


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:58:01

  • 1、The crowd fell back to let the fire engine through.(人群向后退去,以便给消防车让路。)
  • 2、Capt. Hunt asked which engine was on fire.(亨特上尉问是哪个引擎着火了。)
  • 3、I heard it--the sound of a fire engine. It was music to my ears.(我听到了它——消防车的声音。这是我耳中的音乐。)
  • 4、Drive Vehicles over to your Compound while they still work. Mobile Homes, School Buses, Fire Engine Tankers &Ladders, Electrical Contractor Cherry Pickers (for Hunting Blinds), Flatbeds, Box Trucks.(把能开的车都开到你的住处边上,最好是房车、校车、消防车、电力公司的起重机(狩猎用)、平板车或运输卡车一类的大车。)
  • 5、What do you usually do? I drive afire-engine.(你通常做什么?我驾驶一辆消防车。)
  • 6、Then I heard the sound of a fire engine.(然后我听到消防车的声音。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 7、The fire engine rushed past us as we waited at the traffic lights.(我们在交通信号灯旁等着的时候,消防车从我们身边疾驰而过。)
  • 8、Charles is a fireman and he drives afire-engine.(查尔斯是一名消防队员,他开消防车。)
  • 9、The fire engine can carry extra tanks or refilling equipment, and a firefighter spends a limited time in the burning building.(消防车可以装载额外的气瓶或者充气设备,而消防员在着火建筑内停留时间也有限。)
  • 10、The cars all stopped to let thefire-engine by.(车辆都停下来,让消防车通过。)
  • 11、Like so many other mammals, insects, trees, plants and reptiles (I'm talkingfire-engine red tomato frogs and geckos shaped like leaves), the indri indri is unique to Madagascar.(和其它哺乳动物、昆虫、树木、植物和爬行动物一样(如:和消防栓一样红的青蛙、壁虎形状的树叶),猕猴对于马达加斯加来说是独一无二的。)
  • 12、Then I heard it - the sound of a fire engine.(然后,我听见了消防车的声音。)
  • 13、There is an emergency. Please send a fire engine.(这有火灾,请尽快派消防车来。)
  • 14、My daughter's first bedroom had afire-engine red accent wall. She was also the bouncing-off-the-walls type of baby.(我女儿最初卧室墙壁颜色是消防车般的红色。她也确实是那种让人不得安生的孩子。)
  • 15、The corrosion protection ways of fire engine were studied in relation to the selection of corrosion resistant materials, corrosion protection design of fire engine and its painting.(从耐蚀材料的选择、消防车的腐蚀防护设计及其涂装等方面探讨了消防车的防腐方式。)
  • 16、It is caused by the Doppler effect (something similar happens when a police car or fire engine with its siren blaring drives past you, and the pitch of the sound suddenly drops).(这是由多普勒效应(类似一辆警车或消防车鸣着警笛从你身边经过,之后音高突然下降)引起的。)
  • 17、Second-in unit, a two-person ambulance crew spotted the ambulance immediately behind the fire engine and went into the debris field and began assessing patients.(第二个进入的单位,是一个两人组的救护车,停于消防车之后,进入飞机碎片地区,开始救援伤员。)
  • 18、This idea of pre-assembling bits of the fire engine has made only fitful progress.(这种待命(pre-assembling)消防车的想法也仅仅取得了一些间或性的进展。)
  • 19、I heard the sound of a fire engine then.(那时我听到了消防车的声音。)
  • 20、The sound of a fire engine was music to my ears .(消防车的声音对我来讲是一个喜讯…)
  • 21、Then I heard it — the sound of a fire engine. It was music to my ears.(紧接着我就听到了消防车的声音,在那一刻对我来说,那就是圣曲。)
  • 22、Were they bad weather, a fire, or engine failure?(是坏天气、火灾还是引擎故障造成的?)
  • 23、Their dusty compound at the edge of town is filled with secondhand models from Japan, including saloons, off-roaders and a bright red fire engine.(他们那个布满灰尘的院子在小镇边上,堆满了来自日本的二手车,其中有轿车,越野车和一辆鲜红色的消防车。)
  • 24、A very severe explosion can damage the crankcase door and cause fire in the engine room.(非常剧烈的爆炸会损坏曲轴箱防爆门,引起机仓着火。)


英 ['faɪər'endʒɪn] 美 ['faɪər'endʒɪn] 

