
in the midst of

in the midst of造句

更新时间:2024-06-10 12:13:37

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的in the midst of的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条in the midst of的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in the midst of的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、in the midst of it he had recovered himself and beckoned imperiously to Dickon.(听到一半,他恢复了镇静,急切地向狄肯示意。)
  • 2、in the midst of the large, old, smoking hall burnt a great fire on the stone floor.(在古老的、烟熏的大厅中间,石头地板上燃着一堆旺火。)
  • 3、She discovered itin the midst of sorting out her father's things.(她在整理父亲的东西时发现了它。)
  • 4、Flamingos, however, are the only species that actually makes lifein the midst of all that death.(然而,火烈鸟是唯一真正能在那样的死亡中途生存的物种。)
  • 5、His wife stoodin the midst of the crowd.(他的妻子站在人群中间。)
  • 6、in the midst of life, we are in death then, so what should we do about it?(茫茫人生,我们会面对死亡,那时我们又该怎样做?)
  • 7、in the midst of the shoes stood a pair of red ones, just like those the princess had worn.(在这些鞋子中间有一双红鞋,跟公主穿的那双一模一样。)
  • 8、The Los Angeles Times reports that the industry isin the midst of an intense increase in cash flow.(《洛杉矶时报》报道称,该行业正处于现金流大幅增加的过程中。)
  • 9、He wanted the picnic to bein the midst of the forest.(他要去森林中野餐。)
  • 10、Eleanor arrivedin the midst of a blizzard.(埃莉诺到达时正下着暴风雪。)
  • 11、Satava says, "We arein the midst of a fundamental change in the field of medicine."(萨塔瓦说:“我们正处于医学领域的根本变革之中。”)
  • 12、I establish my lucidityin the midst of what negates it.(我将我的清醒置于了对它的否定之中。)
  • 13、One of these urges had to do with creating a state of peacein the midst of turbulence, a "still point of the turning world," to borrow a phrase from T. S. Eliot.(这些诉求之一与在动荡中创造一种平和的状态相关,借用T。S。Eliot的话来说,就是“旋转世界中的静止点”。)
  • 14、Cambodia isin the midst of a land grab.(柬埔寨正处于土地开发的狂潮中。)
  • 15、Currently, the industry isin the midst of a boom.(目前,矿产业正处于繁荣的中期。)
  • 16、In fact, we are arguably stillin the midst of it.(实际上,我们可能仍然身处其中。)
  • 17、The students werein the midst of a lively discussion when the teacher came in.(正当同学们热烈讨论的时候,老师进来了。)
  • 18、They werein the midst of the court-yard of a robber's castle.(他们在一座强盗宫殿般的院子里。)
  • 19、Many were surprised to see him exposed like thisin the midst of a large crowd.(很多人看到他这样暴露在一大群人当中,都感到很意外。)
  • 20、There was a sense of a grand reunionin the midst of this historic event.(在这个具有历史意义的事件中,有一种场面隆重团聚的感觉。)
  • 21、in the midst of the fun the door opened and in walked Dr. Craven and Mrs. Medlock.(在一片欢声笑语中,门开了,克雷文医生和梅德洛克太太走了进来。)
  • 22、in the midst of this, man seems so trivial.(在这个整体中,人类显得是如此的卑微。)
  • 23、The immaculately tended gardens are an oasisin the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl.(那些打理得非常整洁的花园是杂乱扩张的开罗市区中的一片绿洲。)
  • 24、Web advertising isin the midst of a metamorphosis.(网络广告正处于嬗变过程当中。)
  • 25、We are notin the midst of a new boom.(我们不是在另一个繁荣周期之中。)
  • 26、We arein the midst of one of the worst recessions for many, many years.(我们正处于许多年以来最严重的一次经济衰退。)
  • 27、Unfortunately, Windows had beenin the midst of a delicate and crucial undertaking.(不幸的是,Windows系统正在进行一项微妙而关键的工作。)
  • 28、Such beauty was unexpectedin the midst of the city.(市中心有这样的美景真是出乎意料。)
in the midst of基本释义

in the midst of

英 [in ðə midst ɔv] 美 [ɪn ði mɪdst ʌv] 

在 ... 当中; 正当 ... 的时候
