


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:50:59

  • 1、Yet some of us are like thatjuggler. We're very confident in our own strengths and abilities.(我们中间有些人就像这位老杂耍者一样,对自己的力量和能力非常自信。)
  • 2、All this was done with the talent of ajuggler.(所有这一切都是用魔术师般的才能完成的。)
  • 3、juggler,juggler, had a great fall.(杂耍者,杂耍者,摔了一大跤。)
  • 4、Thejuggler performed atop a unicycle.(杂技演员骑在独轮车上表演。)
  • 5、juggler,juggler, juggled on a wall.(杂耍者,杂耍者,在墙上表演杂耍。)
  • 6、Or ajuggler hates a shove.(变戏法的人讨厌推搡。)
  • 7、He paid his attention all to this thing, as an idler might observe the feat of ajuggler, without interest in the outcome.(他把全部注意力都集中在这件事上,就像一个游手好闲的人在观看一场魔术师技艺表演,对最后的结果并不感兴趣。)
  • 8、Thejuggler conjured a rabbit out of his hat.(那变魔术的人从帽子里变出一只兔子。)
  • 9、Thejuggler put up such a poor show on the music hall stage that he got the bird from the audience.(这个表演杂耍在音乐厅舞台上演得太差劲,因此被观众喝了倒彩。)
  • 10、Zhuang is a circusjuggler from Suzhou.(庄是来自苏州的马戏魔术师。)
  • 11、It is a constant struggle and I have become a time and managementjuggler but they are the ones who teach me the most valuable lessons in life.(这是不断的奋斗,我已经成为一个时间和管理的魔术师,不过,是他们教给了我生活中最宝贵的经验。)
  • 12、And thejuggler of day is gone!(日子的鬼把戏也没了!)
  • 13、Thejuggler is juggling with plates and balls.(耍把戏的人正用碟子和球耍把戏。)
  • 14、If you win, Firejuggler deals 4 damage to each creature blocking it.(如果你获胜,则玩火人对每个阻挡他的生物造成4点伤害。)
  • 15、Only when ajuggler misses catching his ball does he appeal to me.(只有在一个变戏法的人接不到球的时候,他才能吸引我。)
  • 16、Thejuggler who was going to twirl the basin, puts his loose coat on again over his fine dress;(玩杂耍的人本准备旋转盘子,这时又在他华丽的衣服外面套上一件宽松的外衣;)
  • 17、Ajuggler really runs a race with gravity.(玩杂耍的人确实在跟地心引力竞赛呢。)
  • 18、I never knew yourjuggler existed until this very moment... but yes, I am sorry he is dead.(直到现在我才知道你所说的这个杂耍艺人……但,是的,我对他的死感到抱歉。)
  • 19、You go with thosejuggler, all went to some place?(你跟那些耍把戏的走了,都到了些什么地方呢?)
  • 20、And then caught it like ajuggler.(然后抓住它就像一个魔术师。)
  • 21、Thejuggler collected a crowd of children around him.(玩杂耍的人周围围了一大群孩子。)
  • 22、Daredevil Daisy likes the high wire, butjuggler Jack prefers his feet firmly on the ground.(勇敢的戴西喜欢在空中走钢丝绳,而喜欢杂耍的杰克却愿意双脚沾地。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 23、That's the idea! Now try it with three balls at once and you'll soon be ajuggler.(对了!现在马上就用3个球试一下,你很快就会成为一名魔术师。)
  • 24、Thejuggler juggled a handkerchief into a bird.(变戏法的人把一块手帕变成了一只鸟。)
  • 25、Thejuggler was the amazement of the whole city.(变戏法者使市民们叹为观止。)
  • 26、Thejuggler conjured a rabbit out of the hat.(那个耍把戏的人从帽子里变出一只兔子来。)


英 [ˈdʒʌglə(r)] 美 [ˈdʒʌɡlɚ] 


