
horse and cart

horse and cart造句

更新时间:2024-06-03 12:19:53

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的horse and cart的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了22条horse and cart的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了horse and cart的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Anthea went to talk to a man who had ahorse and cart, and the others waited.(安西娅走过去和一个有马套二轮单马车的人谈起来,别的孩子等着。)
  • 2、So there is this story about his Uncle Hoskins who takes hishorse and cart with Richard in the back and drives it into the middle of the Mississippi River as a kind of practical joke on Richard.(有个故事是关于他的叔叔Hoskins的,他让理查坐在他的马车后,却连人带车掉到密西西比河里,这被作为了一个理查的真实笑话。)
  • 3、On the following morning the old man found a thousand-franc bank-note on his night-stand, with these words in Father Madeleine's writing: "I purchase yourhorse and cart."(第二天早晨,那老头子在床头小桌上发现一张一千法郎的票据和马德兰伯伯亲笔写的一句话:“我买您的车和马。”)
  • 4、Businesses are the generators of the wealth on which incomes, taxation and all else depends; "the strong horse that pulls the whole cart", as Churchill put it.(商业是工资、税收和其他一切都依靠的财富的制造者;丘吉尔曾经将商业比作“一匹拉着整个马车的悍马”。)
  • 5、One afternoon Matthew drove thehorse and cart to the station.(一天下午,马修驾着马车来到火车站。)
  • 6、Mama's going to buy you ahorse and cart.(妈妈会去给你买一辆马车。)
  • 7、The cart was broken, and the horse was dead.(车子早已碎了,马也早已死了。)
  • 8、Your expectations are the horse, and your experience is the cart.(我们期望的是马,我们体验的是车。)
  • 9、Klim, probably reflecting that a real robber would have vanished long ago with thehorse and cart, came out of the forest and went hesitatingly up to his passenger.(也许正想着一个有马和车的很早以前已经消失的真的大盗,Klim从林子里面走了出来,将信将疑的走向他的乘客。)
  • 10、Reduced to simple rules, following a cart-before-horse thinking that everything should be done by IT, and simple rules are what IT handles best.(都被降为简单的规则,按照本末倒置的想法,所有一切都应该由IT完成,而简单规则正是IT最容易掌控的。)
  • 11、Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy.(由于汽车被禁止使用,交通依赖于电车或轻便马车。)
  • 12、A cart and horse was seen coming to us.(看见一辆马车向我们这边过来。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 13、Papa's going to buy you ahorse and cart.(爸爸会去给你买一辆马车。)
  • 14、Then bankruptcy had come; and as the old man had nothing left but a cart and a horse, and neither family nor children, he had turned carter.(后来他破了产,年纪老了,又只有一辆小车和一匹马,并无家室儿女,为了生活,只好驾车。)
  • 15、An old man with ahorse and cart in the street, just like the scene in a fairy story.(一个老人驾着一辆欧洲风格的漂亮马车,当我在华盛顿的大街上看到这个情景时,就有种进入童话故事的感觉。)
  • 16、Papa's gonna buy you ahorse and cart.(爸爸会去给你买马车。)
  • 17、Take the horse and the cart, you devil, only don't take my life.(马和车都归你,你个魔鬼,只要留下我的命。)
  • 18、Thehorse and cart carrying heavy things was going by at that moment.(那时,那辆载着重物的马车正从边上经过。)
  • 19、Last night we hitched the horse to the cart and moved here.(昨天晚上我们把马拴在马车上,搬到了这里。)
  • 20、Harbin Zhongxin wood Artistic Product Factory is the only professional manufacturer in China to make solid wood hollow globe, wood beer barrel, wood pallet, wood horse-cart, and wooden football.(哈尔滨市中信木艺工艺品厂是国内唯一设计制造实木空心地球仪、木制啤酒桶、木托、木马车、木制足球的专业厂商。)
  • 21、Before that period the city was a small highly compact cluster in which people moved about on foot and goods were conveyed byhorse and cart.(在这之前,城市只是高度密集的小聚居群,在这里人们靠步行走动,商品靠马车运送。)
  • 22、Later in the day They were given a lift in ahorse and cart from west London out into the country.(那天晚些时候,他们搭上了一辆从伦敦西部往乡间去的马车。)
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