
grind out

grind out造句

更新时间:2024-06-10 12:16:44

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的grind out的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条grind out的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了grind out的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、But our home form is looking really good again and we showed against United that, when we need togrind out a result, we can achieve that.(但是我们在主场做的非常棒,我们也向曼联展示了我们的实力,当我们需要努力并取得好结果时,我们能够做到。)
  • 2、This last mile will perhaps be more difficult togrind out than all the ones that came before it.(要打通这最后一公里,可能比打通前面所有的路都难。)
  • 3、The reactions grind to a halt over the next few days, as the falling Jenga towers run out of other towers they can actually hit.(在接下来的几天,反应渐渐停止,就像积木堆撞倒其他塔一样。)
  • 4、Arsenal must learn togrind out results if they want to win silverware, according to Theo Walcott.(用沃尔科特的话来说,如果想要赢得冠军,阿森纳必须学会踢得更“粗犷”一点。)
  • 5、We have to continue to grind it out and do the right things.(我们必须得继续研磨,做对的事情。)
  • 6、During the grind-it-out phase, the three golden rules are focus, focus, and focus.(煎熬期的黄金法则有三条:专注,专注,还是专注。)
  • 7、When I needed togrind out a report or design a page, I needed the precision of my otherwise anachronistic mouse.(当我需要写一份报告或设计一个页面时,我需要也许显得有些过时的鼠标带来的精准操控。)
  • 8、The six-week lull before the primary meant that all eyes were on the state and both candidates had time togrind out their campaigns.(长达6周初选间隔,把所有人的目光都放在了这场选战上,两位候选人也都有足够时间穷其所能为自己的选战做努力。)
  • 9、With the unemployment rate nationally still hovering around 9 percent, many people are grateful simply to get a paycheck -- but gratitude doesn't take the stress out of the daily grind.(随着失业率仍在9%之间徘徊,许多人还是庆幸有一份工作---但是满足感并不会让压力失去。)
  • 10、This was displayed in back-to-back league games when Giggs tore apart a Bolton side that hadn't conceded at home and then used all his experience to help Unitedgrind out a 1-0 win away at Blackburn.(在本赛季违靠违的比赛中吉格斯并无像人们想的那样得到休息,在迎战博尔顿之后就马不断蹄的用自己的经验帮忙球队1-0击败布莱克本。)
  • 11、The club normally has an attacking side – it's what we're famous for – but this season we've had a defence to helpgrind out the results we've needed from certain games.(俱乐部最主要的是进攻,我们就是因为进攻出名的。但本赛季我们的防线帮了大忙。)
  • 12、Take thegrind out of Your Chores.(把自己从家务中解放出来。)
  • 13、If Suwon can continue togrind out victories there will be little room for complaint.(如果水原能继续磨出来的胜利将有投诉的余地不大。)
  • 14、When you only focus on a big goal someday, it's easy to get burned out by the daily grind.(当你只将注意力放在一个大目标的时候,你很容易就被日常单调的事情磨得筋疲力竭。)
  • 15、She had no axe to grind and was only acting out of concern for their safety.(她毫无私心,这样做只是出于对他们安全的担心。)
  • 16、And that we will need togrind out this recovery step by step.(我们需要脚踏实地,逐步实现经济复苏。)
  • 17、In his memo, Mr. Schultz mentioned the automated machines that grind coffee beans and spit out espresso with little human intervention.(在舒尔茨的小册子里,他还提到自动咖啡机使得在整个从咖啡豆的研磨到淬取到咖啡浓缩液的咖啡制做过程中很少有人为因素的干预。)
  • 18、In his first Premier League start of the season, Ben Foster was delighted to help Unitedgrind out another crucial win in the title race.(本赛季首次在联赛中首发,本。福斯特很高兴能帮助曼联取得夺冠道路上的一场关键的胜利。)
  • 19、Paul Pierce has two more years with Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett, Rajon Rondo, and enough size with Kendrick Perkins and Glen Davis togrind out seven nasty games against you when you fail to rebound.(皮尔斯还能跟雷阿伦,加内特和朗多再并肩战两年,再加上帕金斯和戴维斯这种内线强将,只要你没把握好机会,他们是能够在七场大战中跟你纠缠到底。)
  • 20、Glaciers slowly grind their way over mountains and plains, moving immense boulders and carving out fjords.(冰川会在它们移动的路上慢慢地磨损山地、平原、漂浮着的巨石,并且还会慢慢“雕刻”出海湾。)
  • 21、I feel as though these games work to our advantage, because we grind games out!(我觉得这些比赛充分展现了我们的优势,因为我们总能苦战过关!)
  • 22、When things get more execution-focused, you become more of a cog and you justgrind out the work.(当情况更加倾向于执行,你更像是成为了一个齿轮,你只要努力出活。)
  • 23、Instead, they can use the new underground station at Triangeln, cutting a transfer to a bus or cab out of their daily grind.(相反,他们可以使用新建成的Triangein站地铁,再也不用每天都换乘公交或出租车了。)
  • 24、In 2011, I hope that Spurs continue togrind out results against the teams that historically we find hard to break down.(2011年,我希望热刺能够面对一些强队打出历史性的好成绩。)
  • 25、But if you find these flaws you then, the solution is grind it out and weld overlay, take different weld and weld overlay so that you can avoid the leak that may occur.(但是,如果你找到这些裂痕,解决方法就是将它磨碎焊接覆盖物,将不同的焊接,焊接上覆盖层,所以,你就能够避免可能发生的泄露。)
grind out基本释义

grind out

英 [ɡraind aut] 美 [ɡraɪnd aʊt] 

沙哑地讲; 生产出; 创作出; 弹奏
