


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:12:13

  • 1、He was chosen for this job because he is fluent in several languages and has ajovial, or cheerful, nature.(之所以选他做这项工作是因为他会流利地讲几种外语,并且性格开朗热情。)
  • 2、Father Whittaker appeared to be in ajovial mood.(惠特克神父似乎心情非常好。)
  • 3、For instance, Fu said that some people now believe she is alwaysjovial, goofy and in over-the-top high spirits.(比如,傅园慧说有的人相信她总是快乐活泼的、傻傻的和精神满满的。)
  • 4、Therefore, we started our interview in a relaxing andjovial atmosphere.(在轻松愉悦的气氛中,我们开始了今天的采访。)
  • 5、Mike'sjovial face seemed to sag.(迈克那张高兴的脸似乎一沉。)
  • 6、A greagarious man, he enjoyed the companionship of a large number ofjovial friends.(他是爱社交的人,喜欢和一大群快乐的朋友们伴。)
  • 7、Sipping his tea contentedly, Chen, a rotund,jovial man sporting a striped shirt with red braces, agreed.(他心满意足地呷着茶,陈,一个圆,平易近人的人运动条纹衬衫,红色括号,表示同意。)
  • 8、My grandfather was ajovial general contractor, so he enjoyed telling a joke or story as much as we enjoyed listening.(我祖父是一个天性快乐的普通人,他喜欢讲笑话就像我们喜欢听一样。)
  • 9、The word came to be associated both with a loud sound and with danger! When someone speaks of a "jovial mood" or a "herculean effort," he or she is using words with origins in mythology.(这个词开始与响亮的声音和危险联系在一起!当有人说到“愉快的心情”或“艰苦的努力”时,他或她使用的词汇源于神话。)
  • 10、Thejovial Choir performs ONE major concert each year.(每年举行一个大型音乐会。)
  • 11、No matter how our day goes, when we're in the company of ajovial character, it never fails to make us happy.(不管境况如何,如果有快乐性格的人相随,我们就一定会感到幸福。)
  • 12、With his down to earth andjovial character, he is one of the most Versatile Personality in Singapore.(他脚踏实的工作作风和乐观的性格,同时也是新加坡最多才多艺的艺人之一。)
  • 13、But it doesn't make them any morejovial in the mornings.(不过,这并不会令他们每天早上感觉更愉快。)
  • 14、He was a large rotund man with a veryjovial nature and a compassionate disposition.(他是一个又高又胖的男人,天性快乐并富有同情心。)
  • 15、Amidst the drumbeats andjovial chants, time passed.(时间在鼓声和愉快的圣歌声中流逝。)
  • 16、He is a tall,jovial man who quickly gets to the point.(他是个身材高大、性格爽快的人,很快就直切主题。)
  • 17、He was a good-tempered man, who found it difficult to keep down hisjovial easiness even by the bed of sickness of death.(他是个性情和善的人,就在病榻和死人面前也难改变他那逍遥自在的态度。)
  • 18、But the beating of thejovial bushy-bearded artist has outraged many.(然而这位天性乐观胡须浓密的艺术家惨遭殴打已经激起公愤。)
  • 19、The other cart had a smaller mule, but his driver had a morejovial appearance.(另一辆车的骡子瘦小一点儿,可是那个骡夫却长得较为和善;)
  • 20、Theejovial beast, which Veronica nicknamed 'LOL' was more than happy to play up for the camera.(维罗妮卡将这只快乐的海豹命名为“LOL“,它也非常乐意为摄像机露出笑容。。)
  • 21、If you had something special to do over that end-of-January weekend, you'll be returning to the workweek in ajovial mood.(如果你在一月底的周末有什么特殊的事情去做,你会在愉悦的心情中进入工作的一周。)
  • 22、Why Dojovial Planets Have Rings?(为什么类木行星有环?)
  • 23、Judson was ajovial, smooth-spoken man.(贾德森是个谈笑风生的人。)
  • 24、The personality is likely to appear veryjovial and human, allowing you to make friends easily.(个性方面可能看起来非常开朗跟人性化,让你更轻易地结交朋友。)


英 [ˈdʒəʊviəl] 美 [ˈdʒoʊviəl] 

副词: jovially 名词: joviality

