


更新时间:2024-06-10 11:59:16

  • 1、She ignored a rule that required her to penalise Adelman for aslapdash presentation when bidding.(可她忽视了一条规定,即她该为阿德尔曼公司(Adelman)在竞标时做的粗率展示而处罚这家公司。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 2、Spelling mistakes, sloppy grammar and half-formed sentences make you lookslapdash.(拼写错误,语法和草率半形成的句子让你看看马虎。)
  • 3、The introduction to teenage behavior wasslapdash and vague, she recalls, but given that she was going to teach math, she figured it would suffice.(据她回忆,对青少年行为的介绍比较草率模糊,但考虑到自己是教数学的,她认为讲这些已经足够了。)
  • 4、Your mother prefers to do her own housekeeping — even if it is a littleslapdash.(即便有点精心马虎了,你母亲还是更喜欢自己做家务。)
  • 5、But lenders have tightened their standards since theslapdash days of the subprime boom; borrowers need much larger deposits than they used to.(但是在次贷热潮中草率仓促批款的借贷商已缩紧其借贷标准,借贷者需要的首期比以前要高得多了。)
  • 6、I was the learned and scholarly student who came from England to Cornell University in 1947 and was immediately entranced by theslapdash genius of Feynman.(1947年,我以学生的身份,从英国来到康奈尔大学,自以为有学问,像个学者,并且马上就被费曼这个不拘细节的天才给迷住了。)
  • 7、Egypt has a surplus of would-be lawyers,slapdash engineers and scarcely numerate accountants but few trained librarians, architects or actuaries.(埃及有许多“将成为”的律师,粗心马虎的工程师,刚能算数的会计师,可是经过专业培训的图书馆管理员、建筑师和精算师人才非常缺乏。)
  • 8、The shelves were put upslapdash.(这些架子是仓促间搭起来的。)
  • 9、Nowhere in the report does she consider the possibility that the data she is using may be corrupted by the underlying biases, assumptions orslapdash paperwork of overworked police officers.(她完全没有在报告中考虑到会有这样的可能性,正在使用的数据可能会受到某些潜在偏见,那些过劳的警官们的推测,或者草率的文书工作的误导。)
  • 10、A National Restaurant Association spokeswoman said the paper was a "slapdash" piece of work that was flawed because it did not take individual diet and exercise into account.(全国餐饮协会发言人表示,这个报告做得有点草率,部分章节是有瑕疵的。因为结论没有考虑到个人的饮食习惯和锻炼程度。)
  • 11、But China's health system, though improving, is still shoddy by rich-world standards andslapdash about protecting patients' privacy.(不过中国的卫生健康系统,虽然已有所进步,但按照发达国家的标准还是太粗劣,在保护患者隐私方面也很不到位。)
  • 12、slapdash lab work is not the same as fabricating data and Harvard has kept mum about the precise nature of the charges, citing concerns about privacy.(草率的实验室工作不等于就是编造数据,哈佛对Hause博士所受指控的精确定性也保持缄默,说是为了保护隐私权。)
  • 13、She has a veryslapdash approach to keeping accounts.(她记账十分潦草马虎。)
  • 14、Serious documentaries and current affairs television programmes have much less viewers compared with theslapdash sitcoms and gungfu drama serials.(另一方面,观看制作认真的记录片和时事节目的观众,在人数上远不及环境剧和武打连续剧。)
  • 15、I do not like hisslapdash way of doing things.(我不喜欢他那粗线条的工作方法。)
  • 16、Don't think you can handle this matter in aslapdash manner.(这事儿你渴别想马虎过去。)
  • 17、We're actually seeing a nascent industry predicated onslapdash notions of cultural incompatibility!(事实上我们正在见证一个处于萌芽阶段的、针对文化不相容问题而兴起的行业。)
  • 18、But Mr. Liu's plant features construction that looksslapdash by Western standards.(但是刘先生的工厂从西方标准看来却是草率的。)
  • 19、Malcolm's work methods appear amazinglyslapdash.(马尔科姆的工作方法显得极其鲁莽。)


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