


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:52:00

  • 1、Or is that notion a product of the media'sinfatuation with the Obamas?(还是,这个想法只是媒体过于迷恋奥巴马夫妇而带来的产物?)
  • 2、Copper Locket is not aware of Grape'sinfatuation with him until one day her hand touches his face accidentally.(铜脑没留心到葡萄对自己的迷恋,直到一天葡萄偶然碰到自己的脸。)
  • 3、But mutual-fund data and other clues suggest that that briefinfatuation has ended.(但共同基金数据及其他线索显示,这种短暂的情投意合早已结束。)
  • 4、A slap killed myinfatuation and paranoia.(一巴掌打死我的痴心和妄想。)
  • 5、So you know now what I mean.infatuation. Crush. In love might work also.(所以你们明白我的意思吧。迷恋沉迷在恋爱中可能也行。)
  • 6、The difference between love andinfatuation is that love is a more intense feeling.(爱和迷恋的分别就在于爱是更为强烈的情感。)
  • 7、This is not a recentinfatuation.(这么做并不是一时的迷恋。)
  • 8、I thought I was in love with Susan, but it was onlyinfatuation.(我以为我爱苏珊,其实那只是一时的感情冲动而已。)
  • 9、Mr Blair is not likely to say, "OK guys, you got me-i did it out of lust for glory andinfatuation with George Bush."(布莱尔不大可能会承认,“好吧,您是对的——我这么做是出于对荣耀的渴望,出于对布什的追随。”)
  • 10、Virtual back buttons on Android are annoying artifacts of overinfatuation with touch screens.(在对触摸屏的痴迷退热之后,Android上的虚拟回退按钮只不过是个烦人的组件。)
  • 11、She realized that she felt fear as well asinfatuation for this man.(她意识到自己对这个男人又害怕又迷恋。)
  • 12、He finally recovered from an absurdinfatuation.(他终于从荒唐的迷恋中醒悟过来。)
  • 13、Hisinfatuation blinded him to her faults.(他对她的迷恋使他看不见她的缺点。)
  • 14、Today, I understand that this isinfatuation, a precious love!(今天,我明白了,这是痴情,一种可贵的情!)
  • 15、Have you ever experiencedinfatuation with someone you know is not a good match for you?(你有没有经历过痴迷有人知道你是不是一个好的比赛吗?)
  • 16、Whatever the case, the end of young love (or even younginfatuation) is not easy.(不论是什么情况,要结束那段稚爱(抑或是年少时的迷恋)并不容易。)
  • 17、It isn't love, it's just a passinginfatuation.(那不是爱情,只不过是一时的痴迷。)
  • 18、He despises her but encourages theinfatuation, seeing it as a chance for revenge on Edgar.(希斯·克里夫看不起她,但却纵容她一时的痴迷,因为他把这当作报复埃德加的一个机会。)
  • 19、It isn't love, it'sinfatuation.(这不是去爱,这是迷恋。)
  • 20、Not all that the Reversionaries stood for was born from a naiveinfatuation with simple cultures and native peoples.(复古派所倡导的,并非全是对于简单的文化和土著人民的天真痴情。)
  • 21、Are you sure it's the real thing, not justinfatuation?(你确信这是真爱,而不是一时的迷恋吗?)
  • 22、Fisher says, 'infatuation is a stage where a person keeps popping into your brain and you can't get them out.(费雪博士说道:“迷恋是指当某个人不断出现在你脑海里,并且你无法让这些从脑里出去的阶段。”)
  • 23、"The essence of love begins wheninfatuation ends." - anonymous.(当迷恋结束时,真正的爱情就开始了。)
  • 24、There are three types of love.infatuation, love of family, and love of your spouse.(有三种类型的爱:糊涂的爱,家庭的爱,夫妻的爱。)
  • 25、Theirinfatuation blinded them to the fundamental differences in their points of view.(他们之间的迷恋使他们看不到他们之间意见的根本分歧。)


英 [ɪnˌfætʃuˈeɪʃn] 美 [ɪˌfætʃuˈeʃən] 


