
in response to

in response to造句

更新时间:2024-06-17 12:02:22

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的in response to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条in response to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in response to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、In the video clips, the babies made various facial expressionsin response to real life events including playful interactions and painful ones.(在视频剪辑中,婴儿们对现实生活中的事件做出各种各样的面部反应,包括有趣的互动和痛苦的经历。)
  • 2、These comments camein response to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.(这些评论是对当地记者经常提出的特定问题的回应。)
  • 3、The West African forces went on the offensivein response to attacks on them.(西非武装力量发起进攻以回应袭击。)
  • 4、The sites shield themselves from search engines, so they do not pop upin response to online searches for the brands they offer.(这些网站避开了搜索引擎,所以若在线搜索他们所卖的品牌时,他们的网站是不会出现的。)
  • 5、It's true that many animals shed tears, especiallyin response to pain.(的确,很多动物都会流泪,尤其是在面对疼痛的时候。)
  • 6、in response to customer demands, Microsoft has released the source code for Sandcastle.(为了回应客户的需求,微软决定发布Sandcastle的源代码。)
  • 7、The product was developedin response to customer demand.(这种产品是为了满足顾客的需要而开发的。)
  • 8、The computer's own personality would be lively and impressive, and it would developin response to that of the user.(计算机本身将具备活泼的个性,令人印象深刻,并将根据用户的个性发展。)
  • 9、As boards scrutinize succession plansin response to shareholder pressure, executives who don't get the nod also may wish to move on.(由于董事会迫于股东们的压力而严格审查公司的接任方案,那些未获得许可的高管们也可能会想辞职。)
  • 10、in response to viral infection, the immune systems of mice typically produce antibodies that destroy the virus by binding to proteins on its surface.(在病毒感染的反应中,老鼠的免疫系统通常会产生抗体,通过与病毒表面的蛋白质结合来破坏病毒。)
  • 11、in response to these gradual climatic swings, some species have shifted their ranges hundreds of kilometers.(为了应对逐渐变化的气候,一些物种改变了活动范围,已经迁移到数百公里以外的地方。) 【好工具】
  • 12、To survive in that sort of environment, animals have to adapt to evolvein response to their surroundings.(为了在那样的环境中生存,动物必须进化,以适应周围的环境。)
  • 13、It was some time before the door openedin response to his ring.(他按过门铃后好一会儿门才打开。)
  • 14、I'm writingin response to the letter you wrote to me yesterday.(昨天收到你的来信,写此信作为回复。)
  • 15、There is mounting evidence that the frequency and magnitude of landsliding is changing in many parts of the worldin response to climate change.(越来越多的证据表明,响应气候的变化,世界许多地区的滑坡发生的频率和程度正在发生变化。)
  • 16、Men, like women, report crying at the death of a loved one andin response to a moving religious experience.(和女性一样,男性也会因为所爱之人的死亡和感人的宗教经历而哭泣。)
  • 17、The reasons why they don't, and why the environment has not been ruined, have to do with prices, technological innovation, social change and government regulationin response to popular pressure.(他们不这样做的原因,以及为什么环境没有被破坏的原因,都与价格、技术创新、社会变革和政府应对公众压力的监管有关。)
  • 18、Millions of people gave freelyin response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.(为响应救济地震灾民的呼吁,几百万人慷慨相助。)
  • 19、in response to certain stimuli, many animals show instinctive aggressive reactions.(对于某些刺激,许多动物表现出本能的攻击反应。)
  • 20、Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disordersin response to stress compared to men.(面对压力时,女性与男性相比更容易患上抑郁症和焦虑症。)
  • 21、Most of employers are planning to cut down on wages instead of laying off employeesin response to the economic depression.(为了应对经济萧条,大多数雇主正计划降低工资,而不是裁员。)
  • 22、The burger business faces more pressure from regulators at a time when it is already adapting strategiesin response to shifts in the global economy.(在汉堡产业已经在调整战略以应对全球经济变化之际,它还面临着来自监管机构的更多压力。)
  • 23、Sudan even threatened to mobilizein response to the ultimatums.(苏丹甚至威胁说要动用军事力量来回应最后通牒。)
  • 24、The president has ordered emergency measures to be takenin response to the disappearance of the flight.(对于航班失踪事件,总统已经下令采取紧急措施。)
  • 25、Humans are the only animals that produce tearsin response to emotions, and most people say a good cry makes them feel better.(人类是唯一会对情绪做出反应而流泪的动物,大多数人说好好哭一场会让他们感觉更好。)
  • 26、Eyes twitch randomlyin response to stimulation from the brain stem.(当脑干受到刺激时,眼睛会随机抽动。)
  • 27、in response to declining math skills among their students, some Japanese schools are bringing back an ancient calculating device—the abacus.(为了应对学生数学能力的下降,日本的一些学校重新使用起一种古老的计算工具——算盘。)
  • 28、in response to a question from Goldman Sachs, Abby Joseph Cohen, he said investors will eventually regain confidence in the stock market.(他在回应高盛公司AbbyJosephCohen的提问时表示,投资者最终会重拾对股票市场的信心。)
  • 29、Even then it was recognized that cryingin response to drama brought pleasure.(即使在当时,人们也认识到为喜剧而哭泣会带来愉悦。)
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