
make way for

make way for造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:48:21

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的make way for的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条make way for的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了make way for的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The pots were discovered in a tomb being excavated tomake way for an extension to the local airport.(该青铜鼎是在当地机场扩建施工时发掘的一处坟墓里被发现的。)
  • 2、Did I see himmake way for a squirrel or were my eyes playing tricks on me?(是我看见他给松鼠让路,还是我看错了?)
  • 3、He stood down tomake way for someone younger.(他退下来好为年轻人让路。)
  • 4、And, not least, people are often displaced tomake way for the new lake.(至少,由于新的湖泊的出现,很多居民需要重新安置。)
  • 5、I will nevermake way for a fool.(我从来不会给一个傻瓜让路。)
  • 6、Today's sprawl of track willmake way for new "carbon-neutral" neighbourhoods.(今天四处延伸铁路最后会给那些新的“碳中和”的邻居让出道路。)
  • 7、Tropical forest is felled tomake way for grassland.(热带森林被砍伐,腾出地方做草地。)
  • 8、He said he was prepared tomake way for younger people in the party.(他说他准备让位于党内的年轻人。)
  • 9、make way for rootvg!(为rootvg让路!)
  • 10、Some sports that were part of the Olympics in the past have been removed tomake way for new sports which are more popular.(一些运动项目曾经是奥运会项目的一部分,现在已经被去除,以便更流行的新运动项目加入奥运会。)
  • 11、They have razed those buildings tomake way for the new highway.(他们拆除了那些建筑物以便腾出地方修建新的公路。)
  • 12、The pond was filled in, shortly after their return, tomake way for an apartment complex.(他们回来后不久,那个池塘被填平了,用来建造一幢公寓大楼。)
  • 13、Commissioned by the noble Peruzzi family, it was whitewashed in the early 1700s tomake way for a new chapel design.(十八世纪早期的时候,贵族佩鲁奇曾下令将这些壁画用石灰水涂白,以便为小教堂的新设计腾出地方。)
  • 14、But like many other patients in Gaza he had been made to leave an overcrowded hospital tomake way for the dying.(和加沙许多病人一样,他被请出爆满的医院,腾出位置给那些奄奄一息的病人。)
  • 15、They expect him to step aside andmake way for an old man.(他们希望他靠边站,好给一个老年人让路。)
  • 16、It aired unusually early, in August, tomake way for NBC's National Football League telecast.(为了给NBC的全国橄榄球联赛让路,去年的艾美奖在八月举行,比以往都早。)
  • 17、Several houses were pulled down tomake way for the new road.(为了给新修的道路让路,几座房屋被拆毁了。)
  • 18、Twenty years later, it was purposefully dropped tomake way for "Negro".(二十年后,为了给“Negro”一词让路,它被故意抛弃。)
  • 19、Traditional workplaces will have tomake way for modern versions and job losses will be difficult to avoid.(传统的生产车间将会被现代的模式所取代,业务流失将是难以避免的。)
  • 20、They leveled all the old trees tomake way for the road.(他们把老树全部砍倒,腾出地方修路。)
  • 21、Tens of millions of people have been forced to move from their homes—often with little warning or compensation—tomake way for the reservoirs behind dams.(数千万人被迫离开家园——通常没有任何预先通知或补偿——只为给水坝后面的水库腾地方。)
  • 22、The crowd was parted right and left tomake way for the party.(群众向左右分开给那一队人让路。)
  • 23、Some people say death is necessary tomake way for the new born.(有人说,死亡是为新生铺路开道的必然。)
  • 24、Sneaking back across the border later, they found their village razed tomake way for Jewish settlement.(之后他们越过边境,溜回家园,却发现他们的村庄早已被夷为平地,成了犹太人定居点。)
  • 25、The trees are being bulldozed tomake way for a new superstore.(那片树正被推土机铲除,以兴建一家新超市。)
make way for基本释义

make way for

英 [meik wei fɔ:] 美 [mek we fɔr] 

为 ... 让路; 为 ... 腾出地方
