


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:51:30

  • 1、Turn right at thisintersection.(在十字路口右转。)
  • 2、Take a right turn at theintersection.(在十字路口向右拐。)
  • 3、May: Go straight ahead and turn right on the secondintersection.(阿美:直走,在第二个路口处右转。)
  • 4、At the nextintersection, turn left and you'll be at the entrance to Disney World.(在下一个路口再向左转你就到了迪斯尼乐园的门口了。)
  • 5、You—well, not YOU—race through anintersection as the light turns red.(你——当然不是你自己——当红灯亮起时一脚油门冲过十字路口。)
  • 6、Turn left at the firstintersection and go straight to the end of the road.(在第一个路口往左拐,一直走到路的尽头就是了。)
  • 7、But a smartintersection could save your life.(但一个智能路口可以挽救你的生命。)
  • 8、He was killed at anintersection by a driver who went through a red light.(他在十字路口被一个闯红灯的司机撞死了。)
  • 9、If two chariots arrived at anintersection simultaneously, who went first?(如果两辆两轮战车同时到达一个十字路口,谁先走呢?)
  • 10、How far is it to the nextintersection?(到下个十字路口,还有多远?)
  • 11、Du Du was in his usual spot: the middle of Borgela and Sans-Fil Streets, a hilly hairpinintersection between downtown and the airport.(杜杜正在他常去的地方:博吉拉和桑菲尔街的中间,位于市中心和机场之间的丘陵发夹带的交叉口。)
  • 12、The motorway ended at anintersection.(这条公路止于一个十字路口。)
  • 13、There were the churches—Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian—facing each other at theintersection of Second and Elm like wary sentries, their steeples competing for height.(浸礼会教堂、卫理公会教堂和长老会教堂,在第二大道和榆树大道的交叉口,它们像机警的哨兵一样面对面地矗立着,教堂的尖塔争相往高处伸。)
  • 14、Turn left at theintersection.(在十字路口向左拐。)
  • 15、We crossed at a busyintersection.(我们穿过了一个繁忙的道路交叉口。)
  • 16、B: Go down this street and turn right at the secondintersection.(沿着这条街走下去,在第二个十字路口右转。)
  • 17、Please stop before thatintersection.(请在那个交叉口前停车。)
  • 18、Roma is theintersection of ancient and modern civilization.(罗马是古代与现代文明交会的城市。)
  • 19、Can you tell me whatintersection it is close to?(可以告诉我它靠近哪个路口吗?)
  • 20、Simply plot existing or planned modeling efforts at the appropriateintersection.(简单地在适当的交点绘制现有的或计划着的建模工作。)
  • 21、The answer can be found in theintersection of a rule, an event and a trend.(答案可以在一项议事规则、一件事件、和一个趋势的交集中被找到。)
  • 22、Bellevue, a fast growing city, just east of Seattle, uses a system that is gaining popularity around theintersection signals that can adjust in real time to traffic conditions.(位于西雅图东部的贝尔维尤是一个快速发展的城市,它使用了一个在十字路口信号周围越来越受欢迎的系统,该系统可以根据交通状况实时调整。)
  • 23、What you see is anintersection.(你看到的是一个交叉点。)
  • 24、A knot of black and white cars obstructed theintersection.(挤作一团的黑白轿车阻塞了那个十字路口。)
  • 25、This is an interesting time for theintersection of XML and office software.(XML和办公软件交汇了,这是一个有趣的时刻。)
  • 26、Perhaps he would come out on some man-hole at theintersection of streets.(他可能会走到一个游手好闲的人群集的十字路口。)
  • 27、The cars slowed down as they approached theintersection.(当汽车向十字路口靠近时减速。)
  • 28、After a few kilometres, Sam came to anintersection with a stop sign.(开车走了几公里后,萨姆来到一个有停车标志的十字路口。)


英 [ˌɪntəˈsekʃn] 美 [ˌɪntərˈsekʃn] 


