


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:57:08

  • 1、Another news is that Rohan has re-designed theirfull-length salopettes.(另一个消息是,罗汉重新设计了他们的全长滑雪服。)
  • 2、That may have something to do with the availability offull-length TV programs and movies online.(这也许和全长度的电视节目和在线电影的可获得性有些关系。)
  • 3、The cover advertises that it's "filled with over 40full-length, annotated scripts."(封面宣称它“由40多个完整长度的、带注解的脚本组成”。)
  • 4、Over the past 30 years, I have written fiction in various forms ranging from short stories tofull-length novels.(在过去的30年中,我一直在写各种各样的虚构的小说,从短篇到长篇。)
  • 5、Copies offull-length movies have also been found on the Chinese sites within days of the release of their DVDs, and sometimes even earlier.(在电影DVD上市后几天之内甚至更早,就可以在中国网站上找到完整的电影拷贝。)
  • 6、Whilefull-length shows are becoming more popular, it is still important to note that the average video is only 3.7 minutes long.(尽管完整的节目正变得越来越流行,但是需要注意的是视频的平均长度仍只有3.7分钟。)
  • 7、Thefull-length feature, as yet untitled, will include interviews plus footage of their live gigs.(仍未取名的未删节版的特辑将包括访谈及现场演唱会的片段。)
  • 8、Instead, Cameron's firstfull-length dramatic feature since Titanic comes billed as the shape of films to come - and that shape has height and width and depth.(而这部卡梅隆自《泰坦尼克号》以来首次执导的大型故事片标志着三维电影时代的到来——这种三维指具有长宽高的影像。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 9、While this might not affect a five-minute YouTube video, it could cause problems for watching afull-length movie.(这可能不会影响五分钟的TouTube视频,但可能在观看完整长度的电影时引发问题。)
  • 10、She stretched herself outfull-length.(她四肢完全伸展开。)
  • 11、The wardrobe door swung slowly toward him, and with it thefull-length mirror.(衣橱门慢慢向他转过来,和它一起的是那面全身的镜子。)
  • 12、In that case, Barrow is right about Blake'sfull-length debut.(在这种情况下,Barrow有关于Blake的全长首张专辑的看法是对的。)
  • 13、At item No. 63, China comes into the picture in the form of a slim,full-length red dress with long sleeves and a rounded collar and golden embroidery.(第63件展品能让人感受到浓厚的中国元素,这是一件齐身长的修身红色裙子,长长的袖子,圆形的衣领,还配有金色的刺绣。)
  • 14、Disney has returned to what it does best: makingfull-length animated feature films.(迪斯尼电影公司回到他们最拿手的事情:制作长篇动画故事片。)
  • 15、If you're brand new to this medium, you may want to start out with a film short rather than afull-length feature.(如果还是这个圈子里的一位新人,你最好从创作短片剧本开始而不是长片。)
  • 16、The bulk of the bandwidth is hogged instead by people downloading or swapping music, television shows andfull-length movies, or playing online video games.(大部分带宽被其他应用挤占了,代之以下载交换音乐、电视节目和整部电影,或玩在线视频游戏等。)
  • 17、Some studios already makefull-length movies available on YouTube free, though they tend to be older, lesser-known films.(目前一些电影公司已经向YouTube免费提供了完整版的电影,但这些电影通常都是年代较老、不太知名的电影。)
  • 18、Thefull-length songs stream at something less than CD quality (128 kilobits per SEC.), but it's good enough on a computer.(虽然一些全长歌曲的音质没CD的好(一般是128千比特每秒),但这对电脑播放来说已经足够了。)
  • 19、A full 82% said ads infull-length TV programs would be acceptable.(高达82%的人说自己可以接受全长度电视节目中的广告。)
  • 20、I've started writing afull-length play, and participate in a local writing group.(我已经开始编写大型的剧本同时还参加了当地的一个writinggroup。)
  • 21、The films are a mix of animation andfull-length features.(这些电影是动画和情节长片的混合体。)
  • 22、She was wearing afull-length skirt which swept the ground.(她穿着一件拖地长裙。)
  • 23、Mass is usually followed by a reception with family and friends, and tradition calls for the birthday girl to be dressed infull-length pastels and frills.(弥撒之后通常是家人和朋友的款待,传统要求过生日的姑娘穿上粉色带褶皱的全长裙子。)
  • 24、He didn't realize, of course, that that would be very much like falling backfull-length on a kit on carpenter's tools.(当然,他并没有意识到,那样做与向后倒在一套木工工具箱上没有什么两样。)
  • 25、The Moonstone, published in 1868, is the firstfull-length detective novel ever written.(出版于1868年的《月亮石》是有史以来第一部完整的侦探小说。)
  • 26、He was sprawledfull-length across the bed.(他手脚摊开横躺在床上。)


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