


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:05:24

  • 1、“That’s been rougher than knowing I am going to die,” Mr. Kress said. “And then, for some reason, I picked up apaintbrush.(“这件事情比得知我即将离世还要让我愤恨不平,”Kress说,“然后,出于某些原因,我拾起画笔。)
  • 2、Authors and artists do not generally consult the statute books before deciding whether or not to pick up pen orpaintbrush.(作者和画家不可能在查阅了相关法律后,再来决定动不动笔。)
  • 3、Take a very smallpaintbrush or pencil and a light, nearly white colour.(拿一个非常小的画笔或铅笔,和一种接近于白的浅色。)
  • 4、He had apaintbrush.(他有过一支画笔。)
  • 5、The bad man didn't have gold, so he painted gold with the magicpaintbrush.(那个坏人没有金子,所以他用神笔把金子变出来了。)
  • 6、She's a dab hand with apaintbrush.(她是绘画能手。)
  • 7、I also include apaintbrush and a lidded container with plain water in it for magic painting.(我还放了一个毛笔和一个装有水的带盖子的容器,它们是用来画魔术画的。)
  • 8、Now, when building, you should have one extrapaintbrush icon available in the toolbox, as illustrated in Figure 1.(现在,当您构建GIMP时,工具箱中应该有一个额外的画笔图标可用,如图1所示。)
  • 9、One feature I really like is the straight linepaintbrush: pick your starting point, move to your end point.(我喜欢的一个特性是直线笔刷:只需选好线段起点和终点就行了。)
  • 10、Like beauty, it cannot be touched by thepaintbrush.(就像美一样,它无法被画笔触及。)
  • 11、What fool has put that wetpaintbrush on my chair?(哪个傻瓜把未干的画笔放在我的椅子上了?。)
  • 12、In his hand was apaintbrush dripping with blue paint.(手里,一把刷子正在向下滴着蓝色的油漆。)
  • 13、To add a copy of thepaintbrush to the tool directory.(要将paintbrush的一个副本添加到tool目录。)
  • 14、The magicpaintbrush didn't make gold.(神笔没有变出金子。)
  • 15、Almost all the needed changes from here on involve editing most of the files that include the termpaintbrush.(从现在开始,几乎所有需要的更改都涉及编辑大部分包含词汇paintbrush的文件。)
  • 16、I use apaintbrush to paint.(我用画笔画画。)
  • 17、The tools used in traditional Chinese painting arepaintbrush, ink, traditional paint and special paper or silk.(中国传统绘画的工具是画笔、油墨、传统颜料和特种纸或丝绸。)
  • 18、A pencil is also named after a Latin word, but this time the word means "paintbrush."(pencil同样来自一个拉丁词。但这个拉丁词的意思是画笔。)
  • 19、Paint the tree's trunk using brown paint and apaintbrush.(用画笔和棕色画出树干)
  • 20、I'm using brown paint and apaintbrush to paint the tree's trunk.(我正用画笔和棕色颜料画树干。)
  • 21、To add a copy of thepaintbrush tool to the paint directory.(要将这个paintbrush工具的一个副本添加到paint目录。)
  • 22、Towler told them that, for now, he plans to focus on his talents with the guitar, keyboard, trumpet andpaintbrush.(托勒告诉他们,目前他想把重点放在施展才华上,比如弹吉他,练键盘,吹小号和画画。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 23、I really like the straight linepaintbrush.(我特别喜欢直线笔刷。)
  • 24、Another example, you want to be an artist, let's say a painter, but you can't seem to find time to lift apaintbrush.(再比如你想成为艺术家,比方说画家,但是你好像总是没时间拿起画笔。)
  • 25、He can't run in the halls, cut in line, call out, or swing hispaintbrush around.(他不能在走廊奔跑,不能插队,不能大声叫喊,或到处挥舞画笔。)
  • 26、All you need to do is gently agitate the water with a finger orpaintbrush.(你只需要用手指或刷子轻轻搅动水。)
  • 27、He painted gold with the magicpaintbrush.(他用神奇画笔画了金子。)


英 [ˈpeɪntbrʌʃ] 美 [ˈpentˌbrʌʃ] 


