


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:44:44

  • 1、Anornate, reusable wooden casket is used to carry the deceased to the Resomator.(死者尸体将由一具精美的、可循环使用的木棺材运送到无烟火化设备中。)
  • 2、The researchers mapped not only the city's vast andornate ceremonial areas, but also hundreds of simpler apartment complexes where common people lived.(研究人员不仅绘制了这座城市巨大而华丽的仪式区域,而且还绘制了数百个普通人居住的公寓建筑群。)
  • 3、Theseornate masquerades and charades that are part of his complexity reveal something about his identity.(这些华丽的化装舞会和猜谜游戏,揭露了他复杂个性中的一部分。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 4、This is not exactly garden variety as building strategies go, but it's certainly among the mostornate, natural, and "green."(树屋的建筑策略显然并非建造一座多彩的花园,但这座树屋确实是最绚丽、最自然、最“绿色”的小屋之一。)
  • 5、Theornate glass and metal water pipes are used for smoking an aromatic blend of tobacco, molasses and fruit known as shisha.(这种用装饰性玻璃器皿及金属水烟筒装着烟草、糖蜜和水果的混合烟,被称为“什莎”(Shisha,水烟的另一种叫法),口感香气馥郁。)
  • 6、On the fourth side, covered verandas supported byornate pillars overlook the steps.(在第四面,有由华美的柱子支撑的走廊,站在上面可以俯瞰所有阶梯。)
  • 7、Theornate design of the cup is said to represent the landscapes of Wales and South Africa.(奖杯造型华丽,据说其设计理念来源于威尔士和南非的秀丽风光。)
  • 8、You can take a ride on a rickshaw, a distinctive Durban experience, with the drivers decorated inornate headdresses.(你可以到德班乘乘人力车,那里的人力车夫头上都戴着华丽的头饰,给你不同的体验。)
  • 9、The parks of this city are famous for theirornate fountains.(这个城市的公园以其华丽的喷泉而著名。)
  • 10、We drift around the old centre of Ribadeo with itsornate turn-of-the-20th-century houses, but not for long.(我们在里瓦德奥的老城中心漫步,这里有很多二十世纪初的老房子。)
  • 11、Bedragoned lamp posts, open air markets,ornate buildings and distinctive signage will define a Chinatown.(雕龙灯柱、露天市场、华美的建筑和独特的招牌表明这里是唐人街。)
  • 12、It was veryornate and antique looking with a wood dial and glass opening in it.(而这块占卜板样式非常古老,装饰得很华丽,它的盘面和指针是木制的,上面嵌着玻璃。)
  • 13、In anornate hall overlooking the Kremlin, Mr. Medvedev outlined his vision to change Russia.(在俯瞰克里姆林宫的一个豪华大厅中,梅德韦杰夫阐述了他对改变俄罗斯的看法。)
  • 14、With theirornate turrets, spires, gabled Windows and forbidding facades, many of them certainly look haunted.(这些大宅拥有华丽的塔楼,尖顶,山墙窗口和阴森禁入的正门,大多数看上去是鬼魂喜欢出没的地方。)
  • 15、This was the Nixi valley, where in dark, dusty rooms, each household still makesornate black pottery.(这就是尼西山谷,在这里,人们还保留着在昏暗且覆满尘土的房间里制作陶器饰物的习俗;)
  • 16、The centerpiece was anornate model rocket on a green fauna launching pad.(餐桌中心的绿色火箭发射场模型上摆着一座精美的火箭模型。)
  • 17、The fascinator is a particularlyornate hair accessory that can feature feathers, beads, flowers and other fancy trimmings.(这款“头巾”是一种非常华丽的发饰,上面可以插羽毛、珠子、花朵、以及其它的别致装饰。)
  • 18、On the altar, anornate meal had been set down, ringed by offerings of cigarettes, CDs, alcohol and even a toy paper Mercedes.(祭坛上放着装饰过的饭食,环绕着香烟、CD、酒、甚至纸做的奔驰玩具车这些供品。)
  • 19、The old Wilma Theatre is a funky, lovely,ornate riverside venue.(老威尔玛剧院是一座时髦的、可爱的、装饰华丽的河边建筑。)
  • 20、It's detailed with soft scrolls and anornate ceramic disk.(它有柔软的卷轴和一个绚丽的瓷托盘。)
  • 21、Yet a century later Napoleon and Josephine both relished a hot bath, and owned severalornate bidets.(然而半个世纪后NapoleonandJosephine尽情的在热水浴中享受着,并且拥有数个精致的浴盆。)
  • 22、I visit him in his house, a smallornate flat in the city suburbs.(我是在他家采访他的,那是一间装修过的小型市区公寓。)
  • 23、Trying to work with some of the moreornate details in the house pushed us to evolve our style.(在仔细研究房间里各种华丽的细节的同时,我们也提高了我们审美趣味。)
  • 24、He usesthe pointer to drawattention to anornate headdress composed ofhundreds of tiny beads.(他示意我看一个华美的头饰上,上面缀满了数百之多的珠子。)
  • 25、She came dressed inornate black robes and with her head covered.(她穿着盖住了她头部的华丽黑色长袍出来。)
  • 26、We went for the one withornate gold napkins and a matching tablecloth, with huge Windows overlooking a pond.(我们进了一个包房,金色的餐巾十分华贵,台布也是配套的,一扇大窗开向一汪池塘。)
  • 27、Theornate features of Buckingham Palace will be reflected on the cake, but most of the decorations will be floral, and each has a meaning.(白金汉宫的华丽特点将蛋糕上反映,但大部分的装饰品都将是花卉,而且每件都蕴含一定的意义。)
  • 28、Replace simple jewelry with moreornate pieces.(用华丽的饰物代替简单的珠宝饰品。)
  • 29、The space was packed with racks ofornate dresses, structured suits, and some seriously badass leather jackets.(服装间里装满了各式各样的衣服,从华丽的礼服到笔挺的套装还有坏人必备——皮夹克。)


英 [ɔ:ˈneɪt] 美 [ɔ:rˈneɪt] 

副词: ornately 名词: ornateness

