


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:18:07

  • 1、Thegadfly was written by Irish authoress Ethel Lilian Voynich and published in England in 1897.(《牛虻》一书由爱尔兰女作家艾捷尔•丽莲•伏尼契写成并于1897年在英国出版。)
  • 2、Thegadfly 's endurance was failing him at last.(牛虻的忍受力也终于不能维持了。)
  • 3、Maybe Arthur had been a trulygadfly, flying happily in the sky.(或许,亚瑟真的变成了一直牛虻,自由快乐地在天空中飞翔。)
  • 4、He brings with it important benefits and in the passage that I'm referring to, he defines himself as agadfly, everyone will remember that, thegadfly who improves the quality of life in the city.(他强调能带来显著好处,在我将引用的段落中,他自称是只牛虻,众人都将铭记,是牛虻改善了,城邦的生活质量。)
  • 5、She'd been there 30 years but was still agadfly. I loved that.(尽管在那儿干了30多年,她与职工之间依然直来直去,有时也刺儿你一下,我就喜欢她的那种性格。)
  • 6、So she sent agadfly to bother the poor cow.(所以她派了一只牛蝇去打扰这只可怜的牛。)
  • 7、No matter I live, or I die, I was agadfly, happy flying.(不管我活着,还是我死去,我都是一只牛虻,快乐地飞来飞去。——《牛虻》。)
  • 8、In November 2005, Rosenbaum, who enjoys a reputation as a literarygadfly, wrote a column, "Dear Dmitri, Don't burn Laura!" in the New York Observer.(2005年11月,被视作文学界牛蝇的Rosenbaum在纽约观察员报上写了一个专栏,“亲爱的Dmitri请不要烧了Laura!”。)
  • 9、Can be subsequentlygadfly team who won a great deal of trust and respect, we completely changed his views.(可到后来,牛虻赢得了全队人极大的信任和尊敬,彻底改变了大家对他的看法。)
  • 10、She'd been there 30 years but was still agadfly.(尽管在那儿干了30多年,她与职工之间依然直来直去,有时也刺儿你一下。)
  • 11、It is the sort of book its average reader would have written were he, too stung by thegadfly of self-expression.(如果此类书的一般读者在受到爱自我表现的人打击之后,也能够写出这种书出来。)
  • 12、Behind the car came a motley string of figures--street Arabs, beggars, clowns turning somersaults and costermongers hawking their wares. (E. Voynich, Thegadfly , part II, ch. V)(那辆马车后面跟着一大群各色各样的人物——流浪儿、乞丐、一路翻着筋斗的小丑以及叫卖的小贩。)
  • 13、DiLorenzo's subject was the filmmaker and liberalgadfly Michael Moore.(蒂洛伦佐谈到了制片人和自由牛虻迈克尔·摩尔。)
  • 14、Gemma thoughtgadfly was Arthur, but she could not make sure.(琼玛虽感到牛虻是亚瑟,却不能确定。)
  • 15、My favorite books are David Copperfield, Wuthering Heights and thegadfly.(我最喜爱的书是《大卫·科波菲尔》,《呼啸山庄》和《牛虻》。)
  • 16、After 13 years, an ugly man calledgadfly returned to Italy.(13年后,一个长相丑陋的叫牛虻的人回到了意大利。)
  • 17、Agadfly is a large fly that continually bites and arouses a horse that is sluggish.(牛虻是很大的苍蝇,不断地叮和唤醒那些动作迟缓的马。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 18、One guy said he'd like to be agadfly, like Socrates.(一个男生说,他想做牛虻,像苏格拉底一样。)
  • 19、At first only one newspaper, Hankyoreh, regarded as a provocativegadfly, dared print them.(一开始仅有一家报纸,Hankyoreh,它被认为是一只挑衅的牛虻,敢于刊登这些指控。)
  • 20、Thegadfly insisted that the work should be finished by the middle of June.(牛虻坚持必须在六月中旬之前把工作做完。)
  • 21、Thegadfly was written by Irish authoress Ethel Lilian Voynich ~ 1and published in England in the year of 1897.(小说《牛虻》由爱尔兰女作者伏尼契写成并于1897年在英国出版。)
  • 22、FOR a week thegadfly lay in a fearful state.(整整一个星期,牛虻的病都处于严重的状态。)


英 [ˈgædflaɪ] 美 [ˈɡædˌflaɪ] 

名词复数: gadflies

