


更新时间:2024-08-28 12:28:44

  • 1、Three months ago, she received some raw material from Tainanmunicipality of lactic acid bacteria or LAB, which is claimed to have fat losing effects.(三个月前,她收到台南市的益生菌原料(LAB)——声称有减肥效果。)
  • 2、Ulaanbaatar (the capital) is amunicipality with provincial status.(首都乌兰巴托(Ulaanbaatar)是一个与省同级的直辖市。)
  • 3、A man walks past buildings under construction at a residential complex in Chongqingmunicipality, January 28, 2011.(图为2011年1月28日,一男子走过重庆一处正在施工中的住宅小区。)
  • 4、Strange as it seemed, this too was Chongqing: a multiple-personalitymunicipality.(虽然这看起来很奇怪,这也是重庆的一部分。重庆市有多重特点的自治区。)
  • 5、Every province, autonomous region andmunicipality has set up a census office and will report to a main center staffed by officials from government departments.(每个省、自治区、直辖市都设立了人口普查办公室,并向由政府部门官员组成的主要中心报告。)
  • 6、Torba, a modern village in the administrative area of the Bodrummunicipality, is a small but notable tourist resort.(托尔巴是土耳其博德鲁姆市下辖的一个村庄,地方不大却是著名的旅游地。)
  • 7、Dorsel is amunicipality in the district of Ahrweiler, Germany.(多塞尔是德国阿勒维勒地区的一个自治市。)
  • 8、These are the first cases in thismunicipality detected since early April.(这些是4月初以来在该市发现的第一批病例。)
  • 9、Today, meetings were held in the WHO office in Uige with traditional community leaders, known as Sobas, for all of Uigemunicipality.(今天在世卫组织驻威热办事处与威热全市已知为Sobas的传统社区领导人举行了会议。)
  • 10、Ourmunicipality is divided into ten districts.(我们这个市,下面设10个区。)
  • 11、The rain has also affected parts of Chongqingmunicipality.(大雨也影响到重庆市的部分地区。)
  • 12、Generally, a civil case is initially heard by a local court of themunicipality or province in which the defendant resides.(一般而言,民事案件首先由被告所在省市的地方法院审理。)
  • 13、In Uigemunicipality, procedures for contact tracing are now operating with greater efficiency.(在威热市,目前正在以更高的效率实施接触者追踪的程序。)
  • 14、Each local health unit submitted monthly reports indicating the number of suspected malaria cases to theirmunicipality.(当地各卫生部门每月提交报告,说明本辖区疑似疟疾病例的数字。)
  • 15、A total solar eclipse darkens the skies in Chongqingmunicipality in China.(当日全食食甚来临,重庆市的天空被一片黑暗笼罩。)
  • 16、There will always be fear, but what we want to achieve in ourmunicipality is tranquility and security.(一直都有恐惧感,但是我们想让当地获得稳定,有安全感。)
  • 17、Most cases have occurred in Uigemunicipality, which has reported 175 cases and 163 deaths.(大多数病例发生在威热市,该市已报告175例和163例死亡。)
  • 18、Developing green electricity scheme (s) : green electricity has been well studied in China and piloted in Shanghaimunicipality.(推广绿色电力认购机制:中国已经对绿色电力认购机制开展了深入研究并在上海市进行了试点。)
  • 19、Unfortunately, such gangs exist in everymunicipality.(非常不幸,这种团伙在每个自治市都存在。)
  • 20、Vector control activities were implemented throughout the State and especially in themunicipality of Rio.(已在全州内开展了媒介控制活动,特别是在里约市区。)
  • 21、An outbreak of a disease of unknown etiology is currently ongoing in Cacuacomunicipality, Angola.(安哥拉卡瓜科市目前正在爆发一种病因不明的疾病。)
  • 22、33a floating restaurant is stranded in a branch of the Yangtze River in Chongqingmunicipality, March 21, 2010.(2010年3月21日,重庆市,一条画舫滞留在长江的一条支流中。) [hao86.com好工具]


英 [mju:ˌnɪsɪˈpæləti] 美 [mjuˌnɪsəˈpælɪti] 

名词复数: municipalities

