


更新时间:2024-05-27 13:02:04

  • 1、Lofty goals often inspire business teams, while they oftendemoralize engineering teams.(高的目标通常可以激励商业组,同时他们经常受挫于工程组。)
  • 2、They are difficult to understand and frustrate anddemoralize those unlucky enough to have to work with them.(他们很难理解并受挫,为那些不幸的人感到沮丧,不得不和他们一起工作。)
  • 3、Setting the goals so high was his method of keeping us motivated, and unfortunately it worked todemoralize the team instead.(把目标定得很高是他用来激励我们的方法,但不幸的是这反而打消了我们团队的士气。)
  • 4、It's almost as if it was made as thin as it is purely todemoralize would-be competitors.(看起来做这么薄好像纯粹是为了让潜在的竞争者抓狂。)
  • 5、If you wait to fire them, you'll run out of money,demoralize your top performers, and lose credibility.(如果你只是期待着解雇他们,你将会耗尽财力,不但优秀员工的士气低落,而且你也会在他们心中失去信誉。)
  • 6、Unlike her predecessors, she however refuses to let her boss's impossible demandsdemoralize her and tries to see the fashion world through Miranda's eyes, keeping her feet still firmly on the ground.(与她的前任,她却拒绝让她的老板是不可能打击她的要求,并试图通过看时尚界米兰达的眼睛,使她的脚还是坚定地在地上。)
  • 7、That is what happens when you poison your growth through letting others diminish, marginalize anddemoralize you from reaching your potential.(是你自己让别人影响你的成长,使你的潜力无法发挥。)
  • 8、Part pop psychology, part human-resources jargon, the term microinequities puts a name on all the indirect offenses that candemoralize a talented employee.(部份大众心理学、部份人力资源的行话「细微忽视」,发生在所有导致优秀员工士气低落的间接冒犯。)
  • 9、Clearly, one of the objectives is todemoralize the enemy troops in any way they can.(很清楚,目的之一是他们想尽一切办法瓦解敌军的士气。)
  • 10、When Lee invaded the North, his hope was that he could get far enough in, win a great battle,demoralize the Northern will to fight, and then there would be pressure on Lincoln to stop the war.(当罗伯特李入侵北方时,他希望他能够深入北方并赢得一场伟大的战役,瓦解北方人战斗的意志,最终使林肯不得不下令停止战争。)
  • 11、Torments ruin his talent while sufferingsdemoralize him. Though still alive as a man, he is dying or already dead as a writer.(折磨毁了他的才华,苦难消沉了意志,作为人来说他还活着,作为作家来说却正在或已死去。)
  • 12、Constant criticism is enough todemoralize anybody.(频繁的批评足以使任何人意志消沉。)
  • 13、Nothing in the world candemoralize people as money does.(世上没有任何东西比金钱更能使人道德败坏。)
  • 14、One reason for that is many “failures” are only temporary setbacks, and if you don’t let them scare you anddemoralize you, they can be turned into wins.(原因之一是很多“失败”只不过是暂时性的挫折,并且如果你没有被它们吓到,没有心灰意冷,你极有可能力挽狂澜。)
  • 15、Rumors of impending sanctions candemoralize.(即将采取制裁的谣言能使士气低落。)
  • 16、" Her gossipy and unscrupulous manner, it said, showed "the shameless manipulation of the plot todemoralize the Venezuelan people.(这种无耻阴谋会让委内瑞拉人民士气低落。)
  • 17、The Soviet Union believes that it candemoralize Western Europe and paralyze us.(苏联相信它能使西欧丧失斗志,麻痹我们。)


英 [dɪˈmɒrəlaɪz] 美 [dɪˈmɔ:rəlaɪz] 

名词: demoralization 过去式: demoralized 过去分词: demoralized 现在分词: demoralizing 第三人称单数: demoralizes

