


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:10:47

  • 1、I think it's my favorite after Blufflimbo.(我想这是自《地狱边缘的绝壁》后我最喜欢的作品了。)
  • 2、An encounter inlimbo with Dumbledore's specter (Michael Gambon), who reveals dark secrets about his past.(一场是在地狱里与邓布利多的幽灵(迈克尔·冈本)的相会,他向人们揭示了他的过去黑暗的秘密的。)
  • 3、Uh, he goes tolimbo, or 'unconstructed dream space.'(呃,他进入了迷失域,也就是“未经构建的梦境空间”。)
  • 4、And it still isn't entirely clear why a Google Voice app is at best in iPhone approval processlimbo.(而且现在仍然不清楚为什么一个Google语音的小程序在iPhone里始终处在等待许可的状态。)
  • 5、Talks have been inlimbo since 2008.(会谈自2008年以来就不了了之。)
  • 6、He failed formally to transfer power to Mr Jonathan before his departure, leaving Nigeria in a state oflimbo.(由于亚拉杜瓦在离开之前并没有正式将权力转交乔纳森,导致尼日利亚处于不稳定状态。)
  • 7、FLAW 3 The new item exists in "productlimbo."(缺点三:新产品进入“产品地狱”。)
  • 8、The negotiations have been inlimbo since mid-December.(谈判自12月中旬已陷入了僵局。)
  • 9、His life seemed stuck inlimbo ; he could not go forward and he could not go back.(他的生活好像陷入了不知所措的境地,进退两难。)
  • 10、Illinois and California, in particular, are inlimbo.(伊利诺伊州和加利福尼亚州的情况却尤其的遭。)
  • 11、That is a long time for northern Japan to remain in radiationlimbo.(对于日本东北部人民来说,他们要在这段不短的时间内一直面对放射性物质的威胁。)
  • 12、If there is no agreement to amend it, Nepal will plunge into legallimbo.(如果没有协议可以修改它,尼泊尔将陷入法律空白。)
  • 13、I was caught in a game of grocerylimbo: "How low can you go?"(我在一个购物的游戏叫“你可以压倒多低呢?”)
  • 14、“It is not a good way to treat people, ” he said, “to leave them inlimbo with no actual job.”(“这样对员工是不好的”他说,“让他们没有实际工作,名存实亡是不好的。”)
  • 15、Agriculture is now inlimbo. The world of cheap food has gone.(农业现在处于地狱的边缘,拥有低廉粮食的世界已经不复存在。)
  • 16、Push Opel’s sale into legallimbo and factories could start to close, or the firm could collapse.(把欧宝推向合法与非法的中间地带,工厂一定会关闭,公司会垮掉。)
  • 17、In fact, legallimbo is not an either-or condition; there are degrees of statelessness.(事实上,法律的“遗忘”(legallimbo)并不是一个非此即彼的状态;存在着不同程度的无国籍状态。)
  • 18、Yeah, that was like odd stuff from after Blufflimbo from '94 to' 95.(对,一些古怪的素材来自94年到95年,就是《地狱边缘的绝壁》灌好以后。)
  • 19、Conflicts arise; some are resolved, others left inlimbo.(矛盾挑起来了,有些已经解决,而有些被搁在了一边。)
  • 20、Living inlimbo, not knowing if they can get permanent residency, is no way to live.(她们生活无着,不知能否获得永久留居权,实在没有活路。)
  • 21、The legislation is, therefore, inlimbo, but it should be fixed, not discarded.(因此这项虽然议案在过渡时期,这些问题会被解决而不会被忽视。)
  • 22、Still, uncertainty looms because of volatile prices and regulatorylimbo.(由于多变的价格和不稳定的动荡,不确定性的问题迫在眉捷。)
  • 23、But at the moment, agriculture has been caught inlimbo. The era of cheap food is over.(但在那时农业也已到了地狱的边境,粮食廉价的时代已经结束了。)
  • 24、But the bottom line is that nuclear negotiations remain inlimbo.(但问题的关键是,伊朗核谈判仍然毫无进展。)
  • 25、Agriculture is now inlimbo.(农业目前境况堪忧。)
  • 26、Don’t forget thelimbo if you’re having a Hawaiian theme BBQ.(如果是夏威夷主题的烧烤派对,可别忘了好玩的凌波舞。)
  • 27、It was the most pure and stark of several films about characters who drifted in existentiallimbo.(在数部角色同样游离失魂的电影里,《奇遇》最为纯粹而鲜明。) (hao86.com好工具)


英 [ˈlɪmbəʊ] 美 [ˈlɪmboʊ] 

名词复数: limbos

