
shake off

shake off造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:02:46

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的shake off的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条shake off的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了shake off的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、HALF a year since the Arabs began toshake off their oppressive slumber, the picture is patchy.(半年来,自从阿拉伯人开始摆脱他们受压制的噩梦,情形有好有坏。)
  • 2、I can'tshake off the nagging sense that something is off kilter; my atomic weight is slightly altered.(我无法摆脱那种有某种东西失去平衡而令人不安的感觉,我的原子量有了轻微的改变。)
  • 3、A person whom your parents know, from that job they had back in the day, whom they've never quite been able toshake off.(老友是指那个你的父母从他们工作的那天起就开始和他结交,是那些他们无法摆脱掉的人。)
  • 4、His companionship made it possible for me toshake off my shrinking sensitiveness.(与他的交往使我能够摆脱掉我那缺乏自信的敏感。)
  • 5、He admitted that he wouldshake off some meat when there was too much for one student.(他也承认要是盛了太多的肉就会抖掉一些。)
  • 6、Solar panels that canshake off their dust off via a self-generated electric pulse keep soaking in maximal rays.(太阳能电池板能通过自发电脉冲震落其灰尘,以确保最大限度的获得光照。)
  • 7、The years of naiveté, mostly the 1950s, was characterised by Nehru’s zeal to help othersshake off their colonial masters.(上世纪50年代被认为是一个纯真的年代,尼赫鲁醉心于帮助其他国家摆脱他们殖民者的统治。)
  • 8、I can't seem toshake off this cold.(这场感冒我好像老好不了。)
  • 9、Britain cannot easilyshake off trouble in its export markets.(英国也无法轻易摆脱出口市场上面临的麻烦。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 10、Emotional self-awareness is the building block of the next fundamental of emotional intelligence: being able toshake off a bad mood.(情绪上的自我意识是情商的下一个基本要素:能够摆脱坏情绪。)
  • 11、So he can finallyshake off the distinction of being an under-rated author.(终于,他再也不是三流作家了。)
  • 12、It is universally acknowledged that it's very difficult toshake off bad habits.(众所周知,摆脱不良习惯是非常困难的。)
  • 13、Tip:shake off shoulds and own your life.(提示:把“应该”从自己的生活中甩掉。)
  • 14、Moreover, the clubs’ ties to crime have been hard toshake off.(而且,与犯罪挂勾的球会一直很难甩掉这个包袱。)
  • 15、When I woke up, I was so disturbed that I couldn'tshake off the image.(醒来后,我心乱如麻,无法摆脱那个形象。)
  • 16、The company hasn't been able toshake off its image as stodgy and old-fashioned.(该公司一直未能摆脱其古板守旧的形象。)
  • 17、shake off the extra batter and deep-dry the chicken for 2 minutes. Scoop out and set aside.(炸锅中烧油至175C/350F,将裹好面糊的鸡块抖去多余的面糊,然后放入锅中炸2分钟捞出滤油。)
  • 18、They should have used other means toshake off the pirates, like a loud acoustic device.(他们本可以利用其它方式撵走海盗,比如使用强声装置。)
  • 19、Then they take out the frame,shake off the remaining bees and take it to a warm room.(然后,取出蜂板并晃动,抖落粘在上面的蜜蜂,放到温暖的房间内。)
  • 20、What must Vietnam do toshake off the "non-market" label?(越南如何才能摆脱“非市场”标签呢?)
  • 21、Businessmen are frantically trying toshake off the bad habits learned under six decades of a protected economy.(商人们拼命想摆脱60年来在保护经济下所养成的这些坏习惯。)
  • 22、NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks are opening higher as investorsshake off worries about the European debt crisis.(美股周三开盘小幅走高,外界对欧洲债务危机的担忧情绪有所缓解。)
  • 23、She said: "I had a cough I couldn'tshake off."(她说:“我咳嗽个不停,一直没有好转。”)
  • 24、My cold's better, but I can't seem toshake off this cough.(我感冒好些了,但这咳嗽好像老也不好。)
  • 25、It is the only way toshake off their bad reputation-which some of them deserved not too long ago.(只有这样它们才能摆脱那些它们早就背负的糟糕名声。)
  • 26、I was unable toshake off my self-pity.(我无法从自怜中摆脱出来。)
  • 27、Less easy toshake off are the scheming and dirigisme.(不容易摆脱的就是暗中操控与干预。)
  • 28、I found it difficult toshake off a sense of social inferiority.(我发现很难摆脱社会地位低下的自卑感。)
shake off基本释义

shake off

英 [ʃeik ɔf] 美 [ʃek ɔf] 

摆脱; 甩掉
