


更新时间:2024-05-06 12:25:18

  • 1、HIV-positive people can reduce their exposure to some of the germs that threaten their health.(HIV阳性的人要避免接触危害健康的病菌。)
  • 2、Botswana is a great success story for Africa to reach this low level of infection among children born toHIV-positive women.(博茨瓦纳能实现如此低的艾滋病毒母婴传播水平,可以称得上是非洲的一个成功典范。)
  • 3、If implemented, they can increase the number ofHIV-positive children successfully initiated on ART.(如果实施该算法,则能够增加艾滋病病毒检测呈阳性幼儿实施抗逆转录病毒疗法的人数。)
  • 4、In areas where antiretroviral therapy is available, a pregnant woman can receive these drugs if she tests HIV positive during pregnancy.(在有条件进行抗逆转录病毒疗法的地方,如果孕妇在怀孕期间HIV阳性的话,可以得到这些药物的治疗。)
  • 5、Also, TB inHIV-positive people is more likely to be fatal if undiagnosed or left untreated.(如果不及时治疗或确诊的话,结核病对于HIV阳性的人有可能是致命的。)
  • 6、His estimate of half a millionHIV-positive cases was based on an extrapolation of the known incidence of the virus.(他的50万HIV阳性病例的估计是基于对已知病毒发病率的推断。)
  • 7、But when doctors found out he wasHIV-positive, they refused to perform the operation.(但是当医生知道他是HIV病毒携带者之后,医院拒绝为他做手术。)
  • 8、This does not mean that the number ofHIV-positive TB cases and the number of TB deaths amongHIV-positive people doubled between 2006 and 2007.(但这并不意味着2006年至2007年期间艾滋病毒阳性结核病例数目和艾滋病毒阳性携带者结核病死亡数目翻了一番。)
  • 9、Children, who don't gain weight after feedings, are tested, and generally found to be HIV positive.(对在喂养后体重不增加的儿童进行艾滋病毒检测,结果一般呈阳性。)
  • 10、But that simple message once a week, madeHIV-positive recipients significantly more likely to take their medicine and remain healthy.(但是每周都发送一条这么简单的信息,让HIV阳性的患者们明显更乐意服药并保持健康。)
  • 11、TB is a leading cause of death among people who areHIV-positive.(结核是艾滋病毒阳性者死亡的一个首要原因。)
  • 12、I have patients who areHIV-positive and asymptomatic.(我的一些艾滋病毒检测呈阳性的病人,没有任何症状。)
  • 13、Last year, one millionHIV-positive women died of AIDS-related illnesses because they could not get the drugs they needed.(去年,一百万hiv呈阳性的妇女因为未能获得所需药品而死于与艾滋病相关的疾病。)
  • 14、"Hearing I was HIV positive broke my heart," she said.(她说:“当我听到我呈HIV阳性时,心都碎了。”)
  • 15、Results from population surveys in ten countries showed more than 60% ofHIV-positive people did not know their HIV status.(在十个国家所作的人口调查结果显示,超过60%的艾滋病毒阳性者并不了解其艾滋病毒状况。)
  • 16、Plus, in order for men to benefit from the microbicide, it would have to protect them from anHIV-positive woman, she adds.(另外,男性应该会从药物中获益,它可以保护他们以免被女性HIV携带者感染,她又是说。)
  • 17、Thanks to recent advances in access to antiretroviral therapy (ART),HIV-positive people now live longer and healthier lives.(鉴于近期在获取抗逆转录病毒疗法(ART)方面的进展,艾滋病毒阳性患者现在可以活得更长、更健康。)
  • 18、Remember, being HIV positive does not stop you from being the person you were before you knew your test result.(要记住,HIV阳性并不能阻止你保持自我,你仍然可以一如既往的过你原来的人生。)
  • 19、Any woman who receives an HIV positive result will then be counselled and given appropriate treatment if necessary.(所有收到HIV病毒阳性结果的妇女将得到适当的辅导及必要的治疗。)
  • 20、And only 15% of children born toHIV-positive mothers were receiving appropriate infant diagnostics.(艾滋病毒阳性母亲生育的子女中,只有15%获得了适当的婴儿诊断制剂。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 21、The other case involved a mother and son, again in Australia, who both tested HIV positive.(另一宗个案也发生在澳大利亚,涉及一名母亲和她的儿子,经检测二者均为HIV阳性。)
  • 22、Of the 53 patients, 44 had been tested for HIV and all wereHIV-positive.(在这53名患者中,有44人进行了艾滋病毒检测,均为阳性。)
  • 23、It means that HIV positive mothers will not unwittingly give a death sentence to their babies.(这意味着艾滋病毒阳性的母亲不会不知情地对她们的婴儿判处死刑。)
  • 24、How can a traditional healer - the traditional advocate of a clan's fertility - counsel anHIV-positive woman who wants to have a child?(一名被视为家族繁衍维护者的传统治疗师怎么可能会为想要一个孩子的HIV阳性的妇女做出建议?)
  • 25、HIV-positive children less than 1 year old.(HIV阳性的不足1岁的儿童。)
  • 26、This left the door open for dealers to sell fake or illegally obtained pills to HIV positive people desperate to maintain their health.(这让伪造药或非法药物销售者有机可乘,将这些药片销售给绝望的,想要保持健康的HIV阳性者。)