


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:18:54

  • 1、Our temperaments – whetherflamboyant, phlegmatic, introverted, or extroverted – are quite permanent fixtures of our personalities.(我们的性格——无论是热情的,安静的,内向的,或者外向的——都是我们人格之中固有的部分,难以改变。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 2、First, there’s Marilyn the movie star—theflamboyant celebrity who loves the cameras.(首先,是玛丽莲这个大明星——爱在镜头前卖弄炫耀的明星。)
  • 3、In a country that perceives its scientists as white-coated geeks, probably male, Lady Greenfield is fashionable,flamboyant and female.(在英国,人们将科学家理解为穿白色实验服的科学怪人并且是男士,但是格林菲尔德(Greenfield)却是一位时尚且迷人的女士。)
  • 4、Freddie Mercury was aflamboyant star of the hard rock scene.(弗雷迪·默丘里曾是硬摇滚乐舞台上一颗耀眼的明星。)
  • 5、She became a pop culture icon with millions of women emulating herflamboyant hairstyle.(她成为流行文化的标志,数百万女性模仿她艳丽的发型。)
  • 6、Aflamboyant horse-owner, he has been charged with money laundering, which he denies.(作为耀极一时的马主,他被指控洗钱,对此他予以否认。)
  • 7、Horns have a certain appeal to the moreflamboyant among us, but I've never liked them.(角对我们之中那些更加引人注目的人有一定的吸引力,但我从来都不喜欢角。)
  • 8、Guzman also has something of a taste for theflamboyant.(某种程度上,古兹曼也有炫耀的喜好。)
  • 9、Male fiddler crabs wave an outsized claw to show off, and male hummingbirds display their flying prowess with aflamboyant mating dive.(雄性的招潮蟹会挥舞着它那只大钳子来炫耀自己,蜂鸟则是通过和配偶一起俯冲飞翔来展现他的雄姿。)
  • 10、This oftenflamboyant color brings to mind citrus and sunsets, fall leaves, and jack-o '-lanterns.(橙色像火焰般的颜色使人想起的是柑橘属的果树、日落、落叶和南瓜灯笼。)
  • 11、Cynics thought it was all a publicity stunt by the Virgin Group of companies and itsflamboyant British boss, Sir Richard Branson.(怀疑者认为这不过是维珍集团公司及其爱显摆的英国老板理查德·布兰森爵士的作秀罢了。)
  • 12、Also a lesser known work, this Mozartsymphony combines classical form with Mozart'sflamboyant expressions.(这也是一个知名度较低的作品,这个莫扎特的交响曲结合了古典形式与莫扎特式的华丽表述。)
  • 13、Critics attack his lavish spending andflamboyant style.(批评家们抨击他的挥霍无度和过分夸张的作风。)
  • 14、And disavowal pulls the underpinnings away from a relationship just as surely as other moreflamboyant types of betrayal.(否认无疑像其它更加浮夸的背叛的类型一样,动摇了有友谊的基础。)
  • 15、Itsflamboyant red windmill is recognized across the globe as a symbol of the Parisian Bohemian lifestyle.(其艳丽的红色风车被世界公认为巴黎人的波西米亚生活方式的象征。)
  • 16、And his coat was adorned with aflamboyant bunch of flowers.(他的外套上面装饰着一束艳丽刺目的鲜花。)
  • 17、A cassowary looks like aflamboyant ostrich and can be found wandering the rain forests of Australia and New Guinea.(食火鸡看起来就像一个耀眼的鸵鸟,它们经常出没于澳大利亚铁路旁边的森林里和新几内亚岛。)
  • 18、But even Mr Blagojevich,flamboyant and loquacious as he is, could not quite manage that.(不过,就算布拉戈耶维奇有多么抢眼、多么能说会道,他也做不到了。)
  • 19、But his days offlamboyant appearances in New York, the capitals of Europe and the Arab world, are now behind him.(但他在纽约,欧洲的大城市,以及阿拉伯世界中抛头露面的日子远去了。)
  • 20、The all-Scottish cast is moreflamboyant.(全苏格兰班底会比较华丽。)
  • 21、A big part of the reason is the outsized appetite of Larry Ellison, Oracle'sflamboyant chief executive.(很重要一个原因就是雄心勃勃的甲骨文总裁拉里·埃里森超大的胃口。)
  • 22、However, nothing has shaped his colorful reputation more than hisflamboyant fashion sense.(然而,没有比他奢华的时尚感更能塑造他多彩的人性了。)
  • 23、One of the early meet-ups was particularly awful. He greeted me with an exaggerated hug and a big,flamboyant personality.(其中一次过早的相见特别难堪:他个性高调,给了我一个大大的拥抱。)
  • 24、Unlike the general run of peasantry they had a taste forflamboyant dress and gesture; but they usually shared the peasants' religious beliefs and superstitions.(和一般的农民不同,他们喜欢华丽的服饰和姿态;但他们通常与农民有着相同的宗教信仰和迷信。)
  • 25、Freddie Mercury was aflamboyant star of the British hard rock scene.(弗雷迪·摩克瑞是英国硬摇滚乐界一颗耀眼的明星。)


英 [flæmˈbɔɪənt] 美 [flæmˈbɔɪənt] 

副词: flamboyantly 名词: flamboyance


