


更新时间:2024-05-27 13:01:39

  • 1、A type of conformity in which group members withholddeviant, minority , or unpopular views in order to appear in agreement.(群体成员为了达到表面上的统一一致而隐藏分歧意见或不受欢迎的观点的现象。)
  • 2、deviant art is a great source of artwork to see what the minds from around the world have come up with.(越轨艺术是一种艺术品的重要来源,看看来自世界各地的头脑想出。)
  • 3、deviant behavior is a common social phenomenon, which is also an object of study of criminology.(越轨行为是一种常见的社会现象,也是犯罪学的研究对象之一。)
  • 4、Objective To determine whether the subretinal space supports the induction ofdeviant immune responses to retinal soluble(S) antigen.(目的确立视网膜下腔是否具有支持针对视网膜可溶性抗原(S抗原)刺激诱导偏离式免疫反应的能力。)
  • 5、Peasantdeviant phenomena has become a very serious social problem in China.(农民越轨现象已成为我国社会一个相当严重的社会问题。)
  • 6、deviant behaviour is one of the features of certain types of mental illness.(反常举动是某些精神疾病的特征之一。) (好工具
  • 7、They are calleddeviant hypertexts parodying zero-degree hypo-texts in the intertextuality theory.(在互文性理论中,它们仿拟的零度原词即是底文,而它们自己则是偏离了的超文。)
  • 8、The later refers to those people in society who benefit from labeling a group or particular type of behavior asdeviant.(后者指的是那些在社会中通过给其他群体或者行为贴上越轨标签来获得利益的人。)
  • 9、deviant material review and disposition record.(不合格材料分析和处理记录。)
  • 10、It also discussed the causes ofdeviant change of steam pressure in heater and advanced the countermeasures for it.(联系运行实际遇到的问题探讨了引起加热室不正常的蒸汽压力变化的成因,并且提出了相应对策。)
  • 11、This is most troublesome for parents. If children are psychologicallydeviant, the parents will be afflicted.(做子女的,心理方向如果有所偏差,父母烦恼啊!)
  • 12、Explore the most popular works of art on sites such asdeviant art.(浏览一下最热门的网站艺术作品如deviantArt。)
  • 13、It has subjective and diverse, unexpected and regular,deviant and disordered characteristics.(其具有主观性与多元化、突发性与经常化、偏差性与无序化等特点。)
  • 14、To know what isdeviant you have, of course, to know what is normal.(要想知道偏差值有多大,当然就要知道什么是正常值。)
  • 15、It also makes a comparison of unethical behaviors, workplacedeviant behaviors and counterproductive work behaviors.(本文还对非道德行为与工作场所越轨行为、反生产力行为的异同进行了比较。)
  • 16、Stated somewhat crudely, increasing employment will reduce the number of people who might promote or even condonedeviant behavior.(威尔逊粗略地指出,增加的就业机会将减少那些离经叛道的人们的数量,或甚至让他们来弥补这些过失。)
  • 17、Your quest is to create code that inputs adeviant pattern and outputs just one base pattern.(您寻求的是创建代码,以使得可以输入不正常的图案而输出应得的一个基本图案。)
  • 18、Because she is a threat she is not taken seriously. Instead, she is dismissed as adeviant.(因为如果没有认真地考虑她的话,她就是一个威胁;与之相反,她因被视为不正常的人而不再考虑范围之内。)
  • 19、Outright scientific fraud is rare, but lessdeviant behavior may be much more common.(虽然恶意的科学欺诈极为罕见,但是略微道德出轨的行为却更为常见。)
  • 20、For as long as I can remember, New York has been set on total canine default with feline being thedeviant strain.(打我记事儿起,纽约就对犬类是青睐有加,对猫科却是另眼相待。)
  • 21、In a culture is seen as a normal move, in another culture may be considered to bedeviant.(在一种文化中被看作是正常之举,在另一种文化中可能被认为是离经叛道的。)
  • 22、Once activated, that region partitions thedeviant chord as a different segment with distinct boundaries.(一经触发,该网络会将那个不协调的音符归于带有明显边界的另外的片段中。)
  • 23、They need to immunise teams against group-think: Hackman argued that the best ones contain "deviant" who are willing to do something that may be upsetting to others.(他们需要让团队对群体思维产生免疫力:哈克曼认为,最好的团队包含了“离经叛道”的人,他们愿意做一些可能让别人不高兴的事情。)
  • 24、But maybe in some cultures, we are more tolerant to what we in Scandinavia would say, is adeviant voice.(但是也许在有的文化地域,例如斯堪的纳维亚半岛,我们很难容忍那种不正常的声音。)
  • 25、You can see some of my professional modeling works on mydeviant Art.(你可以看到我的一些专业建模作品艺术上的偏差。)
  • 26、In order to analysis the workplacedeviant behavior in Chinese culture context, we must exploit the local instrument.(为了在中国文化情境下研究工作越轨行为,就必须开发相应的本土化测量工具。)
  • 27、deviant usability findings are typically caused by one of the following.(这些例外的可用性发现,通常发生在下列情况下。)


英 [ˈdi:viənt] 美 [ˈdiviənt] 

名词: deviance


