
green beans

green beans造句

更新时间:2024-06-03 12:21:22

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的green beans的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条green beans的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了green beans的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Buygreen beans, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, Onions, and potatoes.(买绿豆、胡萝卜、青椒、西红柿、洋葱和土豆。)
  • 2、green beans are one of the healthiest foods you can eat during the holidays (or any time of year).(青豆是你在假期(或一年中的任何时候)可以吃的最健康的食物之一。)
  • 3、Mix diced carrots, celery,green beans, fresh broccoli, and cauliflower with your favorite greens and store in an airtight container.(把切碎的胡萝卜,芹菜,四季豆,新鲜的花椰菜,你最喜欢的绿菜花拌起来,然后把他们储藏在一个密闭容器里。)
  • 4、Thankfully, at this moment the rest of the food was delivered. I scooped up somegreen beans with chilli and hoped the subject would change.(幸好这时所有的菜都上齐了,我舀了些绿豆和辣椒,希望可以转换话题。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 5、Sprinkle chopped, toasted pecans or walnuts overgreen beans.(在青豆上撒少量打碎的烤胡桃仁或核桃仁。)
  • 6、Wang Zhongxue's family members sort through the "green beans" of this year's harvest.(王中学的一家人分检今年收获的咖啡豆。)
  • 7、Server: no. We have pork andgreen beans. We have noodles on Wednesday.(伺候者:没有。我们吃猪肉和青豆。我们吃面条在星期三。)
  • 8、Those are tomatoes andgreen beans over there.(那边的那些是西红柿和青豆。)
  • 9、The Gherkin is cunningly crafted out of two types of melon and embedded withgreen beans to highlight its renowned spiraling glass frames.(小黄瓜大厦由两种瓜类巧妙建成,并饰以青豆,以突出其著名的螺旋形玻璃框架。)
  • 10、Each of us chose from the many pots of tomato juice,green beans and jelly.(我们每个人都从许多罐番茄汁、青豆和果冻中挑选。)
  • 11、"When I go to my cellar and get my owngreen beans and potatoes, I know I won't go hungry," he said.(“我去地窖,拿自己的青豆和土豆的时候,我知道我不会饿死,”他说道。)
  • 12、green beans go into the pot.(绿豆进入锅中。)
  • 13、Steven: Umm,green beans.(史蒂文:嗯,买青豆吧。)
  • 14、The Houses of Parliament are built from a mix of asparagus,green beans and runner beans which are mixed with baby sweetcorn to depict the intricate stonework.(英国国会大厦是由芦笋、青豆和红花菜豆与甜玉米混合而成,以描绘复杂的石雕。)
  • 15、I have Onions andgreen beans.(我吃洋葱和青豆。)
  • 16、You have a choice of vegetables,green beans, or spinach.(你可以选择蔬菜:青碗豆或菠菜。)
  • 17、Or toss bits of your favorite cheeses (including a little cream cheese or feta) in withgreen beans, spinach, or kale.(或者在青豆、菠菜或甘蓝中加入少量你喜爱的奶酪(包括少量奶油或羊乳酪)。)
  • 18、Half the mice were fed a vegetable-free diet and half the mice were fed a diet which included broccoli,green beans, corn, peas and carrots.(一半老鼠采用无蔬菜饮食喂养,另一半老鼠采用包含花椰菜、青豆、玉米、豌豆和胡萝卜的饮食喂养。)
  • 19、Green peas,green beans, and sweet corn are picked before maturity to obtain succulent textures and sweetness.(豌豆、青刀豆和甜玉米在成熟前摘下是为了获得多汁鲜嫩的质构和甜味。)
  • 20、"It's good to be back where people know how to cookgreen beans," he said, referring to the Southern habit of boiling them to death.(他所说的就是南方人把豆子熬到糊烂的习惯。)
  • 21、Foods high in this mineral are asparagus,green beans, tomatoes, celery, carrots, spinach, oranges, peaches, plums, apricots, and wild rice.(富含这种矿物质的食物有芦笋、青豆、蕃茄、芹菜、红萝卜、菠菜、桔子、桃子、李子、杏子,和水菰。)
  • 22、Sarah: I have Onions andgreen beans.(莎拉:我吃洋葱和青豆。)
  • 23、What kind of vegetable would you like? We have a choice of fresh asparagus,green beans, spinach and grilled tomatoes.(您想要哪种蔬菜?我们有新鲜的芦笋、豆角、菠菜和烤熟的西红柿供您选择。)
  • 24、I'm a fan of walnuts, bakedgreen beans, and fruit with almond butter.(我喜欢核桃、烤四季豆和杏仁奶油和水果。)
  • 25、Thegreen beans can be supplied in bulk or in gunny bags.(青豆可以散装,也可以用麻袋装。)
  • 26、We plantedgreen beans and tomatoes.(我们也种了四季豆和蕃茄。)
  • 27、When I was 10, my aunt told me she would give me five dollars if I finished mygreen beans.(10岁那年,阿姨对我说,如果吃完了青豆就奖励我5美金。)
  • 28、You can save up to $23 per plant by building an edible garden with big-ticket vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, andgreen beans.(你可以用西红柿、黄瓜和青豆等高价蔬菜建造一个可食用的菜园,这样每株植物可以节省23美元。)
green beans基本释义

green beans

原级:green bean

青豆;青刀豆,四季豆( green bean的名词复数 );
