


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:51:49

  • 1、She regarded her with a look ofinscrutable alarm and terror.(她带着不可思议的惊讶和恐惧打量着她。)
  • 2、Of course, to naive girls like myself, you'reinscrutable.(当然我们不知世事的女孩子,莫测高深。)
  • 3、In public he remainedinscrutable.(在公开场合他一直是个谜。)
  • 4、A. You will soon see in Cataclysm that goblins have a somewhatinscrutable sense of taste. They also like tropical drinks.(在大灾变里,你会看到哥布林们有着别人难以理解的口味。他们也喜欢热带饮料。)
  • 5、Should he leave these reasonably comfortable quarters and fly from thisinscrutable horror?(他应该离开这些相当舒适的地方,从这不可思议的恐怖中逃走吗?)
  • 6、The God of the Second Inaugural is utterlyinscrutable: "The Almighty has His own purposes."(第二次就职演说中提到的上帝完全令人难以理解:“上帝有他自己的目的。”)
  • 7、I'd imagine myself as one of them: the mysterious Horadrim led by theinscrutable Tal Rasha!(我经常把自己想象成他们的一员:一个在神秘莫测的塔·拉夏领导下的神秘的赫拉·迪姆成员!)
  • 8、They ought to be wary ofinscrutable companies, giving the firms an incentive to change their ways.(他们应该提防这类不透明的公司,促使这些公司改变他们的经营。)
  • 9、It's one of the world's leading - and somewhatinscrutable - technology companies.(它是这是全球最顶尖的——同时也是最神秘的——科技企业之一。)
  • 10、The equally large number of elderly Vietnamese men, by contrast, are silent andinscrutable.(相比之下,年长的越南人虽然数量同样不少,但却沉默不语,不知在想些什么。)
  • 11、It's harder to writeinscrutable "clever" code, but it makes low-level operations like bit-manipulation more difficult.(虽然很难写出难以理解的“聪明”代码,它同时也使得一些低级操作,如位操作变得困难起来。)
  • 12、Given his iconic image as a ruthless andinscrutable bounty hunter, it's hard to imagine Boba Fett being manipulated by anyone.(考虑到他作为神秘莫测而冷酷无情的赏金猎人标志性形象,很难让人想像波巴·费特会被任何人操控。)
  • 13、This is a story about love. Aboutinscrutable complexity and remarkable simplicity, about the promise of forever.(这是一个有关爱的故事,有关变幻莫测的复杂和超凡脱俗的简单,有关一个永远的承诺,有关蛊惑、虔诚和伟大。)
  • 14、Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched theinscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning ?(我们中谁没有在某个接待室里做过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种各样可能性的莫测高深的门板?)
  • 15、The power of Maya is indeedinscrutable!(摩耶的力量事实上难以了解!)
  • 16、But who can understand theinscrutable ways of the Divine?(谁能明白神难以了解的方式呢?)
  • 17、She gave him, straight in the eyes, a look which was alsoinscrutable.(她还目光炯炯地注视了他一下,这也使他不能理解。)
  • 18、But we were divided; he was asinscrutable as my headmaster.(可是我们却咫尺天涯,他象我的校长一样不可理解。)
  • 19、Because the paths to the Lord areinscrutable, because the essence of his forgiveness, lies in his word and in his mystery.(因为通往上帝的路途是不可预测的,因为他宽容的本质,就藏在他的语言和神迹里。)
  • 20、But theinscrutable Mr Ban replies that, in Asia, a smiling face often hides an inner strength.(但这位高深莫测的潘基文回应说,在亚洲,一张笑脸背后往往隐藏着内在的力量。)
  • 21、My wife, Elaine, appears at the top of the stairs, aninscrutable expression on her face.(我的妻子伊莱恩站在楼梯最上边,脸上表情莫测。)
  • 22、Atomic nuclei, in contrast, have remained far moreinscrutable.(相对而言,对于原子核的了解就少得多了。)
  • 23、Thisinscrutable man never felt more alone than when surrounded by his dogs.(这个神秘的男人在被他的狗包围着的时候,感到最孤独。)
  • 24、Even so, the motive may proveinscrutable.(即便如此,其动机可能还是令人费解。)
  • 25、Howinscrutable is the civilization where men toil and work and worry their hair grey to get a living and forget to play!(人们流血流汗,劳心劳力,直到双鬓斑白,只求谋生,而忘了玩乐,这样的文明实在让人费解!)
  • 26、The riddle remainsinscrutable to us.(那个谜对我们仍然是不可解的。) 【hao86.com好工具】


英 [ɪnˈskru:təbl] 美 [ɪnˈskrutəbəl] 

副词: inscrutably 名词: inscrutability

