
in check

in check造句

更新时间:2024-06-17 12:02:56

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的in check的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条in check的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in check的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Many Eastern Asians prefer to hold their emotionsin check and instead express themselves with great politeness.(许多东亚人更喜欢控制自己的情绪,以非常礼貌的方式表达自己。)
  • 2、Heidrich now visits websites that discuss gaming addiction regularly "to remind myself to keep my love for online gamesin check".(海德里希现在经常访问那些讨论游戏成瘾的网站,“以此提醒自己要控制对网络游戏的热爱”。)
  • 3、The shelterbelt kept the sandin check.(防护林带挡住了风沙。)
  • 4、I had to work hard to keep my angerin check, and I didn't always succeed.(我必须努力工作才能控制住自己的怒气,但并不总是能够控制得住。)
  • 5、There, they keep other creaturesin check, distribute seeds, and clean dead and decaying materials from the ground.(在那里,他们控制着其他生物,播撒种子,并且清理地面上死去和腐烂的东西。)
  • 6、On the other hand, the Virgo man needs to keep his critical naturein check.(在另一方面,处女座男人需要抑制他的挑剔特性。)
  • 7、Watch your emotional energy and keep itin check especially in public!(注意自己的情绪,并及时控制,尤其是在公众场合!) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 8、Between the two plates, stresses build up that are heldin check by friction.(压力于两个板块间积聚而受摩擦力抑制。)
  • 9、That trauma kept the city’s metro ambitionsin check for 20 years.(这个失败的设计,遏制阿姆斯特丹成为大都市的雄心壮志长达20年之久。)
  • 10、It keeps the amygdalain check... usually.(通常它能使杏仁核受到抑制。)
  • 11、It is also why expectations must be heldin check for the coming season.(这也是为什么对新赛季期待有限的原因。)
  • 12、Life on Earth will become unsustainable unless population growth is heldin check.(地球上的生命将无法延续,除非人口增长得到控制。)
  • 13、It enables you to handle and put your emotionsin check.(它使你能够处理事物并让你的情绪受到控制。)
  • 14、Earnings were more mixed on Wednesday, which has kept movementsin check.(周三企业财报喜忧参半,有所减少。)
  • 15、There, you'rein check.(瞧,将你一军。)
  • 16、What's more, gum disease can make it harder to keep blood sugar levelsin check.(更严重的是牙龈疾病会让血糖水平难以控制。)
  • 17、Indeed, most men have excellent impulse control and keep their urgesin check.(确实,大多数男人有很好的控制冲动的能力,使这种冲动受到抑制。)
  • 18、But the most important piece of advice for toddlers: Keep you parentsin check.(但是,对小孩子最重要的一条建议就是:控制住父母。)
  • 19、Modest controls on capital inflows are one way to keep such speculatorsin check.(对资本流入的谨慎控制则是抑制此类投机者的一个方法。)
  • 20、In New Hampshire and afterward, with all the character attacks, I had to fight to keep my temperin check and minimize my tendency to whine when exhausted.(在新罕布什尔和之后的地方,遭受着所有的品格攻击,我不得不竭力控制自己的脾气,在筋疲力尽时尽量少发牢骚。)
  • 21、Just keep your attitude and sense of entitlementin check.(你只要控制好你的态度和优越感。)
  • 22、Tips to Help Keep A Temperin check.(有助于控制脾气的小贴士。)
  • 23、He held his angerin check.(他遏制住怒火。)
  • 24、So you learn to keep your emotionsin check.(所以你得学着控制自己的情绪。)
  • 25、The recession has held salariesin check for the IT profession.(衰退抑制了IT职业的薪酬。)
in check基本释义

in check

英 [in tʃek] 美 [ɪn tʃɛk] 

受抑制; 受控制
