


更新时间:2024-05-06 12:25:29

  • 1、The fundamental way to break up theheretical religion is to improve the scientific quality of the whole nation.(只有提高全民族的科学理性素质,才是破邪的根本,因此,应弘扬珍视每一个生命的价值理念。)
  • 2、I made the thenheretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.(我提出了当时被当做旁门左道的建议,说设计新机器或许更省钱。)
  • 3、He discoursed through the night with his disciplines, and disputed with certainheretical teachers.(他与他的弟子们整夜讨论,和某些异端的教师争论。)
  • 4、Epiphanius' most comprehensive writing was the Panarion, which details and counters some 80 "heretical" beliefs.(埃彼法尼最综合性的著作是《药库》(Panarion),在其中详细反击了80种异端学说。)
  • 5、I heard him on that and suggested theheretical thought that he leave the Blackberry at home.(听说之后给他另类的建议:不要在家使用黑莓。)
  • 6、The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead asheretical.(该教堂把灵媒和自称能与死者交谈的人都视为异端。)
  • 7、Some prominent doctors are pushing aheretical notion: Physicians have been prescribing statins to some of the wrong people.(一些著名的医生正在推崇一种“邪恶”的观点:医师们将他汀类药物错开给了一些患者。)
  • 8、One critic's response to the philosopher's new work is not that the position it takes isheretical, as some have asserted, but instead nothing new to anyone who knows anything about the topic.(一位评论家对这位哲学家的新著作的回应,并不是说它所采取的立场是异端邪说,就像有些人断言的那样,而是对任何对这个话题有所了解的人来说,它都不是什么新鲜事。)
  • 9、I've written about hisheretical behavior before.(我写他的异端行为面前。)
  • 10、Its existence has long been known, primarily because of surviving anti-heretical works that denounce its tenets.(它在很早以前就为人所知,主要是因为目前尚存的批判旁经的著作中对它的观点的抨击。)
  • 11、It's such aheretical idea that it's not even up for discussion.(这是一个如此异端的想法,以至于它根本不会被讨论。)
  • 12、Before you close your browser in order to protest such aheretical statement, remember Magnus.(为了反对这样一种反常的论调,在您关闭浏览器之前,回顾一下Magnus。)
  • 13、Did we miss a fewheretical texts? Blaspheme us in the comments section.(遗漏了一些离经叛道文本?可上评语栏亵渎我们。)
  • 14、It means we don't get polluted withheretical ideas from outside.(意味着我们可以不受外来邪说的污染。)
  • 15、So, as a Lisp person, it feels slightlyheretical to say this, but syntax actually matters.(因此,作为Lisp的使用者,这么说有点另类,但语法真的是很重要。)
  • 16、Through your writing, you have given new currency to anheretical feminine tradition and have expanded the art of literature.(你的写作把一种新的媒介惠赠给异端的女性传统,拓宽了文学的艺术。)
  • 17、In the old days he had hidden aheretical mind beneath an appearance of conformity.(在过去,他在服从的外表下隐藏着异端的思想。)
  • 18、Even so, it seems that Mrs Herzlinger's once-heretical ideas are making progress.(即便如此,赫茨琳杰女士曾经的异端想法在当下似乎正取得进展。)
  • 19、It was oppposed as worthless and evenheretical .(它被认为是无益甚至邪佞之事。)
  • 20、Among them were sects that had long withered in the West - such as Manichaeism, consideredheretical by Christendom.(甚至很多在西方已经销声匿迹的教派都在这里复兴,比如被基督教国家认作异教的摩尼教。)
  • 21、His book was consideredheretical and dangerous and was banned by the Church for 200 years.(他的书被认为是异端的和危险的,并且被教会禁止达200年。)
  • 22、A theodicy can be seen asheretical or even blasphemous for the simple reason that it — think of what it assumes.(斯奥迪斯会被看作是异端思想甚至是亵渎上帝,原因很简单——想想斯奥迪斯假定了什么。)
  • 23、Gaia washeretical to many scientists because it seemed to suggest that life on Earth consciously controlled its environment.(在许多科学家看来盖亚是异端学说因为他好像是在说地球上的生命在有意识的控制控制环境。)


英 [hə'retɪkl] 美 [həˈrɛtɪkəl] 

副词: heretically 名词: hereticalness

