
on the quiet

on the quiet造句

更新时间:2024-06-10 12:06:24

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的on the quiet的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条on the quiet的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了on the quiet的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、On the way home, dad was very quiet. It seemed that nothing had happened.(回家路上老爸非常沉默,好像什么事都没发生。)
  • 2、A And you can cycle all through the university area on pretty quiet roads.(A你可以骑自行车在相当安静的道路上穿越大学区。)
  • 3、It was an unusually quiet day in the emergency room on December twenty-fifth.(12月25号,急症室异常的安静。)
  • 4、The markets ended the week on a quiet note.(市场本周在平静气氛中收市。)
  • 5、Paul wants to set John freeon the quiet before the execution.(在执行死刑前,保罗想偷偷放走约翰。)
  • 6、ALL IS eerily quiet on the corporate front.(企业界最近是出奇的安静。)
  • 7、In his absence things are usually quiet on the island.(他不在时,岛上通常很安静。)
  • 8、Still there was no sign of Geraldon the quiet winding road.(蜿蜒的大路上仍然没有杰拉尔德的影子。)
  • 9、Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on the phone?(我在打电话;你让孩子们安静点好吗?)
  • 10、The doctor told meon the quiet his patient had cancer.(医生暗地对我说,那位病人患的是癌症。)
  • 11、Yes, sir . I'll ask them to be quiet. Are they are on your left or right when you face the window ?(是的,先生,我会马上让他们安静点。当您面对窗户时,他们是在您的左边还是右边?)
  • 12、The room on the thirteenth floor is very quiet.(三楼的那一间房是非常安静的。)
  • 13、He's quiet and a bit on the shy side.(他很安静,稍微有点害羞。)
  • 14、They appear quietly in your life, accompany you every happy moment and leave youon the quiet .(这些人安静的出现在你的生命里,陪你度过一小段快乐的时光,然后再不动声色的离开。)
  • 15、He got marriedon the quiet and didn't tell us till a month later.(他们悄悄地结了婚,过了一个月才告诉我们。)
  • 16、Today, you go out on the trading floor and it's relatively quiet.(今天,你出去的交易大厅,它的相对平静。)
  • 17、They had left early in the morning, on quiet roads, and made good time.(他们一大早就出发了,路上行人稀少,所以旅途花的时间比预期要少。)
  • 18、It's been happeningon the quiet for a while.(一切都在悄无声息地发生着。)
  • 19、Since then, all has been quiet—at least on the surface.(从那以后,它一直很平静,至少表面上很平静。)
  • 20、Very easy to pickon the quiet asians.(很容易就接受安静亚洲人。)
  • 21、There must be something on his mind, he's been so quiet the whole morning.(他一上午都没说话,心里一定很烦闷。)
  • 22、Not all quiet on the Western front.(南亚西部也不总是那么平静。)
  • 23、Ridingon the quiet street with wind.(穿梭在宁静的道路上,迎着风。)
  • 24、The sun was shining downon the quiet meadow.(太阳照在安静的草原上。)
  • 25、A bright full moon cast her shadowon the quiet surface of the West Lake.(一轮明亮的圆月把她的影子投在西湖寂静的湖面上。) (好工具
  • 26、The example in Listing 2 was made during a quiet period on the network.(清单2中的示例是在网络比较空闲的时候得到的结果。)
  • 27、But the past few decades have been quiet on that front.(然而,在过去几十年间,这方面一直寂静无声。)
on the quiet基本释义

on the quiet

英 [ɔn ðə ˈkwaiət] 美 [ɑn ði ˈkwaɪɪt] 

秘密地; 私下地
