
give off

give off造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:56:29

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的give off的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条give off的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了give off的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Light up your eyes and smile, andgive off that same special energy that usually accompanies the full-blown shake.(面带笑意、两眼放光,并且释放出与你和对方达成强烈共识而互相握手时所释放出的能量相同的能量。)
  • 2、The hat and sunglassesgive off that 'A-list' whiff, while her Alexander McQueen scarf, zingy Chanel bag and boots smarten up her black jeans.(帽子和太阳镜散发出一流名品的气息,亚历山大·麦昆头巾、极漂亮的香奈尔手袋、靴子为她的黑色牛仔裤增色不少。)
  • 3、That's because our bodiesgive off complex aromas, some too faint for a human nose.(人体会散发许多种不同的味道,这些味道中的某一些对于人类的鼻子来说太微弱了。)
  • 4、Plug-in electric hybridsgive off less exhaust than gas guzzlers. And when they're running on battery power, they generate no fumes at all.(插电式混合动力汽车比单纯汽油动力汽车的废气排放量更少,尤其是当他们使用电源运行时,完全不会产生废气。)
  • 5、All bodies, no matter what their temperature,give off radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves.(一切物体,不论其温度高低,均要放出电磁波形式的辐射。)
  • 6、Transporting the bottles and keeping them cold also burns fossil fuels, whichgive off greenhouse gases.(运送瓶子,保持水温冷却都需要燃烧固体燃料增加温室气体。)
  • 7、Many flowersgive off a nice smell.(许多花朵都会散发出香味。)
  • 8、It comes from a variety of sources, including fossil fuel production and even farming. Cowsgive off methane, ya know, after they eat.(大气中的甲烷有多种来源,包括化石燃料燃烧和农牧业活动,比如奶牛在进食后就会排放这种气体∶-。)
  • 9、If plastic and rubber are burnt, they'llgive off poisonous gases.(要是塑料和橡胶被焚,就会放出有毒的气体。)
  • 10、Many household productsgive off noxious fumes.(很多家用产品散发有害气体。)
  • 11、Those flowers look pretty but don'tgive off a nice smell.(这些花看似漂亮,但是气味并不好。)
  • 12、Applesgive off a natural gas called ethylene that can wilt, spot, or rot other food.(苹果散发出的天然气体被称为乙烯,这可以使其他的食物枯萎,出现黑斑或腐烂。)
  • 13、Fireflies are winged beetles andgive off a green luminous glow from chemicals in their lower abdomen in a process called bioluminescence.(萤火虫是有翅膀的昆虫,会通过一种叫做生物体之发光的化学进程从腹部释放出一种绿色的夺目光芒。)
  • 14、On day four, The heavenly bodies thatgive off light by day or night are created.(在第四天,那些在白天或者晚上发光的天体被创造了。)
  • 15、The newspaper will quickly compost and absorb the awful smell grass clippingsgive off when they're stored for a while.(报纸可以快速混合吸收剪草储存一定时间后散发出的可怕的气味。)
  • 16、When it recognizes that it's gone inside the cell, it says OK, now it's time to disassemble andgive off the RNA.(当它识别出已经进入细胞内部时,它会说好的,现在是时候分解并释放rna了。)
  • 17、What's left over in the core, the radioactive material, will continue togive off heat for a long time.(留在核心内的放射性物质将在很长一段时间内持续放热。)
  • 18、Consumers dislike the "cold" light theygive off and their poor lifespan.(消费者对它所发出的“冷”光也并不买账。而对其使用寿命较低也颇有微词。)
  • 19、Face directly forward during a conversation togive off the impression that you're truly interested in what the other person is saying.(在对话中要么面对他人,让他人认为你对其他人所说的很感兴趣。)
  • 20、Nearly all astronomical objects in space emit radio waves, whether nearby stars, objects in far away galaxies, they allgive off radio waves.(太空中几乎所有的天体都发射无线电波,无论是附近的恒星,还是遥远星系中的天体,它们都会发射无线电波。)
  • 21、This causes the leaves togive off a red glow, lighting the road for passersby without the need for electric power.(这能使叶子放出红色光晕,为行人点亮道路而无需耗电。)
  • 22、Fireflies are winged beetles andgive off a green luminous glow from chemicals in their lower abdomen at night.(萤火虫属于有翼甲虫类,在晚上它们通过腹部的化学物质放出绿色光亮。)
  • 23、L Glowing nebulae are named because theygive off a dim, red light, as the hydrogen gas in them is heated by radiation from nearby stars.(l有一种星云叫亮星云,它们发出暗淡的红光,这种红光是因为构成星云的氢气受到附近星体的射线激发而发出的光线。)
  • 24、These fuelsgive off heat when they burn.(当这些燃料燃烧时释放出热能。)
  • 25、When neutrinos interact with electrons or nuclei of those water or oil molecules, theygive off a flash of light that sensors can detect.(当中微子与那些水分子或油分子的电子或原子核相互作用时,会发出传感器可以检测到的闪光。)
  • 26、Some very important discoveries have been made by this technology, especially you consider that some objects in spacegive off radio waves but don't emit any light.(运用这项技术后,已取得了一些非常重要的发现,尤其是考虑到太空中的一些物体会发出无线电波,但不会发出任何光。)
  • 27、Firefliesgive off flashes of light when they fly at night.(萤火虫夜间飞行时发出闪光。)
  • 28、What the single guy could learn: It's tough to pull off for some, but you could alwaysgive off the appearance of a bad boy.(单身男人要知道的事情:对某些人来说很难实现,但无论如何你总可以表面上扮成坏小子吧。)
give off基本释义

give off

英 [ɡiv ɔf] 美 [ɡɪv ɔf] 

发出; 放出; 散发出; 放射出
