好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的in turn的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条in turn的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in turn的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Feeding each otherin turn.(相互轮流喂食。)
- 2、So he recommended they upgrade their software programs and that,in turn, cut operational costs and just speeded everything up.(所以他建议他们升级他们的软件程序,这反过来降低了运营成本并让一切快速运转。)
- 3、Whether the public bus ride, or riding, are often inadvertently seen some people holding a Rubik's Cubein turn, or couples, or single.(无论是坐公巴,还是坐车,都常常不经意地看见一些人拿着魔方在转,或情侣,或单身。)
- 4、Increased agricultural productionin turn facilitated rural industry, an intrinsic part of the expansion of industry.(农业生产的增加反过来又促进了农村工业,也就是工业扩张的内在组成部分。)
- 5、There were cheers for each of the women as they spokein turn.(女士们依次发言时,每一位都得到了喝彩。)
- 6、They,in turn, provided work for many Irish home-building contractor firms.(反过来,他们又为许多爱尔兰房屋建筑承包商提供了工作。)
- 7、The rays,in turn, decimated the bay scallop populations around North Carolina.(反过来,这些鳐鱼又大量捕杀了北卡罗来纳州周围的海湾扇贝。)
- 8、Please line upin turn.(请依次排队。)
- 9、Commercial efficiency,in turn, had put temptations in the way of buyers.(商业效率反过来又给买家带来了诱惑。)
- 10、The differences in feeding preferences lead,in turn, to differences in migratory habits.(摄食偏好的差异,又导致了迁徙习惯的不同。)
- 11、Increased production will,in turn, lead to increased profits.(增加生产会继而增加利润。)
- 12、High savings lead, over time, to increased investment, whichin turn generates productivity gains, innovation and job growth.(随着时间的推移,高储蓄会导致投资增加,进而促进生产率提高、创新和就业增长。)
- 13、Steam power and iron combined to revolutionize transport, whichin turn had further implications.(蒸汽动力和铁的结合使运输发生了革命性的变化,更加产生了更深远的影响。)
- 14、Using this biofuel, corn ethanol, in cars will increase the demand for corn which,in turn, will lead to more farmlands created to supply the crops.(在汽车中使用玉米乙醇这种生物燃料,将增加对玉米的需求,进而导致人们开垦更多的农田来供给农作物。)
- 15、All this led to increased wealth, whichin turn would attract more immigrants to Teotihuacán.(所有这些使财富增加,这反过来又会吸引更多的移民到特奥蒂瓦坎。)
- 16、He sent them to go and look at a pear tree that was far awayin turn.(他派他们轮流去看一棵很远的梨树。)
- 17、He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legsin turn.(他不得不躺在地上,轮流抬起左腿和右腿。)
- 18、These exercisesin turn positively influence brain development.(这些练习反过来又对大脑发育有积极的影响。)
- 19、Food is being served on potato-based plates that will be fed,in turn, to pigs.(食物被盛在以土豆为原料的盘子里,然后再喂给猪吃。)
- 20、Metamorphosis,in turn, certainly represents the horrible imagery of an ethic of lucidity.(反过来,《变形记》当然代表了一种清晰的伦理道德的可怕形象。)
- 21、One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who,in turn, confided in a reporter.(该外科小组的一名成员把此事泄露给一个同行医生,而后者转而又将此透露给了一位记者。)
- 22、Dissatisfaction with conventional explanations for dinosaur extinctions led to a surprising observation that,in turn, has suggested a new hypothesis.(人们对恐龙灭绝的传统解释感到不满,导致了一个令人惊讶的发现,转而引发了新的假设。)
- 23、We look after himin turn.(我们依次照顾他。)
- 24、The children called out their namesin turn.(孩子们逐一自报姓名。)
- 25、These behavioral changes mayin turn be harmful to the health.(这些行为的改变反过来可能对健康产生危害。)
- 26、In addition, advertising can influence consumers' moods which,in turn, are capable of influencing consumer' reactions to products.(此外,广告可以影响消费者的情绪,而这种情绪反过来又能影响消费者对产品的反应。)
- 27、He kissed each Marionettein turn, even the officers, and, beside himself with joy, set out on his homeward journey.(他依次吻了每一个木偶,连宪兵们也吻了,高兴得忘乎所以,就动身回家去了。) haO86.com
- 28、These three tracks must be mixed and balanced so as to produce the necessary emphases whichin turn create desired effects.(为了创造重点并带来预期的效果,必须将这些音轨混合并做平衡。)
- 29、More productive farmers meant there was a surplus that could feed cities;in turn, that created a pool of labor for factories.(生产力更高的农民意味着可以养活城市的剩余劳动力;反过来,这又为工厂创造了一些劳动力。)