


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:48:19

  • 1、But children are moremalleable than trees.(不过孩子的可塑性远远超过树木。)
  • 2、"Because there's nothing known about Arthur in reality, he's incrediblymalleable and you can present him however you want him," he says.(“因为现实中关于亚瑟王的事情一点都不知道,他难以置信的可塑性,你也可以随你喜欢地去展现他。”他说。)
  • 3、Are you ready for amalleable plastic future?(你准备好迎接一个可塑的塑料世界了吗?)
  • 4、Every time we recall a long-term memory, it becomesmalleable.(每当我们回忆起一段长期记忆,它都是具有可塑性的。)
  • 5、Hypertext, on the other hand, stimulates yet another way of thinking: telegraphic, modular, nonlinear,malleable, cooperative.(而超文本激发的是别样的思考方式:简短的、组合式的、非线性的、可延展的,合作的思考模式。)
  • 6、One thing is clear: the law in this area ismalleable enough that it can be argued either way.(一件事是清楚的:在这个领域的法律是足够可塑的可以用不同的方式争辩。)
  • 7、The brain ismalleable.(大脑是可塑的。)
  • 8、For a great example of howmalleable memories are, check out this previous article on how memories are distorted and invented.(关于记忆可塑的例子,可以查看之前关于记忆扭曲及再造的文章。)
  • 9、Themalleable IP address gives your network some flexible manageability.(具有延展性的IP地址让你的网络拥有了灵活的管理。)
  • 10、Useful andmalleable, after 150 years the suit is still holding its ground in the battle for wardrobe space.(150年后,这种有用又易变的西装依旧在我们的衣柜里稳稳地占据着一席之地。)
  • 11、Silver is the mostmalleable of all metals.(银是所有金属中延展性最好的。)
  • 12、The human brain is almost infinitelymalleable.(人类大脑具有无限的可塑性。)
  • 13、The thing that provides structure in open-water ecosystems is the food-web, which is hard to observe andmalleable.(为海洋生态系统提供架构的的食物链,是难以监测和不断变化的。)
  • 14、We deal with bits instead of atoms, and bits are infinitely moremalleable.(我们处理位元而不是原子,位元的可塑性是无限的。)
  • 15、Software appears not to have these same types of natural limits, but to be infinitely flexible andmalleable.(软件好像不仅不会受到这些自然规律的限制,而且灵活性和延展性近乎无限。)
  • 16、In the Philippines activists are lessmalleable.(在菲律宾,活跃分子受影响不大。)
  • 17、When dealing with a difficult person, don't try to convince with argument - language are slippery and logic ismalleable.(当我们和难相处的人打交道时,不要试图用争论来说服对方---语言是狡猾的,逻辑是可变的。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 18、Software ismalleable to the extent it can easily be altered to meet changing business needs.(软件具有一定程度的延展性,可以方便地进行更改,以满足不断变化的业务需求。)
  • 19、She was young enough to bemalleable.(她当时年轻得足以轻易地被别人影响。)
  • 20、Software as a medium is somalleable 2 that it's easy to make radical changes quickly, and at the same time introduce new risks quickly.(作为媒介的软件是有延展性的,2以至于很容易快速进行根本的变更,并且与此同时很快引入新的风险。)
  • 21、It ismalleable and designed to be changed.(它具有延展性,并且设计为可以变化的。)
  • 22、You should treat any recipe for community organizing the same way: as amalleable guide for future action based on past experience.(你应该以同样的方式对待任何菜谱和社区组织工作,让其成为一个具有可持续性的,以过去的经验为基础的,对未来的指南。)


英 [ˈmæliəbl] 美 [ˈmæliəbəl] 

副词: malleably 名词: malleability

