


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:18:22

  • 1、Resist feeling pressure from the currentfrenetic and overachieving culture.(要抗住当前狂热和必须成功这种文化氛围带来的诱惑和压力。)
  • 2、This film presents pure escapism—largely due to itsfrenetic dialogue.("这部电影呈现的是纯粹的逃避现实主义——主要是由于它狂乱的对话。)
  • 3、In the midst of your seniors'frenetic, friends-focused summer, make a strong effort to arrange times for them to say family goodbyes.(对于你那已经考完高考的孩子,这个暑假是疯狂的、以朋友为核心的。此时,你应该尽力安排时间也让他们向家人道别。)
  • 4、Methods of changing are often unnecessarily complicated andfrenetic. Through simplicity, clarity arises.(改变的方法常常是过度不必要的复杂和狂热。要简单、清晰地提高。)
  • 5、Methods of changing are often unnecessarily complicated andfrenetic.(改变的方法常常是过度不必要的复杂和狂热。)
  • 6、Lending soared by afrenetic 32% in 2009; growth has slowed this year, but remains a robust 18%.(今年放贷增长速度有所减缓,但仍然高达18%。)
  • 7、But perhaps more important will be the emergence of an older, more mature, lessfrenetic, less consumerist, and more frugal society.(但也许更为重要的是一个久经沧桑、更为成熟、不再狂热、不再物质主义并且更为节俭的社会将出现在我们面前。)
  • 8、She was a hard-pressed personal assistant to afrenetic company chairman.(她给一位疯狂的公司总裁当私人助理,有很大的压力。)
  • 9、Those bike paths I saw on my first visit have been replaced by elevated freeways shuttling people and commerce at afrenetic pace.(我第一次访问时看到的自行车道已经被高架高速公路所取代,人和商品以惊人的速度流动。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 10、There is afrenetic blur of movement, as everyone tries to be busy, busy, busy.(有一种狂热模糊的行动论,人人都在努力去忙碌,忙碌,忙碌。)
  • 11、Swamped. But you don’t have the budget to hire another employee, and your personal life is just asfrenetic as your professional life.(但是,你没钱再去雇一个人,而且,你的个人生活象你的工作一样杂乱。)
  • 12、The pace sometimes verges on thefrenetic.(书的节奏有时候近乎疯狂。)
  • 13、Several hours later, the Lakers beat Washington, 126-120, in afrenetic overtime game.(几个小时之后,湖人经过激烈的加时赛以126比120击败了奇才队。)
  • 14、And desperate it is: The last 45 minutes or so of "District 9" is slam bang,frenetic action that only rarely gets a little wearying.(影片后面的情节确实紧张得可以,在最后45分钟里,到处是爆炸和激斗,很少让人喘息。)
  • 15、To keep up the film'sfrenetic feel, cameras were placed in the middle of car crashes and explosions.(为了让影片看上去更加激动人心,摄像机通常放在车祸或者爆炸现场的中间。)
  • 16、All thisfrenetic activity has doubtless generated lots of income for middlemen in the financial sector.(所有这些狂热的行为毫无疑问为金融业的中介商带来大笔收入。)
  • 17、We are human beings, not human doings and it's very easy to forget that in thefrenetic world in which we live.(我们生而为人是一种存在,不是为做事而存在,而且我们很容易就可以暂时忘记我们生存着的这个疯狂的世界。)
  • 18、Daily life can feel so chaotic andfrenetic.(日常生活会让你觉得非常混乱,抓狂。)
  • 19、In 2011, many shoppers opted to avoid thefrenetic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer.(2011年,许多购物者选择避开狂热的人群,舒舒服服地在电脑上进行假日购物。)
  • 20、The conclusion of the book somewhatfrenetic.(本书的结论近于疯狂。)
  • 21、But the essential nature of the pathogen, its personality, its virulence, remain matters offrenetic investigation.(但这种病原体的内在实质、特性、致病力,仍在加紧研究中。)
  • 22、After thatfrenetic pace slower growth in the third quarter seemed inevitable.(狂飙突进似的增长过后,第三季度的缓慢增长态势势必不可避免。)
  • 23、When we rush and set afrenetic pace, it stresses others and inspires them to rushfrenetically too.(当我们忙乱着和设定一种发狂的节奏时,这会带给他人压力并促使他们也发狂地忙乱起来。)


英 [frəˈnetɪk] 美 [frəˈnɛtɪk] 

副词: frenetically 异体字: phrenetic 名词: freneticism


