
flea market

flea market造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:57:47

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的flea market的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条flea market的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了flea market的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、All these porters, loaders and drivers live here, close to theflea market.(所有搬运工,装车工和司机住在这儿,它靠近跳蚤市场。)
  • 2、Some people like to go shopping atflea market.(有人喜欢到跳蚤市场买东西。)
  • 3、Definitely not the easiest thing to find at aflea market, but it can be done.(很明显这不是在跳蚤市场能轻易找到的,但有时候可以。)
  • 4、Is it aflea market, where merchants pay for space to sell whatever they want?(还是商人花钱买地方来卖自己产品的一个跳蚤市场?)
  • 5、To Sadie, China seemed like one giantflea market.(对莎蒂而言,中国就像一个巨大的跳蚤市场。)
  • 6、I bought some old 78 RPM records at aflea market in the village hall.(我在村政厅的跳蚤市场上买了一些每分钟78转的旧唱片。)
  • 7、She got it from theflea market.(她是从跳蚤市场上淘回来的。)
  • 8、Aflea market is similar to a yard sale, only bigger.(跳蚤市场类似于庭院售旧货,只不过规模大一点。)
  • 9、Have you ever bought or sold anything inflea market?(你有没有在跳蚤市场买卖过东西?)
  • 10、Question1: do you know whatflea market is?(问题1:你知道什么是跳蚤市场吗?)
  • 11、Wei: Yes, it is. I bought it at aflea market in Canada.(小薇:对,是啊。我在加拿大一个跳蚤市场里买的。)
  • 12、What will you do with the proceeds from theflea market we held last Friday?(你又将如何处理上星期五咱们举行跳蚤市场的收入所得呢?)
  • 13、the stool was aflea market find.(圆凳是跳蚤市场上淘的。)
  • 14、He has accumulated so many things from shopping at theflea market.(他累积了许多在跳蚤市场逛街买来的东西。)
  • 15、When is the last time somebody went to theflea market to get something for a Starbucks store?(上一次从跳蚤市场上为星巴克淘回点儿有趣的东西是什么时候?)
  • 16、I often visit theflea market.(我经常光顾跳蚤市场。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 17、Kathy and Evan look around a localflea market for souvenirs to take home.(凯西和艾凡逛了当地的一个跳蚤市场,寻找可以带回家去的纪念品。)
  • 18、There's aflea market next Sunday—maybe you can find some buyers there.(下周日有个跳蚤市场——也许你可以在那里找到买家。)
  • 19、The metal stand next to the desk is a localflea market find.(桌子旁边的金属架子是在本地的跳蚤市场买的。)
  • 20、The containers are situated around bigflea market, street vendors rent them and store the goods inside.(这些集装箱位于一个大型跳蚤市场附近,街上的小贩租下集装箱用来储存货物。)
  • 21、Consider selling your homemade crafts at theflea market.(考虑下通过跳骚市场来卖你的手工制品。)
  • 22、Theflea market was one of the many places forgotten by the city.(跳骚市场是被这座城市遗忘的许多地方的其中一处。)
  • 23、Tom: Really? What kind of things do they have there? Is it like aflea market?(汤姆:真的吗?那里有什么东西?是像跳蚤市场那样的地方吗?)
  • 24、Amanda: How about we going to theflea market today?(阿曼达:我们今天去跳蚤市场怎么样?)
  • 25、Tenant: Really! Is there aflea market around here?(租户:真的吗?这附近还有旧物市场?)
  • 26、An obsolete dining table, if taken back, it could be disposed of only in theflea market.(一张过时的餐桌,把它拖回来,只能在旧货市场为它找出路。)
  • 27、Some dealers at aflea market sell lots of different things.(有些商贩在跳蚤市场出售各种东西。)
  • 28、I really enjoyed going to theflea market.(我真的很喜欢去跳蚤市场。)
  • 29、Eric: Are you going to theflea market this weekend?(艾瑞克:你这周末会去跳蚤市场吗?)
  • 30、Europe would become a patchworkflea market instead of a co-ordinated internal market.(欧洲将成为一个大杂烩般的跳蚤市场,而不是协调一致的内部市场。)
flea market基本释义

flea market

英 [fli: ˈmɑ:kit] 美 [fli ˈmɑrkɪt] 

第三人称复数:flea markets

