
knock at

knock at造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:50:30

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的knock at的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条knock at的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了knock at的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、One stormy night, there was aknock at the door.A young lady stood there, wet, tired and footsore.(一个暴风雨晚上,有人敲门。一个年轻的女士站在那里,浑身淋透,疲惫不堪,脚也受伤了。)
  • 2、Then came aknock at the door.(接着,传来敲门声。)
  • 3、Late that evening, there was aknock at the door.(那天深夜,有人敲过门。)
  • 4、Just when she was going to bed, there was aknock at the door.(正当她要上床睡觉时,有人敲门。)
  • 5、He was just falling asleep when there was a loudknock at the door.(他刚要入睡,就有人大声敲门。)
  • 6、Just as breakfast was completed there was aknock at the door.(早饭刚吃完,有人敲门。)
  • 7、As the brother and sister were about to rise from the table, there came aknock at the door.(正在兄妹俩要离开桌子时,有人敲门。)
  • 8、Back at the villa, I had no sooner laid down for a nap than there was aknock at the door.(回到别墅,刚准备躺下打个盹,有人敲门。)
  • 9、At seven in the evening, the gentleman heard aknock at the door, the villager opened the door.(晚上七点,这位绅士听到有人敲门,村民打开了门。)
  • 10、Months later, I heard a loudknock at my door.(几个月后,我听见有人用力敲我的家门。)
  • 11、I was wakened by aknock at the door.(敲门声把我吵醒了。)
  • 12、They had just finished their meal and resumed their arm-chairs, when there came a heavyknock at the door.(他们刚吃完饭,又坐到扶手椅上,这时,传来了重重的敲门声。)
  • 13、There was aknock at the door.(门外传来敲门声。)
  • 14、Pinocchio went straight to the Fairy's house, firmly resolved toknock at the door.(皮诺乔径直走到仙女家,打定主意要敲门。)
  • 15、There was aknock at the door just as we were about to have dinner.(我们正要吃晚饭的时候有人敲门。)
  • 16、Who wouldknock at his own door if he was staying alone?(如果一个人呆着,谁会去敲自己的门呢?)
  • 17、No sooner had she fallen asleep than she heard aknock at the door.(她刚睡着就听到了敲门声。)
  • 18、Ring the doorbell orknock at the door before you enter the room.(在你进入房间之前,按一下门铃或敲门。)
  • 19、He was scarcely awake when he heard theknock at the door.(他刚醒来就听见有人敲门。)
  • 20、Pleaseknock at the door before coming in.(进门之前请先敲门。)
  • 21、At that moment there came aknock at the door.(正在这时,有人敲门了。)
  • 22、They heard aknock at the front door.(他们听到前门有一敲门声。)
  • 23、Suddenly there was anotherknock at the door.(突然,又有人敲门。)
  • 24、They were interrupted by aknock at the door.(他们被敲门声打断了。)
  • 25、There is aknock at the door and when Sean turns to look, the strips are gone.(听到敲门sean转身去看时,贴纸没有了。)
  • 26、A guy is sitting at home when he hears aknock at the door.(一个家伙正在家坐着,这时听到敲门声。)
  • 27、There was aknock at the door. She opened it.(敲门声响起,玛丽修女把门打开了。) (hao86.com好工具)
knock at基本释义