
sniff out

sniff out造句

更新时间:2024-06-17 11:48:01

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的sniff out的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条sniff out的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了sniff out的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The dogs are trained tosniff out drugs.(这些狗是经过训练的嗅毒犬。)
  • 2、He tried tosniff out the reason for the unpleasant feelings between them.(他试图弄清造成他们两人不愉快的缘由。)
  • 3、They have the same sensitive smell detection as dogs and are now being trained tosniff out trouble.(黄蜂具有和狗一样敏感的嗅觉,它们正在被训练如何嗅出麻烦。)
  • 4、In fact, these are the same molecules used by nerve cells in your nose when yousniff out a scent.(实际上,那些就是我们鼻子闻气味时需要的神经细胞。)
  • 5、Dad doesn't let them go hungry, however-he hides food nearby, helping teach the pups tosniff out a snack.(爸爸没有让他们挨饿,不过他躲进附近的食物,帮助教导幼狐嗅出一个小吃。)
  • 6、The ability tosniff out and untangle the subtle threads that weave into complex wine aromas is essential for tasting.(对于品酒而言,辨别一种葡萄酒中所混合的各种香味的能力是必不可少的。)
  • 7、I cansniff out secret.(我能闻出秘密。)
  • 8、From then on, it cansniff out those toxic food, what food non-toxic.(从那以后,它就能嗅出那些食物有毒,哪些食物无毒。)
  • 9、At home leaders must learn that voters are less tribal, more critical and better able tosniff out hypocrisy.(而国内的领导人必须认识到,选民在种族方面的东西要少了,而同时又更有批判性,更具识别伪善的能力。)
  • 10、One factor behind the swift recovery, traders say, were funds that use computers and formulas tosniff out bargains in the market.(交易员们说,迅速反弹背后的一个因素是使用电脑和公式在市场中寻找低价买进机会的基金。)
  • 11、Still widely used, this electronic nose is able tosniff out a few parts per trillion of chemicals found in the soil, water or air.(这种仪器直至今天仍然广泛使用,它可以从土壤、水或空气中发现的数以万计的化学物中嗅到一部分(需要的)的东西。)
  • 12、And the park has trained a beagle, named Python Pete, tosniff out the snakes.(公园方面也训练了一只名叫“蟒蛇保险箱”的小猎犬,用它来寻找蟒蛇。)
  • 13、They train dogs tosniff out drugs.(他们训练狗嗅出毒品。)
  • 14、These data could be consulted by browsers or third-party plugins tosniff out unusual changes in security documents and warn users—or simply prevent a connection.(这些数据可以通过浏览器或第三方插件进行咨询来嗅出安全文件里不一般的变化并警告用户---或完全地阻止连接。)
  • 15、LONDON (Reuters) - Dogs cansniff out unfair situations and show a simple emotion similar to envy or jealousy, Austrian researchers reported Monday.(澳地利的研究者们周一报告说:狗能够察觉对自己不公平的处境并且表现出一种近似嫉妒的简单情绪。)
  • 16、As important has been the bloodhound-like ability of Germany's firms tosniff out niches where competition is the least fierce.(更重要的是,德国企业对于竞争最不激烈的利基市场如猎犬般灵敏的嗅觉。)
  • 17、I can lie low there, maybesniff out a job when things quiet down.(我可以在那儿暂避风头,事情平息后找个工作。)
  • 18、To that end, read on for two questions you can ask in future interviews that will help yousniff out the perfect people to add to your team.(综上所述,在未来的面试中,你可以提出下面这两个问题来帮助你找到合适的团队成员。)
  • 19、I bet my broker couldsniff out some good ones for you.(我相信我的股票经纪人会帮我找出一些好股票。)
  • 20、Male black widow spiders cansniff out a well-fed female simply by walking on her web, according to researchers.(研究人员称,雄性黑寡妇蜘蛛只需行走在雌性黑寡妇织的网上就能嗅出其是否吃饱。)
  • 21、I can lie now there, may besniff out a job when things quiet down.(我可以在那暂避风头,事情平息后找个工作。)
  • 22、The spiders in the experiment could not see or touch other spiders around them. They instead were able only tosniff out potential mates and competition.(在这个实验中,这些蜘蛛不能看见和接触它们周围的其他蜘蛛,它们只能嗅出潜在的配偶和竞争对手。)
  • 23、A few groups even trained dogs tosniff out the goods.(一些群体甚至训练狗去寻找食物。)
  • 24、Place a meal or treats in spots around the house for him tosniff out, or “feed him out of a food-dispensing puzzle toy instead of his bowl, ” says Andrea Arden.(比如,把食物或奖励藏到家里的某些角落,让它自己去嗅出来;或者,你也可以“用食物玩具来给狗喂食”,安德里亚·雅顿说。)
  • 25、Mosquitoes cansniff out an attractive human dinner target from as far as 40 miles.(蚊子能从40英里之外嗅出合其口味的就餐目标。)
  • 26、Your job is to help people tosniff out the information they need.(你的工作就是要帮助人们过滤出他们需要的信息。)
  • 27、Researchers at Indiana University in Bloomington have come up with a way to track Twitter feeds andsniff out those tweets that might be lies.(印地安纳大学布卢明顿分校的研究员们想出一种追踪“微博馈送”的办法,嗅探可能是谎言的微博内容。)
sniff out基本释义

sniff out

英 [snif aut] 美 [snɪf aʊt] 

发现; 寻找
