


更新时间:2024-05-27 13:01:38

  • 1、God reveals Himself in the form which Hisdevotee loves most.(神在奉献者至喜欢的方式来显现出他自身。)
  • 2、Then Yamaraja told them about a puredevotee of Lord Visnu who had daily recited the fifth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita.(于是亚玛茹阿佳告诉了他们一位每日朗诵博伽梵歌第五章的主维施努的纯粹奉献者的事迹。)
  • 3、devotee care to setting the proper tone.(认真设定适当的基调。)
  • 4、I turned out to be adevotee of the opera and naturally, the name Narcissus represents beauty for me ever since.(我原来是一个歌剧的热爱者。从此,水仙花的名字对而言自然地就代表了美丽。)
  • 5、His love for thedevotee knows no bounds.(他的爱使奉献者知道并没有束缚。)
  • 6、A Hindudevotee prays at the Banke Bihari Temple in Vrindavan on March 19.(3月19日,一位印度教信徒在维伦·达文的班克·比哈里寺里祈祷。)
  • 7、Always think of me, become Mydevotee, worship me and offer your homage unto me.(时常想着我,成为我的奉献者,崇拜我,礼赞我。)
  • 8、The demon however, had a son named Prahlad who was ardentdevotee of Vishnu.(然而,这个暴君的儿子普拉拉德却是毗湿奴的忠实信徒。)
  • 9、Mr. Carpenter is obviously adevotee of Britten's music.(卡彭特先生显然是布里顿音乐的热衷者。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 10、Tat: at least, the monk was using it, while thedevotee was just wearing it!(乙:至少,这个和尚用了它,而这个信徒只是戴着它。)
  • 11、But Latkiewicz isn't the only yogadevotee to pull Star Wars references into this typically too-serious-for-pop-culture workout.(瑜伽这种锻炼方式比较严肃,不适合流行文化。但是Latkiewicz并不是唯一一个把《星球大战》引入瑜伽练习中的人。)
  • 12、Adevotee who possesses it meditates on God in absolute secret, perhaps inside his mosquito net.(一个处于善良型态的奉献者会在绝对隐秘的环境中对神进行冥想,很可能就在蚊帐里面。)
  • 13、Later this morning Sri Prahlada and I, with one otherdevotee, went into Baku to find a park to chant our rounds.(上午,施瑞•帕拉德、我和另外一位奉献者一起到巴库,想找个公园静静地念诵。)
  • 14、As it turns out, Chatwin wasn't the only noteworthy moleskinedevotee.(事实证明,Chatwin并不是唯一一个值得注意的moleskine的爱好者。)
  • 15、This is how the dance of the guru anddevotee emerged in the human expression.(这就是暴露在人类语法中的古鲁和信徒之舞。)
  • 16、He was an enthusiasticdevotee of sports.(他是一个热心于运动的人。)
  • 17、Being love is higher than loving. The realdevotee of God has no choice but to love, he is love.(成为爱比去爱要高级。上帝的真正信徒除了爱别无选择,因为他就是爱本身。)
  • 18、She loves the Transformers. She’s adevotee of Tom and Jerry—watching the warring cat-and-mouse duo helps her think.(她喜欢变形金刚,同时是《猫和老鼠》中汤姆和杰瑞的“粉丝”——她认为看猫和老鼠斗智斗勇,有助于开拓自己的思维。)
  • 19、The "clearing course" costs $3812, but to get to the highest level, thedevotee shells out $14, 295.(“净化课程”的学费是3812美元,但要获得最高级别,信徒得付上14295美元。)
  • 20、If you are a music lover and a steadfastdevotee of Beethoven or Mozart, then a visit to Vienna is like going on a pilgrimage.(要是你是个音乐爱好者,是贝多芬、莫扎特的忠实粉丝,去维也纳就像是朝圣一样。)
  • 21、It is written in the Purana that God assumed the form of Rama for His heroicdevotee, Hanuman.(《宇宙古史》写道,神以罗摩的形式向英雄型的奉献者哈奴曼显现。)
  • 22、Such adevotee literally extorts boons from God, even as a robber falls upon a man and plunders his money.(这样一位奉献者会逐字地向神敲诈恩惠,如同一位强盗展开进攻去抢劫别人的钱财。)
  • 23、A Hindudevotee wraps a piece of clothing around himself after a ritual dip in the polluted Yamuna river in New Delhi in 2010.(2010年,在新德里被污染的亚穆纳河里,一位印度教信徒在沁浸仪式后正在用布片包裹自己。)
  • 24、Thedevotee is celebrating the pilgrimage holiday of Sukkot with a visit to Mount Gerizim, sacred to Samaritans.(这位信徒是在庆祝住棚节的朝圣之旅,并前往撒玛利亚人的圣地基利心山(MountGerizim)。)
  • 25、You are a truedevotee of Lord Jinendra and a perfect householder.(你是耆那神真正的皈依者,也是一个很好的有家室之人。)


英 [ˌdevəˈti:] 美 [ˌdɛvəˈti, -ˈte] 


