自明的。)
  • 20、And of course, all the Internet has done is make these truths even moreself-evident than they already were.(当然,因特网所做的就是把这些真理变得更加不言自明。)
  • 21、As I said,the rest of the organization of the class I think is pretty wellself-evident.(我刚才说了,本课的教学内容,非常明显。)
  • 22、For some of you, this will seemself-evident; for others, it'll seem like a great puzzle.(对你们中的一些人来说,这似乎显而易见,但对别人来说这很让人困惑。)
  • 23、I decided that's probably because the prejudice is soself-evident that nobody thinks they need to look into it.(我认为这很可能是因为这些影响不证自明,没有人认为需要去研究。)


英 [self 'evɪdənt] 美 [self 'evɪdənt] 

副词: self-evidently 名词: self-evidence

